View Full Version : Need help for my first Theme Recolor Project

October 2nd, 2013, 10:46 AM
Windows 7 Theme

I Have ask Mr Grim if i can do a Recolor from his Free HUD RED Premium Theme and got his permission
the recolor work is done
i also have recolored the HUD RED Icons and the System Clock (timedate.cpl)

now i need someone who would create from the icons a 7tsp icon pack
and someone who can change the textcolor for the theme because vsb is runing at my pc but i cant save or test it
because of that i have pull out the images for recolor with restorator so i need someone with experience and vsp for that
would be nice if anyone can make a mousecoursor recolor or create a new one in Black and Gold ;oD

as extras i have photoshop cs6 splash screens
a winrar theme
a vlc theme
a rocketdock theme

so please pm me if u wanna help me with this then we can exchange the files ;oD

thx and nice greetings TuraelFA