View Full Version : Unable to use Cyberfox to connect to BF3

April 19th, 2013, 06:23 AM
Battle Log does not allow Cyberfox to connect is this a 32 bit issue ?

April 19th, 2013, 10:42 PM
Battle Log does not allow Cyberfox to connect is this a 32 bit issue ?

Hi mate Sorry

I Didnt think any one could post here as i closed this section when i opened the dedicated support forums.

Unfortunately I my self play allot of battlefield 3 and the battlelog plugin is on x32bit and doesn't support x64bit i did contact them other then reply's that there is no future plans to support x64bit most other replys went unanswered.

Thats the only reason i have regular firefox is for BF3 Sorry about this maybe if enough people goto the dev's who make these add-ons or plugins and ask them to support x64bit we might get more that work on the x64bit browser platform.