View Full Version : so here is my idea i need feed back very important

June 12th, 2013, 04:57 PM
ok here it is ive taken the 7tsp topshell hud icons and im going in and inputting and updating the files to work on windows 8 ...Will this actually work??? id really like information or thoughts of this idea this is what im curently working on for instance like the action center icon in this hud pack it seems like i could take the system files within the .dll currently running on windows 8 and input them in with the hud version so very big idea but i want to know how others feel and if you think it will work or not.....thanks

June 12th, 2013, 06:08 PM
Dear polterghozt,
i think from my experiences there are 7tsp iconpack for windows 7 and ones for windows 8, i personally didnt have a chance to try 7tsp on windows 8 but you should try using some virtual os from some freeware applications for test purposes, maybe that's the way how you can easy and safely test 7tsp iconpack on your pc, hope this help!

June 12th, 2013, 06:23 PM
i understand what your saying however im taking .dll files and making the ones that worked in windows 7 work on windows 8 the only one so far ive had probs with is the action center however i see a work around on that due to the fact all i got to do is pull the ones from this system copy to desktop input new hud icons into it to replace the old and it should work:Smile:

June 12th, 2013, 06:45 PM
i understand what your saying however im taking .dll files and making the ones that worked in windows 7 work on windows 8 the only one so far ive had probs with is the action center however i see a work around on that due to the fact all i got to do is pull the ones from this system copy to desktop input new hud icons into it to replace the old and it should work:Smile:
well you can skip some .dll files if you dont have proper icons for them, 7tsp iconpack will work normally! :peace: