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May 18th, 2013, 08:00 AM
can someone help/ explain how to make a taskbar like this?


man I tried for the last two hours to find how and i ran out of ideas and eventualy i ended up with a head acke

i tried editing : the png / content margins / sizing margins and so far no luck

May 18th, 2013, 08:19 AM
Im not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish in this pic. Can you please explain what your trying to do. As much detail as possible. Thanks

May 18th, 2013, 09:55 AM
i'm working on a theme like this (http://haicaoboi87.deviantart.com/art/a-bitter-tired-371917407) and i'm trying to make the taskbar have that wood texture but when i try editing the image i end up like this 62938

May 18th, 2013, 10:58 AM
i'm working on a theme like this (http://haicaoboi87.deviantart.com/art/a-bitter-tired-371917407) and i'm trying to make the taskbar have that wood texture but when i try editing the image i end up like this 62938

Not 100% sure but looks like you need to add your wood texture images. To.....

Taskbar & System Tray, Taskbar, Aero, Taskbar, 1 and 3

and Check

System Tray , Basic, Horizontal, Tray Notify, Background.

Also you need the showdestkop Button. witch is.

Taskbar System Tray, Taskbar, Basic, Show Desktop Button/ Vertical

Try adding your wood texture in these images. I think its going to be difficult to do what your doing because, From what I understand. You usually have to use small images in the taskbar and stretch them. If your using big images and not stretching bacause of the Texture. Then your going to run into some issues. with each image not flowing to the next. But I would give these locations a look. Let me know if this helps at all.

May 18th, 2013, 11:40 AM
MY guess is from the images your doing this for windows 8 I believe.

I can't give u a lot of help as I don't use or theme win 8 but it should be pretty close to win 7 in the way style builder works for the taskbar so first tip I can tel you is working with patterns like that on images takes a lot of work to line up lol

Myself I am doing 2 versions of a theme right now one has a leather texture and one a stone texture in a lot of places including the taskbar and its really hard to get them to line up I have had a lot of experience with textures in themes as well if you look at the skyrim ones I did a while back.

First with themes if your using textures you will want to make your images larger to avoid too much stretching looking at the way u want your taskbar there I would say prob 800- 1000 pixels in length would be a gd idea normally we try to keep images smaller but when working with textures unless they are easily tileable textures you will have to go with bigger images.

The part where the clock is I would guess as on win 7 that would be the system tray image in win 7 thats located here Taskbar & System Tray > System Tray > Basic > Horizontal > TrayNotify > Background I am guessing it's the same location in wsb in win 8 again I have not themed 8 so that might another image in the system tray section.

The small bit at the front what does it do when u hover on that image does it show the desktop or have a function lol sry I don't know as I don't use 8 but as one man army stated above I am guess thats the show desktop button or something similar so that would be here Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBar > Basic > Show Desktop Button again that one I am totally guessing cause I have no idea what it's for.

In the first image you showed the grey buttons with the text on them would be your taskbar buttons not sure if your asking about that but thats what they would be. It's something u will have to work though a bit trust me unique patterns take quite a bit of work to get them right lol

May 19th, 2013, 11:45 AM
thanks for your reply , it worked but i have same problem with the explorer/ top image