View Full Version : was just wondering?

September 24th, 2013, 05:46 PM
afternoon vc.was just wondering if there was ah way to know how many times your themes,wallpaper,programs..etc that we upload,have been downloaded by other vc members? I was also wondering if there was an actual chat site in here where you can talk directly through ah chat box or something.kindah like facebook style? If not,i would love to see this type of thing incorporated into this site.just ah suggestion is all. thanx :)

September 24th, 2013, 06:27 PM
afternoon vc.was just wondering if there was ah way to know how many times your themes,wallpaper,programs..etc that we upload,have been downloaded by other vc members? I was also wondering if there was an actual chat site in here where you can talk directly through ah chat box or something.kindah like facebook style? If not,i would love to see this type of thing incorporated into this site.just ah suggestion is all. thanx :)

Hi mate, you can see the amount of downloads with your attachments, it says number of views but that is actually the amount of downloads, it will only show on attachments that are not placed inline though sadly and will not show on images, as for chat we already have the chat on the home page and I don't think there is much better options then that for vbulletin.

September 24th, 2013, 07:05 PM
Actually after a quick look I did find what you were looking for http://www.cometchat.com/vbulletin-chat?r=AD901&gclid=CKOFneTU5LkCFQocpQodrCMAQw

It's not free though so will have to look at it later after the comp is out of the way and I know how much cash we can spare.

September 24th, 2013, 07:17 PM
Thanks Mr Grimm for clarifying :) Im wondering if there is ah way so that all members of vc or individual members who wanted chat could pitch in to take some load off from you.Kindah like you pay a yearly membership type thing.Then again,im not so sure that would work out either.I dont really know much about the process or cost of starting something like that.hmmm.

September 24th, 2013, 07:27 PM
just took ah look at that site of reference that you posted.I guess it all depends on which way you would prefer to go with it.basic,premium..etc..good thing is it's only ah one time payment except for updates.Is ah good idea,but i can understand that money is tight.was just ah thought.I have no intentions of pushing the issue.was just thinking of the idea.thanx again Grimm :)

September 24th, 2013, 07:53 PM
Actually after a quick look I did find what you were looking for http://www.cometchat.com/vbulletin-chat?r=AD901&gclid=CKOFneTU5LkCFQocpQodrCMAQw
It's not free though so will have to look at it later after the comp is out of the way and I know how much cash we can spare.
That will be awsome to have on this site Mark, nice research! :Smile:

September 24th, 2013, 08:00 PM
I just went through the Demo.. looks kinda like Meebo. Something like this would be cool though