View Full Version : Dark Side of the Prism

Dark Knight
June 17th, 2013, 04:58 PM
Get the new Firefox add on "Dark side of the Prism" that will notify you everytime you come across a site that is being monitored by the Prism.

Read about it here - Dark Side of the Prism (http://projects.justinblinder.com/Dark-side-of-the-Prism) at the creators website or here Dark Side of the Prism via The Windows Club (http://www.thewindowsclub.com/dark-side-of-the-prism-firefox-addon-prism?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheWindowsClub+(The+Windows+Club))

Download the addon through your Firefox Add-ons panel by typing "Dark Side of the Prism" into the add on search bar.

I have it installed and not only does it flag websites but it also flags adds banners and such, it actually flags the adds running here on VC, it also flags some of the ads that run on my ISP homepage also, if this is a fact we are all in for world of shit because Prism would be then tracking more than just websites. :evil:
Funny thing though, I visited a couple a respected porn sites out of curiosity and it doesn't seem to flag those :cheeky:

Try it out for yourself if you use Firefox.

*EDIT* - If you use this add on in conjunction with the "Do not track me" add on for Firefox, Dark Side of the Prism will not sound on every single site you visit, just on the main sites it is monitoring.

June 17th, 2013, 06:59 PM
This is an interesting concept as i have been reading alot about "prism" lately,even in the newspapers.No one is safe from prying eyes anymore online.Thankyou for this,will give it ah try. :)

Dark Knight
June 17th, 2013, 09:37 PM
This is an interesting concept as i have been reading alot about "prism" lately,even in the newspapers.No one is safe from prying eyes anymore online.Thankyou for this,will give it ah try. :)

Honestly, I don't care how you try to protect yourself online, I really do not think you can get around this one. Everyone and everything leaves some sort of trail behind. The thing is to minimize that trail as much as possible.