View Full Version : sudden internet speed?

August 18th, 2013, 03:32 PM
Here is a quirk..lol..within the last 3 days i have noticed that my internet speed has suddenly jumped! Normally my download speed is around 29.9 to 30Mbps. Now,within the last 3 days,it has jumped to 35Mbps. My upload speed was 4.90Mbps and it is now 5.50Mbps.Even my ping has changed.It's usually 46ms and is now 41ms.Not that im complaining lol,but the only thing i have changed in this computer is disabling "Function Discovery Provider Host" and "Function Discovery Resource Publication" in the administrative services according to "Black Vipers Blog" on disabling administrative services. Does disabling these two services really make that much of ah difference,or could it be something else thats doing it? How does these two services effect my internet speed.Im on a wireless connection through ah router.According to my account info from my internet service provider,im paying for 30mbps download and 5.0 upload speed.But im getting more then that now.I know it's not alot more,but 5mbps downloads does make ah difference.any answers would be greatly appreciated on these two services and any other info. thanx :)