View Full Version : deviantART Premium Content / FREE @.....

September 12th, 2013, 12:33 AM
I'm sure most of you know this, but maybe some don't, or don't know how....

Recently, I've been editing many of my posts at DA, and, rather than giving my art away for free there I decided to charge points....

For instance, a couple of my Xion-skins, I want 200-points for (2-dollars US), some of my logon-screens I'm charging 100 points, etc.

BUT HERE'S THE CATCH: I've also added, in the description fields on those works something like...

"Purchase this item here, or get it for FREE at:

*whatever site: (direct link to download)"




What this does is two-fold: 1) It allows you to make some $$$ if someone purchases that item there (at DA), and 2) encourages traffic to this site and whatever other site(s) you want to drive traffic to.

Now, I know that some of you, at DA, will merely upload a screenshot of say a theme for instance, and link the download here to VC. But why not instead go ahead and upload the artwork (theme, whatever) there, but also
sell it for points, and then advertise that they can get it FREE at (whatever site)???

Thataway, you can make some points for your work there, put them towards Premium Memberships, stuff from the DA store, etc., and at the same time encourage traffic to be driven to this site (and whatever other sites) "to get
the FREEBIE version".

Of course, it goes without saying that on occasion you might get comments like "I'm not paying for this!", or whatever. Be prepared for that. Most people would much rather get your art for free, right there, rather than paying points or joining some forum.
Like, a little while back, some guy posted, in Russian, in the comments beneath one of my UniNews feeds "F-you with your rss feeds".....He was angry, because he wanted to download it for free and give me nothing in return!-LOL!
To those types, I'd just say "If you don't want this item, take a hike.".....People like that usually are the same ones who go around stealing (ripping) artist's hard work, modifying it, and re-uploading, calling it there own. Charging points doesn't stop that from happening, but you should at least get something back from your art, right.

If any of you need me to show you how to edit your current DA content over to Premium Content just shoot me a note here or there. I'm unsure whether-or-not you can do this as a regular DA member, you may have to have a Premium Account...But I "think" regular members can also sell their stuff as Premium Content.

One thing to consider: Make sure your Premium Content is YOURS, something you created, or get permission, from whoever's art you've modified, to add it as Premium Content!

....Just thought I'd throw this idea out there for everyone.

You guys (and ladies) who design themes, like Mr Grim and others, should consider adding (non-VC Premium themes, that is) your work there, the actual file instead of a screen-shot, charge whatever you like, then link the FREEBIE here. Why not utilize DA a little better, cover more ground? You don't get anything from simply a screenie there!

September 12th, 2013, 01:50 AM
Very Good Idea!, Too bad I gave up on DA a long time ago.

September 12th, 2013, 02:08 AM
Can't say that I blame ya, bud....

But, for those who are somewhat active there, this is a little of a win-win, discourages hit-and-run downloads @ DA, and helps to promote sites like VC here.

As I said in my op, a lot of guys just post a screenie there, and then a link to the download here. That's fine, but, adding it as Premium Content, then linking the FREEBIE here encourages traffic to VC and allows those who have DA accounts a way to shoot for some points there.

Very Good Idea!, Too bad I gave up on DA a long time ago.

September 12th, 2013, 02:38 AM
that's how I found vc was thru Da it was one of your login screens that I got there that led me here.

September 12th, 2013, 02:47 AM
Man, that's cool!--LOL!
I'm flattered, and glad it led you here bro!

You're glad you joined VC, too, right?

that's how I found vc was thru Da it was one of your login screens that I got there that led me here.

September 12th, 2013, 06:37 AM
Yeah same here I don't care much for DA and their points are not worth anything to me.

January 10th, 2014, 03:39 AM
That is a great idea! Most people are going to go for the free over paying.......I know I would cause, I'm jus a poor white girl LOL !Yes some are lazy and don't want to go from here to there or there to here! But yes I think it would bring more people to here. MAYBE........and thats a big MAYBE......make a lil cash for your art but, too many people are on fixed incomes or no incomes! So it's one half of the other ya know! Thanks for posting this though.....deffinitely something to think about! :)