View Full Version : What replacements are these?

April 30th, 2013, 05:00 AM
I mean what replacements does it bring in system after I use MrGrIm shell32.dll? And how can make them work like windows 7? (get images from shell32.dll rather than from theme?) Please help me

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 10:56 AM
Hi mate,

Well i dont really understand exactly what you mean but i think you're talking about the shell32 folder inside a theme pack. If you have Theme resource changer installed, images placed inthese folders: explorer.exe, explorerframe.exe and shell32.dll will be used instead of some images from the system files(the real explorer.exe, shell32.dll etc). Its a better way to change different parts from a theme(like start button, navigation buttons etc).
Back to your question, how to make windows use the ones inside shell32.dll(not the folder), just delete the folder(shell32.dll folder of theme) and will use the system image.
By the way, every theme uses its own folders, so check which theme you want to change.
if you are talking about 7tsp, just restore the shell32.dll.res file inside 7tsp gui back to the default one, and it should bring back your old images
Hope it helps

April 30th, 2013, 12:40 PM
I mean what changes are made systemcpl.dll that it shows windows genuine logo brother :) and the side bar

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 02:19 PM
oh, so you want to know what shell32.dll folder changes,
it can replace the icons on your command bar in explorer(view icon, help icon and show/hide preview-pane)
it changes the side images in control panel
and some leftover icons in shell32.dll, it cant change everything though
hope this time it helps you lol

April 30th, 2013, 03:00 PM
I mean what changes did MrGrIm made in shell32.dll > UIFile > 1001.txt that shows windows genuine logo in system properties for windows 8?

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 03:13 PM
That i dont know, i hate windows 8. Sorry for all the other explanantions lmao

April 30th, 2013, 03:17 PM
Sorry but that's top secret, if I tell you I would have to kill you.

April 30th, 2013, 03:37 PM
lol mark :worried:

April 30th, 2013, 03:46 PM
if you want to change icons inside 7tsp iconpack or dlls in global (shell32.dll and many other files) i recomanded you to use Restorator 2007 application, the rest you are on your own! :peace:

April 30th, 2013, 03:47 PM
omg, lmao you all are 2 much!!!lmao

April 30th, 2013, 03:54 PM
Sorry what was the question again?

April 30th, 2013, 04:27 PM
Sorry what was the question again?

What changes have you made in shell32.dll / systemcpl.dll that it shows genuine logo in system properties?

April 30th, 2013, 04:36 PM
OK enough joking now, if you want to revert my changes and have the shell32.dll images loaded instead of the theme ones then you would have to change images 633 and 635 to the ones you want to use and then you would have to either edit the 2 UI files I changed to add them to the msstyles instead or grab the default ones from an unmodified shell32.dll.

The 2 UI files you need to change are 23 and 24 62637

Or if you want to edit the UI files then find in UI file 23:

<if id="atom(NavPanel)">
<Element background="themeable(dtb(ItemsView,8,1),window)" accessible="true" accName="CPNavPanel" accrole="pane"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element background="window"/>
<if id="atom(NavPanelWatermark)">
<Element content="themeable(dtb(ItemsView,8,2),argb(0,0,0,0))"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element visible="false"/>

Replace with:

<if id="atom(NavPanel)">
<Element background="themeable(graphic(633,4,0,0,0,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),window)" accessible="true" accName="CPNavPanel" accrole="pane"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element background="window"/>
<if id="atom(NavPanelWatermark)">
<Element content="themeable(graphic(632,2,255,200rp,542rp,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),'')" width="200rp"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element visible="false"/>

Find in UI File 24:

<if id="atom(HomePageHeader)">
<Element background="themeable(dtb(ItemsView,8,3),window)"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element background="window"/>
<if id="atom(HomePageWatermark)">
<Element background="themeable(dtb(ItemsView,8,4),window)"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element visible="false"/>

Replace with:

<if id="atom(HomePageHeader)">
<Element background="themeable(graphic(635,4,0,0,0,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),window)" contentalign="middlecenter"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element background="window"/>
<if id="atom(HomePageWatermark)">
<Element content="themeable(graphic(634,2,255,586rp,60rp,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),'')" height="60rp"/>
<if class="HighContrast">
<Element visible="false"/>

For the genuine logo I added some code as there is no genuine logo by default in Windows 8

In the systemcpl.dll UI File find:

<element layoutpos="top" layout="borderlayout()" padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,0rp)">
<macro expand="informationsectiontitle">
<bind connect="Title" content="resstr(1555)"/>
<element layoutpos="top" layout="borderlayout()" padding="rect(20rp,0rp,0rp,0rp)">
<element layoutpos="client" layout="borderlayout()">
<element id="atom(ActivationGroup)" layoutpos="none" layout="borderlayout()" padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,6rp)">
<element id="atom(ActivationStatus)" class="cp_content_text" layoutpos="top" padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,8rp)" content="resstr(1556)"/>

To add the logo change to:

<element layoutpos="top" layout="borderlayout()">
<macro expand="informationsectiontitle">
<bind connect="Title" content="resstr(1555)"/>
<element layoutpos="top" layout="borderlayout()" padding="rect(20rp,0rp,0rp,0rp)">
<element layoutpos="client" layout="borderlayout()">
<element layoutpos="right" accessible="true" content="themeable(dtb(ItemsView, 7, 1))"/>
<element id="atom(ActivationGroup)" layoutpos="none" layout="borderlayout()" padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,6rp)">
<element id="atom(ActivationStatus)" class="cp_content_text" layoutpos="client" padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,8rp)" content="resstr(1556)"/>

April 30th, 2013, 04:51 PM
@MrGRiM is it possible to load genuine logo from systemcpl.dll / shell32.dll?

April 30th, 2013, 04:55 PM
@MrGRiM is it possible to load genuine logo from systemcpl.dll / shell32.dll?

No it's not possible as it does not exist.

April 30th, 2013, 04:57 PM
But in Windows 7 there s 2 genuine logo, One in shell32.dll and in systemcpl.dll :cunning:

Big V
April 30th, 2013, 05:13 PM
those logos have to be changed in those dll's with restorator they are not theme controled

April 30th, 2013, 05:26 PM
If I import 632.bmp, 634.bmp as well in shell32.dll will they work like they did in windows 7? thanks in advance

April 30th, 2013, 05:59 PM

Big V
April 30th, 2013, 06:22 PM
It is not working for me :( I modified shell32.dll and systemcpl.dll but it didn't work. I imported all the UI files from Equinox theme files. and then modified it as per Mr.GRim instructions but i get like this


it might have helped if you had mentioned you were messing with an idiot OS to begin with lol

April 30th, 2013, 06:30 PM

it might have helped if you had mentioned you were messing with an idiot OS to begin with lol

I said before i was using windows 8 :unhappy: