View Full Version : FVD Speed Dial-for Google Chrome

July 18th, 2013, 03:04 PM
VC, this extension for Chrome is AWESOME!!!

Get it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fvd-speed-dial-3d-wall-sy/llaficoajjainaijghjlofdfmbjpebpa?hl=en

FVD Speed Dial - Speed dial button, 3D Wall, Full Sync, New tab start page, Organize bookmarks, Custom backgrounds, custom dials, organized groups, most visited dials, you can hide your dials and much more!

We've just added two new features:
- 3D wall





Note: You can even use an animation as your background!:


For the above shot, I used this .gif (tiled):


- Sync between PCs and Firefox Fvd Speed Dial
You need to install additional extension (FVD Sync) in order to use synchronization:



HELP TO TRANSLATE into your language:

Main Features:

- Speed Dial

The mode allows you to create your own Dials

- Most Visited

The Most Visited category lists the sites that you visit most often. Each
Dial contains a group with the full list of URLs visited by you at the site
in the Dial slot. You can add any Dial from the Most Visited category to
your Speed Dial.

- Recently Closed

If you have closed a page by mistake and don't know how to find it again,
you can see it in the Recently Closed category.

+ advanced settings for each mode. Activation/Deactivation of each of the modes.


- Quick Dial creation

- Blocking by URL or Domain
this feature allows you to exclude unwanted URLs from the Speed Dial.

- Background templates (similar to wallpapers in Windows) in browser window.

- Double click on the space near to search form and search minimizes it. Double click on the white space near to Dials allows to hide them too.

- Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to the right or to the left in order to switch from one mode to another. Available modes are: Speed Dial, Most Visited,

Recently Closed

- Four thumbnail sizes: Big, Medium, Small, List (just a list for those who prefer a compact view)

- Customizable color of the background. A flexible palette of colors is available.

- Several modes for setting the background image: Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, Center same as in Windows.

- Customizable font size and color in Speed Dial. A flexible palette of colors is available.

- Activation/Deactivation Favicon+Title and URL under the Dials

- Activate or deactivate Flash, Silverlight and Java Script when creating a screenshot for the Dial.

- Customizable page opening mode in the Speed Dial: in the current tab, in a new tab (Hotkey: Ctrl+Click), in a background tab (Hotkey:Ctrl+Shift+Click).

- Customizable number of rows in the Speed Dial. Auto mode available.

Speed Dial:

- Popular group – automatically displays the most popular Dials.

- Simple and customizable process of adding a new Dial. Auto-Complete function available – allows to select appropriate URLs

- Groups: Create, Delete, Edit. You can add Dials into the Groups. Keep your Dials better organized.

- You can Hide [+] dials

- You can add transparency to your dials (have fun):

Most Visited:

- Three types of sorting: All time, Last month, Last Week

- The Restore Deleted button in the Option, restores the full history up to the moment of first deletion.

- A special viewing mode allowing you to view URL groups in separate lists grouped by site name.

Check out this video:


*If you like the background I'm using (top screenshot), it's the creation of a talented young lady at DA by the username of t1na. Get it here: http://t1na.deviantart.com/art/Future-VS-History-341979840

*The dark theme I'm using for Chrome is here: 63640

July 18th, 2013, 03:17 PM
Thank you Jimmy, this looks cool, will give it a try, thank you! :Peace:

July 21st, 2013, 04:05 AM
This looks like something i might use.I know the safari browser had something similar that i used,but i didnt care for safari..lol.Thankyou for this :)