View Full Version : Explorer Frame Issues - Image Sizing

The Cat with Two Heads
April 25th, 2013, 05:51 PM
Hello Community,

I'm having a bit of an issue with the top portion of the explorer window frame.

I recently decided to change the size of the image in Photoshop and then import into WSB. When i did so, the program asked (as it usually does) "Do you want to re-size the original image, or re size the new one?" I chose to re-size the original image because that's what i was going for.

This didn't work out as i expected, so i tried to revert back to the old image size. But here's the issue, when I attempted to import the old image back into WSB, i did not receive the prompt about re-sizing, instead, every image i import for that section now remains the 'altered image size'. which causes distortion and stretching in the wrong places.

I attempted to change the margins, but that did not affect it.

I have attached pictures to help explain the situation better.6242762426

The first picture shows the png frame image. The second picture shows what happens to the image when imported.

If there is any solution that could be offered, (Besides starting the theme over) it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

April 26th, 2013, 03:13 AM
Have you tried to re-open the WSB? I mean close the WSB, than open back, See if WSB promote the size again.
If you want to keep or maintain the size ( that you change in Photoshop ) , you must select a 'Replace old image' rather than 'Resize new image'.

The Cat with Two Heads
April 26th, 2013, 03:14 PM
Hi MultiM3d, thank you for responding.

I have tried restarting WSB, i have also tried re-installing it. But no results.

Also, I do understand the difference between the two re-size options. I chose the "Replace" option. The problem is that, the replace size is now the default size for that image section: Areo->Dmm window->Frames->Normal->Top (active and inactive)

The Cat with Two Heads
April 28th, 2013, 11:12 PM
Hi everyone,

I solved the problem. Turns out i changed the 'image set' rather than just the active, or inactive images. Re-importing the original image set fixed the issue.

Thanks anyway for the help.