View Full Version : linux themes

April 19th, 2013, 12:24 AM
i am personally a windows person, but i have been trying linux out lately and have found it to be just as powerful and much less resource hungry than windows. it is also a very nice and easy OS. i was just wondering if anyone would try tackling a theme or two for linux

April 19th, 2013, 03:15 AM
I agree with you on the point that it would be nice if one of the theming-greats here would tackle a theme for Linux!
I wish I was a little smarter, I would have switched a long time ago. But the few times I have tried Linux, I was just lost.
Couldn't even open a simple file with it....

April 21st, 2013, 10:32 PM
LOL XD it is pretty easy to get lost in the beginning if youre not to skilled with computers. and by that i mean knowing code and how the code works. it wasnt as hard for me to get into it because i am currently in college for computer engineering. the only thing for me though is that im not that creative, but i know how to use many editing programs :sad: , but if anyone is willing to give it go i can provide the different files required so you can git it a try.

December 23rd, 2013, 03:14 PM
I am a little disapointed that this thread got so little attention. I would love to seem some of the truly skilled theme crafters here tackle a Linux theme. There are a lot of things to consider with creating themes for linux however. You have a choice between a number of different windows managers and desktop environments to choose from and after messing around with simply installing themes on linux it would be difficult to create a theme that could be applied acoross even more than just one of the combinations. I suppose a theme maker could choose a popular disto and the most popular environment / windows manager and just focus effort there but it would still be questionable.

Themes have actually gottem a bit more difficult to apply in newer versions of the OS, I used to use PC Linux and you could customize the you know what out of that combination. Now I am running Mint 15/16 and love the OS. Smooth, snappy and smart. Themes are still a pain though, you can install thems for Cinnamon and Nemo but they are not tied together and each must be themed and applied sepately.

February 25th, 2015, 11:51 AM
I did away with Windows after trying Windows 10 TP .. same old thing .. I now use Linux Zorin 9 OS and its not that hard to learn in fact its great fun !, my 3 on line desktops are all Linux now and I wont be going back to Windows, Zorin looks good as default but I do hope some of the great artists here at VC may come up with themes of Linux :girl::loving:


April 7th, 2015, 04:56 PM
thanks for sharing :happy:

September 14th, 2015, 10:14 PM
hmm maybe you guys need to do some research ?
I have been on Linux since the first few releases of Ubuntu and now running mint and for your information there are tonz of themes out there for Linux. I am sure the amount of themes for Linux out weights the windows themes.
Atm I am running a theme that looks much like the theme used to make this website :)
Compiz will make possibilities that windows still only dreams of. Mix any theme of your desire with compiz and you will be rocking the greatest desktop beyond what you could in windows.