View Full Version : Upgrading Windows 8 to 8.1?

Dark Knight
June 7th, 2013, 08:55 PM
Got this via the Windows Club:

Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 Preview Upgrade

1. Windows 8 users will be offered the public preview of Windows 8.1 via the Windows Store on 26th June 2013.

2. Users will receive a Windows Update notification and this will trigger new bits to show up in the Windows Store.

3. If you install the preview version and need to install the final RTM version, when it is released, during this upgrade from the preview to final RTM version, while your data will remain intact, you will later on need to reinstall all your apps.

4. Even if you just wish to uninstall the preview and go back to Windows 8, you will need to reinstall your apps.

5. If you are using Windows RT devices, you will have to reinstall all your Windows Store apps. For Windows 8 systems, you will have to reinstall both, your Windows Store apps as well as the Desktop programs.

6. Once the final version of Windows 8.1 is released, in this case too, a Windows Update notification will be seen.

7. If you chose to directly upgrade to the final RTM version, you data, apps and installed programs will remain intact as they were. You will not be required to reinstall any apps.

So in short, if you as a Windows 8 user decide to install the Windows 8.1 Public Preview version, remember that you will have to reinstall your software, when you rollback to Windows 8 or move over to Windows 8.1 Final RTM version.
The Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 upgrade would be comparable to how the Windows 7 to Windows 8 upgrade managed user settings, data and apps. Windows 8.1 is expected to remove some old components, temporary files and improve upon NTFS compression. Users can also expect to see a reduced footprint size for Windows 8.1, as compared to Windows 8. 4GB of free space will be required to install the Windows 8.1 preview build and its installation in no way will replace the recovery partition, reports ZDNet (http://www.zdnet.com/microsoft-goes-public-with-windows-8-1-upgrade-policies-7000016419/).

Looks like nothing but headaches for the themeing community .......... :sigh:

June 7th, 2013, 11:50 PM
Gawd, these people at MS are retarded, eh?:crazy:

June 8th, 2013, 12:25 AM
Sucks to be a windows 8 user glad i never liked windows 8. I think people should switch back to windows 7 and when they roll out the 8.1 update and find its downloaded and installed less times then windows 8 it has to send a clear message to MS that people dont want this crap forced upon them.

Funny thing is unless everyone in the world bands together and don't use windows 8 and make a stand MS will continue to force this type crap on us.

I can see the future of windows been very bad for the user unless we make them change direction.

June 8th, 2013, 12:50 AM
There's already been a clear drop in pc sales since 8 was released, and MS is hoping that adding a silly button-logo to access the All Programs feature, along with a couple of other minor changes, will make it all better. What morons. They are willfully ignoring the fact that people don't want the ENTIRE OS, not just that they are un-used to the ui changes, like a start-logo thingy will solve everything that's wrong with it. And hard-coding stuff like Bing technology and SkyDrive with it---not to mention the license-key! coded into the mb--- is just too much. I hated having to sign-in with my MS account, because I never had one until I was forced to sign up for one. And I didn't like thinking that possibly who-knows-who was always spying on me through these myriad apps and running processes! I had my affair with Windows 8, saw what I needed to see, and removed it permanently from my computer finally. Took me some going back-and-forth, but I thoroughly HATE the thing now. I hate almost ALL the new "technology" they are rolling out on us, to be honest. None of it is for the purpose of making the end-user happy.....ALL of it is sneaky and nefarious.


Dark Knight
June 8th, 2013, 05:26 PM
Well, the way I see it, most of the changes they made will make 8.1 a step up from 8, BUT the issue of the start button is just downright stupid. Does Microsoft really think by just taking the Windows icon from the charm bar and slapping it on the task bar constitutes a start button? It does the same exact thing it does on the charm bar which is move you from the desktop to the metro ui (start page).
They really take people for idiots.

Windows 8 sales right now are significantly behind where Vista was at this point in time and I really do not think 8.1 is going to help boost sales. Especially with buisnesses whom are now JUST switching over from XP to 7 and they wouldn't even be doing that if support for XP wasn't ending next February. MOST business owners I speak to are not by any means interested in Windows 8 at all.

Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 and 8.whatever afterwards is probably going to go down as the biggest flop of an OS anyone has seen, hell I'd take Windows 98/ME over 8 right now.