View Full Version : Big problem whit this images, help plese

July 15th, 2013, 08:45 AM
Hi, i have a problem whit some images in the explorer windown as well in other windows, i don´t know why in some themes that i apply some images are missing, in the picture below i show you what images are missing, but in other themes those imagen are displayed normaly, as well i show you in the picture below, i´m modifying a theme and some images are missing too, i don´t know what happens:worried: and i don´t know what to do, please somebody can help me??

July 15th, 2013, 12:05 PM
Hi, i have a problem whit some images in the explorer windown as well in other windows, i don´t know why in some themes that i apply some images are missing, in the picture below i show you what images are missing, but in other themes those imagen are displayed normaly, as well i show you in the picture below, i´m modifying a theme and some images are missing too, i don´t know what happens:worried: and i don´t know what to do, please somebody can help me??

Go to c:/users/user/appdata/local/temp/ Delete the shell folder. and then test theme in WSB. Hope this helps you.

July 16th, 2013, 07:51 PM
Go to c:/users/user/appdata/local/temp/ Delete the shell folder. and then test theme in WSB. Hope this helps you.

Hi, my friend, sorry but don´t work, i still having the same problem with the imagen that don´t appears:unhappy:

July 16th, 2013, 08:12 PM
Can you send me msstyle. I can take a look at it. I have had this happen when making images too large for that area. its best to make your images. Smaller or exact. One thing you can try. and this has wors for me. Take a theme. Open one of Mr Grims themes in WSB navigate to the same image your editing. and use his same dimensions. For your image. So if you find that Grims Image is 100 x 100, Then you make your image 100x100. Hope this helps. I really have no other idea's but if not Ill tag some people for you!

July 17th, 2013, 08:33 PM
Can you send me msstyle. I can take a look at it. I have had this happen when making images too large for that area. its best to make your images. Smaller or exact. One thing you can try. and this has wors for me. Take a theme. Open one of Mr Grims themes in WSB navigate to the same image your editing. and use his same dimensions. For your image. So if you find that Grims Image is 100 x 100, Then you make your image 100x100. Hope this helps. I really have no other idea's but if not Ill tag some people for you!

Hi my friend, thank you soooo much for this tip and now i have no more the problem, thank you very much
You know the images that you tell me to check, i try like you tell me and still have the same problem, but then i start to check the properties of the theme of Mr. Grimm to the properties of the theme that i´m modifying and i see that a value in FootNotePane has to be change to None, i have before in Borderfill and now i get the images back, if don´t tell me to check this out i will never go aruond checking the values, because i think that was not the problem
Thank you very much mate:Peace:

July 17th, 2013, 10:23 PM
great well glad you figured it out.

February 19th, 2014, 06:50 PM
I hope is ok now