View Full Version : Help please

July 13th, 2013, 07:31 AM
Hi, i have a problem in the Startmenu:worried:, when i open the startmenu on ProgramList apperar a black square inside, the square covers the area where the icons and names of the programs are displayed and that area is determinated by the contentmargins, if i modified the contentmargins values the square changes too, can tell me please how to remove that black square thank you:Peace:

July 13th, 2013, 08:26 AM
Hi, i have a problem in the Startmenu:worried:, when i open the startmenu on ProgramList apperar a black square inside, the square covers the area where the icons and names of the programs are displayed and that area is determinated by the contentmargins, if i modified the contentmargins values the square changes too, can tell me please how to remove that black square thank you:Peace:

You can Remove the Black square, The You have two options. You can change the color of the black square to match the background of the start menu. Or you can make the Black area completely glass. The Glass part is tricky because you will be able to adjust the Glass Transparancy but it will really, really Be Transparant. To change the black square to a different color you will need to .....

Go here: Start Menu/ Menu's/aero/hover:treeview/ Fill color Change the color to what ever you want that black box to be.

If you started building off default aero theme then this location will be different....

Go to : Explorer & Shell/ Explorer/ Tree View/ Fill Color.

Thanks To Dave Senior:
For Instructions on making the All programs List Transparant Check out this Link: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/28388-Transparent-more-programs-list

Hope this helps you out!!

July 14th, 2013, 03:30 AM
You can Remove the Black square, The You have two options. You can change the color of the black square to match the background of the start menu. Or you can make the Black area completely glass. The Glass part is tricky because you will be able to adjust the Glass Transparancy but it will really, really Be Transparant. To change the black square to a different color you will need to .....

Go here: Start Menu/ Menu's/aero/hover:treeview/ Fill color Change the color to what ever you want that black box to be.

If you started building off default aero theme then this location will be different....

Go to : Explorer & Shell/ Explorer/ Tree View/ Fill Color.

Thanks To Dave Senior:
For Instructions on making the All programs List Transparant Check out this Link: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/28388-Transparent-more-programs-list

Hope this helps you out!!

Thank you very much my friend i will check this :peace:

July 14th, 2013, 03:33 AM
No worries Let me know if this helps you out. Or if you need further assistance.

July 14th, 2013, 07:48 PM
No worries Let me know if this helps you out. Or if you need further assistance.

Hi, thanks a lot mate, it works fine, i can eliminate the black square making the program list transparent:Peace: thank you for your help

May 4th, 2014, 05:42 PM
I help a problem same too. But now, I fixed :|