View Full Version : What operating system does Bill Gates use himself...

August 3rd, 2013, 04:33 AM
Hi all :)

Well in running around and trying to find the time to finish these themes I had a thought creep back into my head tonite I had asked myself some time ago.

What operating system does Bill Gates use himself is he on an older windows os, one that's customized for himself personally that no one else has, could it be Mac or Linux even. Is he a Windows 7 user or was he a Windows 7 user that switched to Windows 8 what could it be?

So I did a lot of digging and saw some videos and such where he talking about Windows 8 and Windows phone and surface then I hit the jackpot....

How does Mr. Gates see windows 8 is he using it well this article tells you all about it might surprise you but after watching him talk of it in his videos I got the sense he felt they were trying to push something on to people instead of giving them options like they should have and what I can tell you is I was not wrong at all. The one comment especially he said when talking about Windows 8 in his videos that struck me to think he does not like it was "What's the point of having a touchscreen interface on a non-touchscreen computer? Doesn't that seem weird to you? We don't put clutches on automatic cars.".

Read all about what Mr. Gates thinks himself below, this confirms a bit what I have said over the last few years that it was a sad day when Mr. Gates left the running of the day to day operations of the company but what strikes me as more interesting is that after all Bill gates has done for microsoft how the current regime running microsoft can ignore him as much as they do lol, enjoy the article :)


Bill Gates Refuses Upgrade to Windows 8
Jan 07, 2013

Even as Microsoft crows about the millions of consumers adopting its tablet-friendly Windows 8 operating system, reports have emerged that Bill Gates - the software giant's founder and largest shareholder - is not among them.

In an interview with French technology magazine Micro Hebdo, America's richest man says Windows 8 is an excellent operating system, but it's just not for him.

"Look, the Surface is a great tablet, there's no doubt about that," Gates told the magazine. "I have two and use them every day. But I'm not sure why the tablet interface is forced upon desktop users."

"What's the point of having a touchscreen interface on a non-touchscreen computer? Doesn't that seem weird to you? We don't put clutches on automatic cars."

Be What's Last

Microsoft has bet heavily on the success of the new OS, which attempts to unify the world of tablet and desktop computers with a single user experience. However, critics have complained that Windows 8 sacrifices desktop usability for the sake of tablet compatibility.

Gates himself says that although he's using Windows 8 as a tablet systeem, he's refused offers to upgrade from Windows 7 in the desktop environment.

"Yeah, the IT guys over at Microsoft keep sending me free copies of Windows 8 for my ultrabook. But honestly I don't see the point. I'd lose my start menu and have to keep switching between the interfaces."

"It's not that Windows 8 is a bad operating system. Conceptually, it's actually quite brilliant. But I grew up in the PC era, and I'm more comfortable with the traditional windowed environment."

"I encourage everyone looking for a new tablet or a touch-enabled notebook to upgrade to Windows 8. But if you're already on Windows 7, I would wait until Windows 9 to upgrade, by which time some of these kinks will have been worked out."

Gates founded Microsoft in 1979 and oversaw its rise to the top of the global software industry. He semi-retired from the company in 2006 to focus on his charitable foundation, but still maintains the title of chairman.

article page: http://dailycurrant.com/2013/01/07/bill-gates-refuses-upgrade-windows-8/

August 3rd, 2013, 05:20 AM
Thank you hes right personally I like windows 7.

August 3rd, 2013, 06:00 AM
Thank you hes right personally I like windows 7.

Yep I agree with you there as well, I was really curious though to see what gates uses himself it's funny on one hand I thought ok he still owns the place so he prob uses it on the other hand I said well I know he is a really smart guy too and I think he won't use it. Plus this article is back from january if you saw what the head of Microsoft Ballmer said in one of ms's last blogs I think Gates will be rethinking that part of waiting to upgrade till windows 9 lol

For those that might have missed it ballmer said that Windows 7 was going to be the last desktop os that Microsoft will make they are going to continue to push ahead with the touch and metro and mobile market. I am sure that sent shock waves through the IT world lol and this was even after Bill gates said all this.

They talk about the decline in pc sales in that post as being a big reason but if you google around the net you will see what most say about that ms blog post that Ballmer left out when talking of PC sales is how much they have declined since the release of windows 8 lol

I mean of course there is more factors involved I think it's a loot less people buying PC's already done and set up knowing the can do the build yourself routine and make a better PC then what they could buy already done for a cheaper cost, also that these days people unless they are real hard core gamers and need new stuff everytime a new game comes out that requires new hardware don't upgrade as often either once PC's hit quad cores the issue has become that software developers are laggin behind and most software can't even use the power of the PC and still more are just made as limited resource using x86 apps.

One other part is that major Developers have also not done anything for win 8 as most IT people point out the windows apps store is still a ghost town, plus u look at the mess that win 8 has been so far and how badly buggy the win 8.1 preview was I mean think about it. MS is going to a yearly release now the time between win 7 and win 8 was 4 years cause they were already working on win 8 even before 7 was out now in 4 years this is the best they could do lol. Going to a yearly release basically everyone will be stuck in beta mode having driver and hardware probs cause ms keeps punhcing half baked stuff out to keep pace and devs can't keep pace with it. I know for me I would much rather be using my computer then having to reformat a new os every year and then suffer the growing pains that go along with itlol

August 3rd, 2013, 07:41 AM
I agree there really isn't that much of a difference in os systems. Apple really had a head start on the apps deparment. to me it would be better to just keep windows 7 and just update it as needed its stupid to keep changing os systems then some software wont work so you have to upgrade that. I really right now don't see a touch notebook taking the world by storm major computer makers wants to get in on the touch ipad craze but gamers and themers still like the pc with a gaming mouse it just works better. someone into facebooking and social media would like the touch thing.

August 3rd, 2013, 07:42 AM
I love how allot of developers ether stopped, Gave up, Refuse ect to build apps or make there software compatible whats funny is the ones that jumped on the bandwagon are backing out.

I agree windows 8 some ok features the rest they must have scrapped the floor of a shit farm and crammed it into a os lmao

I my self all tho i dont like windows 8 have thought of developing apps for it but with all there policy's and failed updates, patches ect not to mention the apps stores dwindling developers i found it was not worth the hassle.

I will stick to win 7 for as long as possible then if worst comes to worst switch over to linux.

August 3rd, 2013, 02:21 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), thanks i'm lovin the fact that gates hates 8. just tooooo funny.