View Full Version : Bring back WLM with Messenger reviver

September 8th, 2013, 05:30 AM
Anyone out there like myself just hatin that ugly skype all white blah look well you can welcome back WLM with Messenger reviver

In a totally unrelated search while I was here Finally with time to get these last 2 themes a rockin that I wanted to finish off so bad lol

So have a look me and a few buds including nofx back rockin msn works with all contacts too sweet lol


That is also the latest version of pred still have the metal menu one as well but always loved that orig start menu so I have REVIVED it back from the dead and even more bad ass !! lol

Ok so you can download messenger reviver here http://messengergeek.wordpress.com/2013/04/23/use-messenger-reviver-2-to-bring-back-messenger-and-beat-skype/

Now if you already had a previous install of WLM on your machine and upgraded to skype then you can just run reviver to bring back ur old wlm

if you have reformatted or anything since u had wlm and did an install of skype you can go here and grab the offline installer for wlm 2011 http://www.mydigitallife.info/download-windows-live-essentials-with-messenger-2011-final-full-version-offline-installer/

you will want the one that is the offline installer so the one that says full beside the language as in English (full)

run the installer then run reviver and ur set to rock oh btw a-patch for removing adds and messenger plus for sounds and skins still work too as you can see from the screen :)

works for windows 7 and windows 8 on windows 8.1 u will only be able to install the 2009 version of wlm as that new update broke some stuff in the newer versions read messengergeeks full post cause it can install version 2009 or version 2012 auto from messenger reviver I just prefer 2011 myself lol

Back to themeing and happy wlming everyone :)

September 8th, 2013, 06:05 AM
Looking Good Razor. Ya I like skype. But Im sick of the white blue. Blah blah , what you said. !!! .LOL

September 8th, 2013, 10:53 AM
Thanks Tucker, got it all installed again but sadly I have no messenger contacts any more, I deleted them all after being forced to use Skype :unhappy:

September 8th, 2013, 01:29 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) nice but there will be no new updates for wlm so pointless to me. personally i suggest trillian.




September 8th, 2013, 04:08 PM
Anyone out there like myself just hatin that ugly skype all white blah look well you can welcome back WLM with Messenger reviver

In a totally unrelated search while I was here Finally with time to get these last 2 themes a rockin that I wanted to finish off so bad lol

So have a look me and a few buds including nofx back rockin msn works with all contacts too sweet lol


That is also the latest version of pred still have the metal menu one as well but always loved that orig start menu so I have REVIVED it back from the dead and even more bad ass !! lol

Ok so you can download messenger reviver here http://messengergeek.wordpress.com/2013/04/23/use-messenger-reviver-2-to-bring-back-messenger-and-beat-skype/

Now if you already had a previous install of WLM on your machine and upgraded to skype then you can just run reviver to bring back ur old wlm

if you have reformatted or anything since u had wlm and did an install of skype you can go here and grab the offline installer for wlm 2011 http://www.mydigitallife.info/download-windows-live-essentials-with-messenger-2011-final-full-version-offline-installer/

you will want the one that is the offline installer so the one that says full beside the language as in English (full)

run the installer then run reviver and ur set to rock oh btw a-patch for removing adds and messenger plus for sounds and skins still work too as you can see from the screen :)

works for windows 7 and windows 8 on windows 8.1 u will only be able to install the 2009 version of wlm as that new update broke some stuff in the newer versions real messengergeeks full post cause it can install version 2009 or version 2012 auto from messenger reviver I just prefer 2011 myself lol

Back to themeing and happy wlming everyone :)

That is awesome work! however,i dont use WLM or any messenger for that matter..lol. but i would love to have that theme you are using.That looks sweet!! is it available here at vc?

September 8th, 2013, 04:11 PM
nm,think i found it :)

September 8th, 2013, 08:02 PM
Thanks Tucker, got it all installed again but sadly I have no messenger contacts any more, I deleted them all after being forced to use Skype :unhappy:

Ya I kept my windows account that's what I have used for skype all this time to sign in, you can add your skype ppl to wlm though if you removed the contacts still works that way and your able to pass files between each other as well as I have noticed :)

razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) nice but there will be no new updates for wlm so pointless to me. personally i suggest trillian

Most of us have tried trillian as well who had to switch prob was in the passing of files part unless ur contact also was using trillian we were unable to pass files between each other where as if ur on skype or wlm u can pass files between both without having to switch messengers.

That is awesome work! however,i dont use WLM or any messenger for that matter..lol. but i would love to have that theme you are using.That looks sweet!! is it available here at vc?

Hi XxHackThisxX

I am working on that one you see in the screen here as we speak its just a small mod of the other predator one I posted earlier with the metal menu with a different start menu and taskbar now. Along with a second mod of the supernatural theme too in a diff color. I have been trying to get these finished for a while now I have just not had the time. My Dad is going through some ruff cancer treatements and my mom is havin issues with her eye site so I am having to go over quite often to help them with things along with my business here and my own family I have been really strapped for time. It's almost like I do 15 min shifts at the computer sit down start doing something then get pulled away cause there is something I have to go and do lol. Kinda funny as well as I just spent 500+ bucks woth of upgrades to this computer and I have barley been able to use it lol. All has been quiet this weekend so far so I been able to get some things done :)

September 8th, 2013, 08:05 PM
oh I should also add that the messenger reviver does not remove skype from ur machine so u can use both if needed it will just bring back wlm but u can run both on the same computer at the same time if needed :)

September 8th, 2013, 10:29 PM
oh I should also add that the messenger reviver does not remove skype from ur machine so u can use both if needed it will just bring back wlm but u can run both on the same computer at the same time if needed :)

1 question can you share screens wile your in a call? To me that is a feature I dont want to get rid of!

September 9th, 2013, 12:57 PM
Ya I kept my windows account that's what I have used for skype all this time to sign in, you can add your skype ppl to wlm though if you removed the contacts still works that way and your able to pass files between each other as well as I have noticed :)

Most of us have tried trillian as well who had to switch prob was in the passing of files part unless ur contact also was using trillian we were unable to pass files between each other where as if ur on skype or wlm u can pass files between both without having to switch messengers.

Hi XxHackThisxX

I am working on that one you see in the screen here as we speak its just a small mod of the other predator one I posted earlier with the metal menu with a different start menu and taskbar now. Along with a second mod of the supernatural theme too in a diff color. I have been trying to get these finished for a while now I have just not had the time. My Dad is going through some ruff cancer treatements and my mom is havin issues with her eye site so I am having to go over quite often to help them with things along with my business here and my own family I have been really strapped for time. It's almost like I do 15 min shifts at the computer sit down start doing something then get pulled away cause there is something I have to go and do lol. Kinda funny as well as I just spent 500+ bucks woth of upgrades to this computer and I have barley been able to use it lol. All has been quiet this weekend so far so I been able to get some things done :)

sorry to hear that bout yah mom and dad.I know the feeling.we live here at my wifes parents so that we can take care of her dad.He is on oxygen 24/7. He cant get around much without help.On top of that,he is STILL smoking,even with the oxygen line in! scary!..lol.one of these times im expecting him to blow himself up,or catch himself on fire.But yah know how it is when they are at that age,they are stubborn and always right.Aint no arguin with him.On top of that we take care of an elderly man in his 70's who has the mind of ah 5 year old.Is alot of work and we are constantly on our feet.Then we have our 15 year old little fella who we have to get off to school in the mornings and then fight to get him to do his homework..lol.The first chance he gets,he runs for the xbox or computer.so he will rush through his homework and do it half assed..lol.kids,gottah lovem :) but anyway,not trying to rush yah on thah theme.I have all the time in the world to wait.let me know when its done wontcha? thanx.Hope things get better for your parents.