View Full Version : All Links fixed again :)

June 2nd, 2013, 06:19 AM
All my themes extras and icon packs have be reupped to 4shared.

4shared requires you to create an account to dl items but its free to use and is the only host that won't remove your files after 30-60 days.

enjoy everyone :)

June 2nd, 2013, 07:25 AM
Thanks Tucker, VC is also free and doesn't remove your files after 60 days ;)

June 2nd, 2013, 07:52 AM

OMG!---Man, the 4shared site wants me to sign-up to download the file?! And/or use some retarded 'download helper', full of addware?!!!
C'mon Tucker! Why don't you just keep your stuff on the VC server, like Grim hinted at????

Well, I wanted Rockstar Orange, but I don't want to sign up on yet another site to get it, and certainly don't want any crap-ware. No offense bud, but this bites.:unhappy:

All my themes extras and icon packs have be reupped to 4shared.

4shared requires you to create an account to dl items but its free to use and is the only host that won't remove your files after 30-60 days.

enjoy everyone :)

June 2nd, 2013, 10:40 AM

OMG!---Man, the 4shared site wants me to sign-up to download the file?! And/or use some retarded 'download helper', full of addware?!!!
C'mon Tucker! Why don't you just keep your stuff on the VC server, like Grim hinted at????

Well, I wanted Rockstar Orange, but I don't want to sign up on yet another site to get it, and certainly don't want any crap-ware. No offense bud, but this bites.:unhappy:

Let's start with first off I host my files off site to avoid the strain on vc's server the amount of downloads my files get would put a lot of strain on vc's server slowing the site down for everyone thats why most of us host our files on other sites less strain on vc's server and the site remains quick and responsive for everyone.

Case and point here Toady offering me to host my files on his cyberfox site his site has a huge package and thanks to my files being there his site was not even able to give ppl the one file he hosts there for download his browser people trying to download it could never get it would just stop in mid download and restart and keep doing that over and over and his site was very slow and un responsive. He contacted his hosting company and they informed him that the amount of downloads he was having off his site was causing the issue so I asked him to move my files offline and see what happens as soon as he did that his site had 0 problems.

By the amount of comments I get on here and vc it may not seem as thought my themes are downloaded a lot but its quite the reverse prometheus alone has already hit over 1 million downloads the strain they would put in the site here is what I don't want.

4shared offered the best services of all the free hosting sites I looked at now first off there is no requirement to download an application thats filled with malware to install on your computer to download files from their site. The reason you are getting that app as a download instead of the files is as you stated you did not create a free account which takes just one min of time and requires nothing from you.

That is not a stretch to ask I could go back to hosting on mediafire and have them block my files after so many downloads and ask you to pay for a premium account to be able to download them even though I reach their terms of service with no issues this problem was encountered over and over again and I recieved many complaints because of it.

All other free hosting sites will only hold your files for 30 - 60 days max if it goes a mth without a download then its deleted and I do not want to have to be reupping files every few mths if this was to happen say for older themes that are not downloaded as much when all of a sudden we get a new member or someone that has not gotten them before wants it and the link is down.

So the choice is that or 4shared only asking you to sign up for a free account which is very simple easy for a good hosting site and they don't delete your files I have been downloading files and using 4shared for years without issue its a fast free service and the only one out there at the moment that meets my needs.

So really not to be an ass about this but for all the time and effort I spend doing these themes to give them out for free without causing any issues for the site having ppl take 1 min to sign up for a free account that you only have to do once so you can download any of my files you like at anytime for free with great speeds and the links always being available is really not much to ask for. Signing up gives me nothing it's just what they require I looked at every free host and for what they offer it's not worth it and would cause me more hassles to keep files online.

June 2nd, 2013, 11:10 AM
Bud, I meant no disrespect at all, and I do understand where you're coming from. It's just that I am signed-up on so many sites, and hate to fool with signing on to any more of them. But.....I may just sign-up there to access your themes, regardless, because there are several I want to add back to my collection.

Sorry for seeming outraged; I wasn't. I was just disappointed that I was required to sign up to this site, 4shared. But, if they keep your files forever, I suppose it is a pretty good deal after all.

Peace bro!:superman:

June 2nd, 2013, 01:49 PM
Thanks Tucker, VC is also free and doesn't remove your files after 60 days ;)

lol i have unlimited bandwidth but been on a grid hosting and his themes using 1tb bandwidth in 14 days was causing issues on my server. my hsp had the cheek to tell my to upgrade to high end dedicated server @ $179 per month lol for a half descent package.

i was :laughing: at them because the money i already paid for my current plan.:anger:


June 2nd, 2013, 01:51 PM
Let's start with first off I host my files off site to avoid the strain on vc's server the amount of downloads my files get would put a lot of strain on vc's server slowing the site down for everyone thats why most of us host our files on other sites less strain on vc's server and the site remains quick and responsive for everyone.

Case and point here Toady offering me to host my files on his cyberfox site his site has a huge package and thanks to my files being there his site was not even able to give ppl the one file he hosts there for download his browser people trying to download it could never get it would just stop in mid download and restart and keep doing that over and over and his site was very slow and un responsive. He contacted his hosting company and they informed him that the amount of downloads he was having off his site was causing the issue so I asked him to move my files offline and see what happens as soon as he did that his site had 0 problems.

By the amount of comments I get on here and vc it may not seem as thought my themes are downloaded a lot but its quite the reverse prometheus alone has already hit over 1 million downloads the strain they would put in the site here is what I don't want.

4shared offered the best services of all the free hosting sites I looked at now first off there is no requirement to download an application thats filled with malware to install on your computer to download files from their site. The reason you are getting that app as a download instead of the files is as you stated you did not create a free account which takes just one min of time and requires nothing from you.

That is not a stretch to ask I could go back to hosting on mediafire and have them block my files after so many downloads and ask you to pay for a premium account to be able to download them even though I reach their terms of service with no issues this problem was encountered over and over again and I recieved many complaints because of it.

All other free hosting sites will only hold your files for 30 - 60 days max if it goes a mth without a download then its deleted and I do not want to have to be reupping files every few mths if this was to happen say for older themes that are not downloaded as much when all of a sudden we get a new member or someone that has not gotten them before wants it and the link is down.

So the choice is that or 4shared only asking you to sign up for a free account which is very simple easy for a good hosting site and they don't delete your files I have been downloading files and using 4shared for years without issue its a fast free service and the only one out there at the moment that meets my needs.

So really not to be an ass about this but for all the time and effort I spend doing these themes to give them out for free without causing any issues for the site having ppl take 1 min to sign up for a free account that you only have to do once so you can download any of my files you like at anytime for free with great speeds and the links always being available is really not much to ask for. Signing up gives me nothing it's just what they require I looked at every free host and for what they offer it's not worth it and would cause me more hassles to keep files online.


June 2nd, 2013, 01:53 PM
Sorry I didn't mean to be disrespectful either, I understand what your saying mate, I don't think it would slow down the site at all though and bandwidth is not an issue either, on our plan we get 3200GB Transfer @ 1 Gbps a month and last month we only used 533GB of bandwidth so we are nowhere near the sites limit.

I'm not sure what Toady's host is like or what plan they offered him but it sounds like one of the hosts I was with before, he is probably on a shared server that promises the world but doesn't deliver under load, I also noticed his server GoDaddy.com is based in Singapore, no offense to anyone from there but I think the US based Phoenix NAP is just a little bit better.

Anyway mate, it's up to you at the end of the day, the offer is there, if you like I can even set up a public folder for you directly on the server where you could host all your files.

PS just found a review of his server and it sounds pretty bad http://www.whoishostingthis.com/hosting-reviews/go-daddy/

What can you say about Godaddy? Quite frankly if you value your sanity you will avoid Godaddy like the plague?


1. Downtime - Site is forever down. Only for 1 minute, maybe 2 most of the time but it makes your website unusable and customers don't come back.

2. Page load time - Type in your url. Now go and make a coffee whilst the page loads. I made copies of my site and uploaded onto other servers and it loads in less than half the time.

3. Support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Don't make me laugh. There isn't any. Send them a support ticket and you will get the usual "reply within 22 hours" rubbish. I submitted an urgent support ticket on Monday as my site had become unusable due to server issues. It's now Friday and I'm still awaiting the reply!

4. Their reviews on social networks are screened by them. They remove any negative comments immediately so that only positive reviews are left.

5. User Interface - What exactly is that all about? It's awful. 27 clicks to do anything simple.

6. DNS changes - Don't ever try to update your DNS with them. My God they must do it by carrier pigeon.

Aside from the terrible technical, down-time and customer support, as a female business owner/blogger that has an affinity for animals, I find the pathetic "commercials" and macho actions of the founder sad, tired and insulting. Ultimately, impossible to ignore and so I moved outta there! Anyhow, there are a number of good choices out there - Do yourself a favor by not supporting this backwards culture and getting a better host for your site...........

I can no longer recommend GoDaddy's online services due to their unethical billing practices. I was a loyal customer since 2005 (an eternity, by internet standards), but after the experiences I've had with their "customer service" (or lack thereof) over the last month, I have terminated my account and am no longer doing business with them. I have never encountered such rude, condescending, curt, unhelpful people in my life!

After reading some of these reviews I think Toady should think about finding another Host.

June 2nd, 2013, 10:20 PM
:laughing:They should change their name to "Go Away Daddy!" lmaoI had no idea they were such a low-end host. They have their commercials on the tele all the time, advertising as something special.:cazy:
But, just like burgers, the commercials always make them look better than the real thing.

I just hate sites that require you to wait 60 seconds, download some crap, or sign-up (the exception being forums like VC and others, and DA) to download. Myself, no matter what, I always prefer to upload to the forum-servers. Less hassle. For all concerned. But I know that Toady has his own site, so that's a different issue. I was meaning downloadable content previewed here.

And thanks Tucker for the time and effort bud.

After reading some of these reviews I think Toady should think about finding another Host.

June 3rd, 2013, 04:14 AM
Thank you Tucker for all your time and effert! Much appreciated my friend....Thank you for sharing :)

August 10th, 2013, 11:48 PM
thanks "razorsedge" :f:

August 11th, 2013, 04:21 AM
it's bad that you have to create an account but I have never had a problem at 4shared I get mp3 files ive used them for a year now no issues.