View Full Version : Bottom Details Pane for Windows 8

May 5th, 2013, 11:18 PM

Hi guys just thought I would share with you a new installer I made to have the details pane back on the bottom.

This is just a simple installer, it contains 4 Respatcher files that will patch your shell32.dll UI files to bring back the Windows 7 style Details pane at the bottom, it also has options to have the details pane at the top, also know as Topshell and it can put the Folderband at the bottom.

Note: To have the folderband at all you will need to disable the ribbon first or you will not see any effect from using that option.

The installer has 4 settings, the first 2 settings will display the Details pane at the Bottom and the Folderband at the top, the default way seen in Windows 7, the bottom 2 options will place the Details Pane at the top and Folderband at the Bottom, after the install completes you have a couple of post instal options to either run sfc /scannow and restore any modified system files or to use sfc /scanfile to restore onle the shell32.dll, this will allow you to reverse any changes the installer makes, you can also access those options at any time just by running the installer and not selecting from the first 4 options.

Update: Added a new option to have themeable Control Panel Navigation Panes with supporting themes but as yet there are only my themes :P

Update 10/05/2013: Updated installer with Multi Language support (Stable) http://www.mediafire.com/?l9ewhxo90iz7ec1

Very Important!! Always Create a Backup or System Restore before making changes to System Files.

I have tested these mods pretty good on the VM and it doesn't break any other functionality but that doesn't mean it wont for you, I know that the unsigned shell32.dll caused problems with Creative sound cards on Windows 7.

Known problems:

Does not restore Ownership to TrustedInstaller (Restoring TrustedInstaller caused Boot Failure)

May 6th, 2013, 01:18 AM
thanks for sharing this mark

May 6th, 2013, 04:48 AM
That is great!!!!!! Thank you so much for this share my friend! :)

May 6th, 2013, 10:17 AM
Thanks MARK.:tu:

May 6th, 2013, 01:45 PM
very good Grim ... thank you :girl:

May 8th, 2013, 02:47 AM
If I re-install 8, or run it in VMWare, I'll check this out! Thanks man.
I downloaded a "details pane on the bottom" for Win8 from DA here a while back, when I had 8 installed, and the modification to shell32 did crash my computer. Since you are probably far more adept than this DA clown was, I'd trust yours over his.
But yes, I agree wholeheartedly, backing up system-files (and saving disk backups!) is very, very important. Especially with fickle Windows 8.
Thanks again mate!

July 19th, 2013, 09:17 PM
Mark, I disabled the Ribbon with the 'Ribbon Disabler' you see in the screenshot here, let that program log me off, then back on, then I ran your Bottom Details Pane program and chose to set details at bottom and folder band at top, restarted.....But no folder band! So I ran the program once more, chose folder band at top....still no folder band. The details pane installed fine, but no folder band!

:cold:What did I do wrong mate???


Nevermind---I figured it out. I had to remove the "Shell" folder from the Work for Windows 8 theme I'm using! Duh.......
Plus I hid the Status Bar in my cp Folder Options.


Looks better now, but I wonder how I can modify the removed shellstyle.dll and shellstyle.dll.mui from the Work theme to allow for the folderband, so I can return them to the folder in the theme? If you can (heck I know you can, no if to it), or rather if you will.....I'll upload the folder here and hope that you'll mod them for me? Thanks ahead of time: 63646
Until I get a response from you though, I'm going to drop the Shell folder back into the theme and enable the Ribbon again in my explorer.....with this theme, at least for now, it looks better this way.


July 20th, 2013, 01:15 AM
Mark, I disabled the Ribbon with the 'Ribbon Disabler' you see in the screenshot here, let that program log me off, then back on, then I ran your Bottom Details Pane program and chose to set details at bottom and folder band at top, restarted.....But no folder band! So I ran the program once more, chose folder band at top....still no folder band. The details pane installed fine, but no folder band!

:cold:What did I do wrong mate???


Nevermind---I figured it out. I had to remove the "Shell" folder from the Work for Windows 8 theme I'm using! Duh.......
Plus I hid the Status Bar in my cp Folder Options.


Looks better now, but I wonder how I can modify the removed shellstyle.dll and shellstyle.dll.mui from the Work theme to allow for the folderband, so I can return them to the folder in the theme? If you can (heck I know you can, no if to it), or rather if you will.....I'll upload the folder here and hope that you'll mod them for me? Thanks ahead of time: 63646
Until I get a response from you though, I'm going to drop the Shell folder back into the theme and enable the Ribbon again in my explorer.....with this theme, at least for now, it looks better this way.


You can try using the modified shell I made for my Vista 8 Modern Mix theme see how it looks with that.

July 20th, 2013, 06:18 AM
Will-do Mark, thanks a million! I guess I could open those files in Restorator too, right, and modify the buttons, arrows, icons with those from the work theme extracted with WSB?

:tu:Update: Dayam! Oh now this looks pretty hot!!!----The dark text was what was needed! (Gonna leave this be, as it is, it looks great to me, thanks again Mark! I'm a happy camper now!):peace:


You can try using the modified shell I made for my Vista 8 Modern Mix theme see how it looks with that.

July 20th, 2013, 08:55 AM
Thanks for sharing Mark, this is very usefull for Win8 users! :peace: