View Full Version : here is ah question for yah's

July 8th, 2013, 04:10 PM
out of curiousity,i just thought i would see just how geeky yah's really are..lol some may know the answer to this question,and then again none of you may not.I know the answer.lets see who else does just for fun :) please answer WITHOUT looking it up online.

QUESTION: can you or can you not repair a corrupted bios chip? If so,how do you repair it.Or do you have to go buy another one?

July 8th, 2013, 04:16 PM
You can repair it.:Smug:

(I cheated though, looked it up. I was a stoner in school, not a geek, so what do ya expect?)

July 8th, 2013, 04:43 PM
I'm not into geek category also my friend, but i think everything can be fixed with pc's, specially hardware components, specially if you go to electronic school, but i dont know how to fix it, in my case i will buy new one for sure! :cheeky:

Chris Massagee
July 8th, 2013, 06:26 PM
im sure u can fix anything aslong as u have ducktape and superglue :laughing:

July 8th, 2013, 08:20 PM
lol..i didnt say "broken".I said "corrupted".

A Guy
July 9th, 2013, 04:43 AM
You can use another chip to boot, pull the other chip and replace it with the corrupted chip once the system is running, then flash the corrupted chip using the correct flashing method for your system. In theory anyway ;) A Guy

July 22nd, 2013, 10:45 PM
you can repair it. i know this because i saw YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/194932-YourNumbr1Fan)'s answer before i could google it :Smile: . did i win? :Smile:

July 22nd, 2013, 11:47 PM
Thanx all for yah reply's. Here is yah answer: :)

If your system has a Corrupted Bios and won't Post this will work.. It is Mainly Called "hot Flashing" There is ah difference between just flashing your bios and "hot flashing"
This is how
1. Remove the corrupted Bios chip from the motherboard.

2. Find somebody or another Mobo with the same style socket and boot that system to windows or Dos depending on which flash program you are using.

3. while the system is running, pull the bios Chip out and install the corrupted Bios chip into the Motherboard.

4. Now start your Flash program and do the following depending which program you are using:

a: If you are using an Abit MOBO and flashmenu to do it, you must check out the "Ignore BIOS partnumber check" which is located under "Advanced setting", or else the flashmenu will stop cause the bios differs with the MOBO.

b: If using a Dos App, Use the -f parameter to force the program to Program the chip..

c: If using Winflash, It will give you a Bios ID error and tell it to ignore it. also make sure to have it clear and program all areas.

5. reprogram the chip. When it finishes, Do not have the system reboot.

6. Pull the Bios chip out and Install the original back into the Motherboard you were using to program the chip. then use the system as normal..

7. Reinstall the reprogrammed chip back into it's socket and go from there..

NOTE: if you don't do this right, it could be disastrous to the Mobo you are using to reprogram the chip.

July 23rd, 2013, 02:14 AM
This is where ASUS motherboards shine they have duel bios and crash free bios features

where if you say update your bios and its corrupted then your still able to reflash the bios or use the bios recover tools, Motherboard bios should be left to people who have experience with them not for people who have no clue what there doing i have seen many people brick new motherboards or kill existing ones because they attempted to update or modify settings in there bios with little to no understanding of what they are doing or have done.

Simple rule of thumb for bios if it aint broke it dont need to be fixed.

They only time a bios should be updated is if

Required to support certain ram modules, Cpu or HDD drive sizes

Fixes for specific hardware that is been installed like CPU, Ram os related chipset drivers

Or if it fixes crashes or compatibility issues like stability.

I my self rarely update bios unless its a new motherboard and i update to the latest release of the bios all tho i only run asus boards that have the easy flash and crash free bios i have only ever encountered one issue when updating a bios and that was due to corrupted rom file when downloading the newest version but was easily fixed with the asus recovery features.

Motherboard Bios's should be left alone or left for experienced people.

Harvey Sewdin
July 26th, 2013, 04:30 PM
Yeah, good old ASUS rocks always! :smile:

July 31st, 2013, 02:16 PM
This all depends on the Motherboard you are using ie: Gigabytes are all soldered to the Motherboard as well as a lot of other Manufacturers but it also is a hit and miss with in the Lines of a Manufacturer as well. Then there is the problem of yanking anything out of a Powered Motherboard which is it will FRY the Component your pulling and quite possibly the MoBo as well...OUCH! Never pull anything out while the MoBo is powered always pull the Power Cord and then power up till the LED's go out and this last step is necessary because the Power Supplys over the last 15 years still Power the MoBo when off.

Now MOST Manufacturers have some way to recover a Corrupted BIOS ether by switching to a Secondary BIOS and then Flashing the corrupted BIOS or as in most of Asus's products they have FlashBack which allows you to insert a Fat32 fommated Thumb Drive with the BIOS on it and Flas the BIOS even in a Corrupted State but even then there are problems and people have been forced to buy a new BIOS Chip and replace their old one.