View Full Version : Windows 8.1

Dark Knight
May 30th, 2013, 03:43 PM
Windows 8.1 (Blue) preview is due out mid June of this year with the final due out later in the year along with IE 11, before Christmas Microsoft claims. As promised, Microsoft has gone and slapped a start button on the task bar but get this, the start button will only get you back and forth from the desktop and the Metro UI. So tell me, what's the point of a start button without the start menu? I guess this is what the Metro UI has become? I probably would not mind it so much if there was not so much interactive bullshit on it, 99.9% of which I do not need and will never use. I guess as the time nears the final release I will probably load 8 back up on my laptop just to check out 8.1 but I have a feeling I am not going to be all that impressed with it ...... we'll see ......:sigh: If not, no big deal, 8.1 is a free download, just one extra disk to be thrown into the never to be used box.

May 30th, 2013, 04:22 PM
the reason for the stupid start menu button is because people have come so familiar with windows in its original for that most people do not want to evolve from it so in response they bitch and complain about the mass change in the windows interface so now thank you to them this change is coming also windows wants to totally do away with the actual "Desktop" and do all apps and I don't care what they say 8.1 to me is just another service pack...

Dark Knight
May 30th, 2013, 06:08 PM
the reason for the stupid start menu button is because people have come so familiar with windows in its original for that most people do not want to evolve from it so in response they bitch and complain about the mass change in the windows interface so now thank you to them this change is coming also windows wants to totally do away with the actual "Desktop" and do all apps and I don't care what they say 8.1 to me is just another service pack...
Basically all they really did is move the Windows button on the charm bar to the task bar and are calling it a start button ..... LMAO :laughing: I honestly believe that the start menu we have all come to know is gone forever, so we might as well all better to get used to it because we will never see it again in any new versions of Windows. I mean I am going to stick with 7 as my main OS for as long as possible, but there will come a time when 7 will no longer be supported by Microsoft and we will all have to switch at one time or another ....... not that we will like it.

May 30th, 2013, 06:28 PM
this is very true however i believe you will still be able to run the OS but not get updates or support from microsoft on problems on it

Dark Knight
May 30th, 2013, 06:57 PM
this is very true however i believe you will still be able to run the OS but not get updates or support from microsoft on problems on it
True, the problem I will face though is not being able to get security updates and patches after 7 is not supported any longer. This is why those that stuck with XP are just now transitioning over to 7 because as of Feb. next year XP will no longer be supported, especially companies still using XP. Otherwise you are just leaving yourself open for a whole world of problems because of the leftover or undiscovered holes in the operating system that will not get fixed.