View Full Version : Cyberfox Custom Homepage

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Here you have an exclusive custom homepage for the awesome Cyberfox browser. Didn't really turned out the way i wanted, but i tried to finish it as fast as possible. Install instructions included, if you have questions feel free to ask.
Hope you like it :smile:



Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?948y91wvxhuofzo (http://www.mediafire.com/?948y91wvxhuofzo)

April 30th, 2013, 02:40 PM
YESS!!!! Freakin Awsome!! Thankyou Harvey,have been waiting for this!! Awsome work! Love it! Thanks for sharing Harvey:Smile:

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 02:42 PM
Thanks bud, enjoy... :smile:

April 30th, 2013, 02:51 PM
Wow! Now this is KILLER man!---Extremely cool! I wonder: will it work in Chrome?
I'll dl it and find out for myself. Great style and coding! Looks awesome.:loving:

Update: YES it does work fine with Chrome!----

I'll have to modify the colors and "cyberfox" text to match my setup.


Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Wow! Now this is KILLER man!---Extremely cool! I wonder: will it work in Chrome?
I'll dl it and find out for myself. Great style and coding! Looks awesome.:loving:

Update: YES it does work fine with Chrome!----

I'll have to modify the colors and "cyberfox" text to match my setup.


oh yes, i made some changes in the code so it work on both cyberfox and chrome. And a recoloring would be nice bud, i'm curious :smile:

April 30th, 2013, 03:12 PM
looks amazing @Harvey you did a fantastic job well done mate :tu:

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 03:15 PM
looks amazing @Harvey you did a fantastic job well done mate :tu:

Thanks mate, i did had a question, i will pm you later ok

April 30th, 2013, 03:48 PM
Now that's what i'm talking about, respect for sharing my friend! :peace:

April 30th, 2013, 04:50 PM
I hope it's ok that I modded this Harvey. Had to get it to match my Launch setup!

Turned out cool---I love it!





Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 05:26 PM
I hope it's ok that I modded this Harvey. Had to get it to match my Launch setup!

Turned out cool---I love it!

Turned out very nice bud, so now it does matches your setup :smile:

April 30th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Love it bro!---

Made all the fonts Vibrocentric also---except the Search; I set that to Eurostile. Also removed the 'Exit' link (the little image-panel does the job fine by itself). You really did a hellofa job Harvey. I wish we could get together and collaborate on some more of these, and some other stuff. If you have Skype or MSN, please add me ok?

How do you like this look?


I hope you don't think I'm just butchering your work Harvey! I love your original bro---I just like fooling with this kind of thing, and wanted to try to match it with my system.

April 30th, 2013, 05:59 PM
This is sweet!!.Looking foward to more of your browser work:Smile:62649

April 30th, 2013, 06:33 PM
ok..everything is good..but..im getting this error when i click on the link that you have for virtual customs.so i also created a link in a panel and it still does it.so then i just searched "virtual customs",clicked on the link from there,and i got in just fine.It is only in VC that this happens..here is ah pic 62654

April 30th, 2013, 06:37 PM
It also wont keep me logged in.usually,i can leave vc and go back and still be logged in.i cant do that now.But even with that error,it still lets me log in..lol.strange

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 06:47 PM
It also wont keep me logged in.usually,i can leave vc and go back and still be logged in.i cant do that now.But even with that error,it still lets me log in..lol.strange

Change the link of VC to this: http://www.virtualcustoms.net/login.php?do=login
that should work

April 30th, 2013, 06:49 PM
good job "Harvey" ... very well done ... thank you :flirt:

April 30th, 2013, 06:53 PM
Harvey, is there a CSS argument to have the main link-box hidden at start?

April 30th, 2013, 06:56 PM
This is only for 64bit, right????? looks great though...

April 30th, 2013, 06:56 PM
That worked:Smile: Thanx Harvey.much appreciated!

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 06:58 PM
Harvey, is there a CSS argument to have the main link-box hidden at start?

The mainbox and searchbox are only displayed if the url says that, notice when you click to open them up the url change. Just remove the last part of the url(eg #base_box & #search_box) and put that as homepage. By default the panels are hidden.

opacity: 0;
visibility: hidden;

dont use display:none cause that wont give you effects(transitions)

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 06:59 PM
This is only for 64bit, right????? looks great though...

No mate,

This works for any platform(even other OS's windows XP, vista, 7, 8). Its just html webpage.
I have tested it on Cyberfox, Firefox and Chrome, works fine. Installation guide is included bud

April 30th, 2013, 06:59 PM
Oh!---Thanks Harvey!:tu:

Harvey Sewdin
April 30th, 2013, 07:00 PM
That worked:Smile: Thanx Harvey.much appreciated!

Good for you mate, again enjoy... :smile:

April 30th, 2013, 07:21 PM
Okay, great.. and thanx for the fast reply..

April 30th, 2013, 07:43 PM
This works great in chrome too.I even changed the heading from cyberfox to chrome.Obviously im not in ah cyberfox browser,so now it says chrome when i go intah chrome and cyberfox when i go to cyberfox.gottah work on my font ah little bit though..lol.62657

April 30th, 2013, 09:43 PM
Well, here's my latest modification of the page Harvey:


April 30th, 2013, 10:49 PM
you can make a transition effect with mozilla css

-moz-transition: .2s ease-in;

-moz-transition: .2s ease-out;

both are very good transitions its endless


April 30th, 2013, 10:50 PM
Harvey (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/191637-Harvey-Sewdin), those look fantastic.

YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/194932-YourNumbr1Fan), you mods of Harvey's (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/191637-Harvey-Sewdin) custom homepages are also fantastic.

XxHackThisxX (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/245518-XxHackThisxX), if i forget to check the remember me box i get logged out after only 30 seconds, hope that helps.

April 30th, 2013, 10:58 PM
ChuckysChild, that's about the nicest thing a YANKEE has said to me all day! LOL!-----(just kiddin with ya!)
I appreciate it bro. Man, I just love this one. Toady and I were on Skype last night, messing with some effects for me to use in updating the Simple one I uploaded yesterday....but THIS is the type of thing I really had in mind!
That coding is some cool stuff.

@ Toadyshadow101 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/208186-Toadyshadow101) : How come the links topside aren't really centered perfectly? I mean the ones on the top bar, (Google, Yahoo, etc...). Is it the padding?

Harvey (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/191637-Harvey-Sewdin), those look fantastic.

YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/194932-YourNumbr1Fan), you mods of Harvey's (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/191637-Harvey-Sewdin) custom homepages are also fantastic.

XxHackThisxX (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/245518-XxHackThisxX), if i forget to check the remember me box i get logged out after only 30 seconds, hope that helps.

May 1st, 2013, 02:35 AM
here's ah question.In cyberfox the search box hangs down below the search bar and in google,the search box is at the end? weird.6266762668

May 1st, 2013, 08:13 AM
Great job thanks:tu:

Harvey Sewdin
May 2nd, 2013, 11:10 AM
here's ah question.In cyberfox the search box hangs down below the search bar and in google,the search box is at the end? weird.6266762668

OH NO, i forgot to put a code to make all the margins and paddings of all browers the same. i must fix it :amazed:

May 2nd, 2013, 04:36 PM
is allright :) No biggie.I was just curious as to why it was like that.Did yah also read about the other issues or bugs in yah TX4 thread? In the quick launch the font is blue and it's white beside it where the arrows are.This includes links,address bar..etc.another person is having the issue in the control panel on the "customize" button and in the "my computer" in the progress bars or the bars showing under each drive.Both the areas are white.Just thought i would letcha know in case yah missed it.This is the best theme that i have ever seen though and i intend to keep it.Thankyou

November 21st, 2013, 11:36 AM
Thank you :)

November 22nd, 2013, 06:37 PM
Totally sweet job on this my friend! Itreally looks amazing.....Thank you for sharing this.....I will grab it now :)

February 7th, 2014, 06:19 AM
I just felt I need to post this because up until now Ive always been stuck in the IE rut.I want to thank Toady and Harvey and Beauty designs cause now Im running My own private little browser,My little cyberfox and I love it so much better than Chrome or IE that Im rebuilding it to my liking.Gotta love it :) I sure do.heres where Im at so far I hope this is cool with everyone.")

February 7th, 2014, 04:11 PM
I just felt I need to post this because up until now Ive always been stuck in the IE rut.I want to thank Toady and Harvey and Beauty designs cause now Im running My own private little browser,My little cyberfox and I love it so much better than Chrome or IE that Im rebuilding it to my liking.Gotta love it :) I sure do.heres where Im at so far I hope this is cool with everyone.")

Sweet!! Is looking awesome.I tried using cyberfox but it really did not do me any justice as it is a x64 bit browser.If i had more ram i would definitly use it.At the moment i only have 4gb's on windows 7 x64 home premium.There would be no speed increase.So i have to stick with chrome for now as it is really fast on my machine.I am getting the maximum download and upload speeds and then some from my service provider using chrome.I cant complain.In the future when i add another 4gb's to my machine i will use cyberfox.I really love the browser.Thanx again for sharing.Can't wait to see it finished :)

February 8th, 2014, 01:22 AM
Xx hack I saw over at the site that they were putting a 32 bit together,was there a timeframe on it? have you tried using a large flashdrive to boost the ram issue? I would rather run a 32 bit myself when it is ready as they just seem to function better,for me even though I run 64bit system.Even now as much as I love cyberfox it loads way slower than it should and seems to lock up too much,and have to restart it too smooth it out,still,IE 11 sucks period.damn it,I am gonna have to figure out why my text keeps jumping to othr lines while Im typing on its own and starts missing so many letters.dont have a clue on that do you?

February 8th, 2014, 04:38 AM
Xx hack I saw over at the site that they were putting a 32 bit together,was there a timeframe on it? have you tried using a large flashdrive to boost the ram issue? I would rather run a 32 bit myself when it is ready as they just seem to function better,for me even though I run 64bit system.Even now as much as I love cyberfox it loads way slower than it should and seems to lock up too much,and have to restart it too smooth it out,still,IE 11 sucks period.damn it,I am gonna have to figure out why my text keeps jumping to othr lines while Im typing on its own and starts missing so many letters.dont have a clue on that do you?

This is usually a mouse/touchpad conflict.I take it you have a laptop? First try this this>>>Go to control panel/Devices/mouse. Go to the mouse properties and disable your touchpad or change the sensitivity settings on your touchpad so it isn't so sensitive.sometimes when a person types their arm or hand may slightly touch the pad causing your cursor to jump.If this doesnt help then make sure you download the latest drivers for your mouse.Did this problem happen after you did a driver update to your mouse? If so,try reverting back to the previous driver to see if that works.Do you use a wireless usb mouse? I had this problem once after installiing the software for the mouse.I uninstalled the software and the problem went away.I really didnt need it as my computer recognized the wireless usb mouse upon insertion.It's ah trial and error problem.Let me know how yah make out :)

February 8th, 2014, 07:09 AM
there are no controls anywhere for this del studio lappy but its good cause you gave me the ans.this my wifes and I use a massive desktop :) hate laps.I was surfing for an answer and realized I lay my hands right on the damn thing :(. dont use It much and realized also that my pc doesn't give me this prob.so its me.go figure well thanks for bringing it to my attention.gotta move my hands.har!hey your pretty good so whats the program thatll tear apart browsers ect to do custom stuff,Iwant to finish my cyberfox and the rest I gotta bully it somewhat.hmm.then im gonna learn myself how to port all these 7 themes to 8.1. I got windowsstyles beta 1.5 now and visual studios,reshacker photoshop c6 restorator and bout all the other programs just gotta learn them.Hey thanks man got a lot to do.also building a A.I. system thatll work with me.That is gonna be awesome all in c# source gonna upgrade micros kira.later.runnin Syn now you should try its free.better than Jarvis he has a head and talks well.synthetic intelligence network.later

February 8th, 2014, 03:07 PM
[QUOTE=so whats the program thatll tear apart browsers ect to do custom stuff,Iwant to finish my cyberfox and the rest I gotta bully it somewhat.[/QUOTE]

A good person/person's to ask about that would be "YOURNUMBER1FAN or MR GRIMM" or another person in here.I used the start page from yournumber1fan and then modified it to my liking.You can change any setting to make it the way you like. :)

February 22nd, 2014, 07:06 AM
Im getting there but I cant find the color codes for the header shortcuts anywhere,the home,exit ect.and I just realized that my search box is under the other search instead of on the end,hmm.

February 18th, 2015, 07:40 PM
Great !