View Full Version : StartMenu Question

April 22nd, 2013, 12:54 AM
yeah i am wanting to make my own custom theme layout my question is with the startmenu how would i go about making one from scratch in photoshop using wsb or would i have to make it in photoshop then splice it and if that is so what size would the size be that i have to start with

April 22nd, 2013, 01:05 AM
Hey, Best way to go about this if your new to theme building. is to grab a theme of your choice and open it in WSB. (MAKE SURE YOU GET ARTIST PERMISSION). Take the start menu out of the theme and put it into Photoshop. use those dimensions. and start building your start menu. Take note of where to cut your images out for the start menu. You can change them but use where the originals were cut as a guide.

Edit: This is just how I would do it. This is how I learned hope it helps you.

April 22nd, 2013, 01:34 AM
how can i take the startmenu out of the theme and put it in to photoshop is there a tutorial on the site to explain how to do that cause as far as i know it splits them is that what you mean by taking the startmenu outta the theme?