View Full Version : Blank editor.

September 11th, 2013, 03:46 PM
Anyone know why when I go to edit an existing thread, the editor is blank?
Or if I do see the text I go to preview changes and everything that was in the editor disappears.

Running 7 ultimate, and FF browser is up to date with cache cleared right after this started happening, and it still persist.
I would like to change out previews and attachment, for one of my MUI side images [HERE (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/44294-Hail-Storm-MUI-Side-Images)].
Thanks in advance..

September 11th, 2013, 11:32 PM
did this just suddenly start happening? Have you always been using ff? did you try doing it through internet explorer to make sure that it's not your browser causing the problem? The only issue that i ever had with ff was that i had to disable "use hardware acceleration".I did that,then it worked fine for me anyway.Have you upgraded your graphics card recently? and last question,have you made any changes to your ff settings or updated ff? lol,sorry for all the questions,just trying to pinpoint the problem.I believe i had that similar issue you are having,i just can't remember how i fixed it :(

September 12th, 2013, 12:15 AM
HammerJack (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/200603-HammerJack) i agree with XxHackThisxX (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/245518-XxHackThisxX) check those things first. i just clicked to edit your post and the preview and no probs here.

September 12th, 2013, 01:56 AM
I have the same problem when going to that post on Firefox as well, I have had this happen a couple of times and I think it was something to do with quotation marks in the post " was copied from another site and when I went to preview the post kept disappearing and changing the quote to the forums default seemed to fix the problem.

Just had a look at your post again and as I suspected you have these quotes “ADVOC” instead of this "ADVOC", now if I try to edit my post it should be gone lol

September 12th, 2013, 01:58 AM
And yep that worked as I thought, I tried to edit my post and clicked on preview and all the text was gone so don't use “ADVOC” in your post not that I know where those come from or why I cant type them lol

September 12th, 2013, 02:10 AM
I have the same problem when going to that post on Firefox as well, I have had this happen a couple of times and I think it was something to do with quotation marks in the post " was copied from another site and when I went to preview the post kept disappearing and changing the quote to the forums default seemed to fix the problem.

Just had a look at your post again and as I suspected you have these quotes “ADVOC” instead of this "ADVOC", now if I try to edit my post it should be gone lol
Thanks for the comeback Mark, as well as Chucky & HackThis..
And yes Mark, I typically copied/pasted from another thread to save time. (This MUI set came in 6 colors.) Up till now the only thing I had found that would not copy over was the screens, and those I would upload manually or per thread.
So your saying that when something had quotes wrapped around it and I pasted it into a new thread it turns out like -> “ADVOC”, which is not correct or forum default right?
As a side note, I just successfully added a screen shot above, and everything was visible in editor that time. That at least indicates something else was going on.

If I cannot see the quotation marks or anything else in the editor, how did you edit the Quotes?
I guess since I can still see all the attachments in the drop down menu, I can at least just type in all new text, upload new screens, delete what screens I don't want, etc...
Thanks again..

September 12th, 2013, 02:39 AM
Found another strange one in your post … these 3 small dots are one character instead of ... and I again have no idea where you can get these from other then copy and paste.

September 12th, 2013, 02:54 AM
and one last one I found as well ’ instead of ', all these are giving uys problems so best not to use copy and paste

September 12th, 2013, 03:04 AM
I fixed most of your post for you, sorry I didn't see your reply I was working on getting it fixed, sadly by the time I figured out all the problems you deleted all the attachments lol

September 12th, 2013, 04:17 AM
Well thanks again bud.
I just spent an hour, or more, re-entering ALL text in the blank editor, plus some new screens (I wanted to lighten the resources from before), plus new attachments (I found a problem with the 32bit installer), and then just hit save the last time for fear of it all disappearing again. And the text was pasted from a .txt file prepared ahead of time (From scratch, not copying from another thread), making sure I did NOT use any of the quotation characters, but instead I used the half quotation of -> '
Then went back to see if it was visible and sure enough, it was blank again.
Mark, in the past I have always prepared an OP before hand by just typing everything into a .txt file and then just pasting it into the editor. Up till now there's never been an issue with any characters. Is it something with the browsers always being updated, or forum skins, or? Another thing not working anymore is the blink tags.

For now I have to get off here, it's nighty time where I'm at, but I will try again tomorrow and will apply these latest discoveries then.. (If I understand it correctly, pasting text is OK, but pasting special characters is NOT.)
Thanks a a million..

September 12th, 2013, 04:19 AM
I fixed most of your post for you, sorry I didn't see your reply I was working on getting it fixed, sadly by the time I figured out all the problems you deleted all the attachments lol

LOL, sorry..
And I didn't know that you were working on it either. Ya I replaced all but 2 of the screens.

September 12th, 2013, 05:15 AM
No worries mate, yeah just to clarify it was 4 characters that were causing the issue, although this only seems to happen after it's already been edited once or if you edit then hit preview.

“ ” … ’ instead of " ... '

September 12th, 2013, 11:51 AM
well that was ah good learning experience.would never have thought something like that would cause problems.I was way off.l will have to remember this one.glad yah's figured it out.I wonder if that also happens in chrome or if it is just ff.

September 12th, 2013, 12:30 PM
HammerJack (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/200603-HammerJack), fyi with the exception of a few post it's better to quote with out the op's images in the quote. less scrolling for others. on another note glad you got your problem resolved.

September 14th, 2013, 04:13 AM
Well Mark, just tried to edit the Amber thread every which way I know of and no cookies for me, lol
As usual it starts with a blank editor, and I tried several times pasting text in. Each time I deleted more and more symbols, or characters till I was almost down to almost letters only. At this time I can say that I tried eliminating at least the 4 characters you mentioned above from every where in the text, and still when I go to preview, the editor returns to blank.

At least the Amber thread has my new previews and attachment for now. But, I'm just finishing up 2 new colors, which means I will want to edit it one more time because I want to add those links in all the other threads. When I go edit for the last time I think I will just try typing everything straight into the editor using no pasting at all.

Thanks again for your atttention to this. Sorry to be a pain. This only happens on days that end with a 'y', lol..

September 14th, 2013, 07:26 AM
Well Mark, just tried to edit the Amber thread every which way I know of and no cookies for me, lol
As usual it starts with a blank editor, and I tried several times pasting text in. Each time I deleted more and more symbols, or characters till I was almost down to almost letters only. At this time I can say that I tried eliminating at least the 4 characters you mentioned above from every where in the text, and still when I go to preview, the editor returns to blank.

At least the Amber thread has my new previews and attachment for now. But, I'm just finishing up 2 new colors, which means I will want to edit it one more time because I want to add those links in all the other threads. When I go edit for the last time I think I will just try typing everything straight into the editor using no pasting at all.

Thanks again for your atttention to this. Sorry to be a pain. This only happens on days that end with a 'y', lol..

I used notepad++ last time, found the characters I wanted to replace and used the replace all function.