View Full Version : Min, Max and Exit buttons wont change.

June 7th, 2013, 10:44 PM
Im a little green when it comes to themes and getting them perfect, but no matter what theme i use, whether or not im using stardock or not, the minimize, maximize and exit buttons always stay the same normal windows ones on any app or folder i have open. Im sure its an easy fix(hoping at least), but i have no idea.

Any help would be welcome, thank you in advance.

June 7th, 2013, 11:14 PM
Im a little green when it comes to themes and getting them perfect, but no matter what theme i use, whether or not im using stardock or not, the minimize, maximize and exit buttons always stay the same normal windows ones on any app or folder i have open. Im sure its an easy fix(hoping at least), but i have no idea.

Any help would be welcome, thank you in advance.

Could you maybe post a screenshot So we can see whats going on. I will be glad to help figure this out with ya. Thanks

June 7th, 2013, 11:52 PM
Could you maybe post a screenshot So we can see whats going on. I will be glad to help figure this out with ya. Thanks




Those are 3 different themes, and non of them are supposed to have min, max and exit buttons like that. Besides the min, max and exit buttons, in the last picture i posted the letters in the drop box are supposed to be a neon blue color but show up dark. Also when i open the volume control, the outside edging it the right theme, but inside its white like how it comes standard with windows themes. It seems like the themes are being overridden or something.

thanks for replying, and any other info you need i will gladly give to help get this solved.

June 8th, 2013, 12:27 AM
Sent you a PM

August 8th, 2013, 10:11 AM
I had this issue along with aero seemingly not re-enabling, your aero is working I can see but try this, re-run theme patcher you used, I had to do that and tsp7 to fix my issues, I have posted how I fixed this on one of my posts (not many as you can see so shouldn't be hard to find for additional info)