View Full Version : home premium to ultimate

September 12th, 2013, 12:00 PM
i was kindah curious.Is it really worth it to upgrade from windows 7 home premium x64 to windows 7 ultimate x64? Is there really any benefits from doing so? I only have 4 gigs of ram upgradeable to 8 gigs,which i havent done yet.will ultimate run fine with only 4 gigs? If there are benefits,what are they? I am kind of hesitant as my machine runs super fast just as it is and i dont really do anything on it except surfin the net ah little,ah few downloads here and there,chat in facebook,some photo editing,..blah blah.is bout it.

September 12th, 2013, 12:08 PM
i was kindah curious.Is it really worth it to upgrade from windows 7 home premium x64 to windows 7 ultimate x64? Is there really any benefits from doing so? I only have 4 gigs of ram upgradeable to 8 gigs,which i havent done yet.will ultimate run fine with only 4 gigs? If there are benefits,what are they? I am kind of hesitant as my machine runs super fast just as it is and i dont really do anything on it except surfin the net ah little,ah few downloads here and there,chat in facebook,some photo editing,..blah blah.is bout it.

Here is an article I found on Toms Hardware. Its not much but might give you a little info on this subject. Hope it helps.


September 12th, 2013, 12:10 PM
thanx for the tip.will check it out :)

September 12th, 2013, 12:17 PM
Here is an article I found on Toms Hardware. Its not much but might give you a little info on this subject. Hope it helps.


well that bout sums it up.I think i will stick to home premium after reading that and ah couple other sites.Thanx much for that.sets my mind at ease ah bit.I love home premium and have never had ah problem with it.Thanx again.much appreciated :)

September 12th, 2013, 01:07 PM
The only benefits in Ultimate are basically the BitLocker Drive Encryption and extra language-packs, backup, which I use none of myself. I use Acronis for backup. The only reason I have Ultimate installed is because I'm spoiled, and always just have to get what's considered "the best"....even when it's not necessarily anything special. And my computer came with Home Premium. I upgraded it to Ultimate. It's just the name "Ultimate".....some people have to get the "top" brand.--LOL!

I'd stick to Home Premium....no super benefit with Ultimate.

September 12th, 2013, 07:36 PM
The only benefits in Ultimate are basically the BitLocker Drive Encryption and extra language-packs, backup, which I use none of myself. I use Acronis for backup. The only reason I have Ultimate installed is because I'm spoiled, and always just have to get what's considered "the best"....even when it's not necessarily anything special. And my computer came with Home Premium. I upgraded it to Ultimate. It's just the name "Ultimate".....some people have to get the "top" brand.--LOL!

I'd stick to Home Premium....no super benefit with Ultimate.

Thanks yournumber1fan for the info.I agree after reading the above url from onemanarmy.will stick to home premium :)