View Full Version : technical query

August 25th, 2013, 01:20 PM
im just curious as to if its something im doing wrong or if it effects everyone but does anyone else have problems trying to use dreamscene after using theme resource changer? as soon as i enable theme resource changer and then enable dreamscene, i try to load a dreamscene file and it either comes up as a black background or a still from the scene. any ideas? cuz im completely baffled

August 28th, 2013, 02:58 AM
no they are not compatible I have the same issues hopefully one of the resident software guy will figure it out.

August 28th, 2013, 03:58 AM
im just curious as to if its something im doing wrong or if it effects everyone but does anyone else have problems trying to use dreamscene after using theme resource changer? as soon as i enable theme resource changer and then enable dreamscene, i try to load a dreamscene file and it either comes up as a black background or a still from the scene. any ideas? cuz im completely baffled

no they are not compatible I have the same issues hopefully one of the resident software guy will figure it out.

Been awhile and I don't recall any black screens like what you describe but this might help. I was experiencing 2 issues when trying to run Dreamscenes, and using TRC at the same time.
1) The invisible text problem after each re-boot.
2) The extra image's for the TRC were not appearing when I had a Dreamscene file activated. The extra images would be the .png's you drop in the extra folders for explorer.exe, explorerframe.dll, and shell32.dll, found in the theme's main folder.

After a bunch of searching and testing, so far no more conflict. The following was done on 7 Ultimate, 64 bit...

1) Started with no TRC. (Un-installed Theme Resource Changer.)
2) Ran the "DreamScene activator (http://www.thewindowsclub.com/windows-7-dreamscene-activator-released)" from thewindowsclub.com, version 1.1, I had realized I was using version 1.0 and there had been an update for this. Then rebooted to test. The text problem appeared on desktop icons. The quick but temporary solution is to re-install the basic aero theme (which replaces the dreamscene with aero wallpaper), then re-apply the DreamScene file, and the text problem is corrected. But you have to do this every time you re-boot, or after you change the wallpaper to something other than the basic aero theme. The Continuous fix solution is next.
3) Ran the "DreamScene Continuous Fix (http://www.sevenforums.com/attachments/customization/130824d1294664282-dreamscene-desktop-icon-text-fix-dreamscene-continous-fix.zip)" from sevenforums.com and re-booted to test. DreamScenes file now appears after each re-boot (The previously installed wallpaper appears for a second or two at startup but then the dreamscene starts again once the "startup.vbs" starts and runs), and no problems with the text/icons on the desktop.
4) Ran/Installed Theme Resource Changer. Desktop is changed to black at first. Re-applied DreamScene file with no problems. Re-installed a new theme that uses the extra folders for TRC and found no problems switching back and forth from theme walls and DS's. And even after re-boots, whichever I had set as desktop background before the re-boot, it is still active/appearing after re-boot.
5) Since, I have had no issues with running both at the same time.

For me the text problem, and the TRC conflict went away either because of the newer version of the activator from thewindowsclub.com, or because of the fix applied from sevenforums.com called "Dreamscene Continuous Fix" I started using both of these at the same time so can't say at this point which gets all or most of the credit. From what I understand you need both. The activator mods the system files to use DS's, and the fix is needed to correct the desktop icon problem, in this case continually after each re-boot.

Hope this makes sense, and let me know what you find out as well.

PS, the continuous fix is attached here..

August 28th, 2013, 05:28 AM
ill give it a try thanks