View Full Version : In need of a Win8.1 HUD Machine/like theme!!

October 21st, 2013, 02:23 PM

I've purchased the HUD Machine Series for Windows 7 and it ROCKS!
I want to purchase the same thing again, but for windows 8.1 - windows 8.1 look SO freakishly dull - i want to commit suicide...

I really want this - and most of windows 8.1 users would too.
Just one thing - when you actually start making win8.1 themes, the Windows Start Button shouldn't be obligatory because most people would already own one. i for example have purchased use Startdock's Start 8. (the whole object desktop to be precise but it's beside the point)

October 21st, 2013, 03:36 PM

I've purchased the HUD Machine Series for Windows 7 and it ROCKS!
I want to purchase the same thing again, but for windows 8.1 - windows 8.1 look SO freakishly dull - i want to commit suicide...

I really want this - and most of windows 8.1 users would too.
Just one thing - when you actually start making win8.1 themes, the Windows Start Button shouldn't be obligatory because most people would already own one. i for example have purchased use Startdock's Start 8. (the whole object desktop to be precise but it's beside the point)
I plan on making the themes for Windows 8.1 but I will not be supporting Start 8, I have been supporting the developer of Start Is Back and all of my Windows 8 themes bring back the original start menu fully theamable using Start Is Back.

Here is a screen of the HUD machine Red theme on 8.1

October 21st, 2013, 04:20 PM
oh man! who cares about the start button? as soon as i saw the images of your win8.1 skin i felt like orgasming! :D
If you support the "Start Is Back" then starting now I'm supporting that too! I don't care about the object desktop - I'll delete it.
God how i missed the HUD Machine series!

November 30th, 2013, 12:41 PM
I plan on making the themes for Windows 8.1 but I will not be supporting Start 8, I have been supporting the developer of Start Is Back and all of my Windows 8 themes bring back the original start menu fully theamable using Start Is Back.

Here is a screen of the HUD machine Red theme on 8.1

When can we expect that this theme would be nearly finished?? I'm so looking forward to it!

November 30th, 2013, 01:04 PM
When can we expect that this theme would be nearly finished?? I'm so looking forward to it!
Sorry mate, I am still working on these themes, doing allot of fine tuning, I have 3 almost complete so hopefully not too much longer.

November 30th, 2013, 01:30 PM
Cool. It would rock if it would be ready for Christmas - then i'd buy myself a theme as a Christmas present :)
But no matter when it is ready, I'll certainly purchase it - cheers!! :paryt2:

January 16th, 2014, 06:16 AM
I am using the new start is back for 8.1 and they have even added a few more tweaks and it is awesome,I have tried 3 others and think it is by far the best.windows is supposedly coming out with an update to put It back on.I also have 4 or 5 different colored hud themes,I have collected about 30 or so themes from the spanish sites and some of them like scorpion and kratos g.o.w dragon are very good.6 diff aliens,a wood, xux ek black and about 15 others,and I have been using about 20 or more 8 themes on my 8.1 for a couple of months and no problems that I can see.Have collected around 100 7 themes,and intend to learn how to convert them to 8,1,have all of tonos work.I want to do them and share them on site.

January 16th, 2014, 08:55 AM
It's a shame that the theme isn't released yet. i really hoped to get it for christmass. Well... until then could you point me to a working 8.1 theme that is dark like HUD? I'm still using window's default and it sucks

January 16th, 2014, 07:57 PM
I believe a theme called Poison maybe what you're looking for, it looks dark with red icons etc and i think it maybe a 8.1 theme if i remember correctly

Dark Knight
January 25th, 2014, 09:30 PM
It's a shame that the theme isn't released yet. i really hoped to get it for christmass. Well... until then could you point me to a working 8.1 theme that is dark like HUD? I'm still using window's default and it sucks

Just do a search on DeviantArt, there are some really nice 8.1 themes located there, maybe not to your liking but it'll get you away from the boring default Windows 8.1 themes.

January 26th, 2014, 06:20 AM
I have a lot of 8 themes Im using on 8.1 with no apparent issues but if you go to utube and find the mexican themers jonic and albert they are pumping out some really great stuff even changes the dropdown menus. like scorpion, gears of war,and dragon,and kratos are all great looking and all fine as long as you dont need directions cause its all spanish :)

Dark Knight
January 26th, 2014, 02:42 PM
I have a lot of 8 themes Im using on 8.1 with no apparent issues but if you go to utube and find the mexican themers jonic and albert they are pumping out some really great stuff even changes the dropdown menus. like scorpion, gears of war,and dragon,and kratos are all great looking and all fine as long as you dont need directions cause its all spanish :)

The guys name is Albertt To, and he can be easily found on YouTube. He does great work but ever since he started passwording his .exe installation files I stopped installing his themes.

Reason being is that if I cannot disassemble your installation file to see what you are going to change on my system then I am just not going to install the theme, no matter who makes it.

I'm old school, I like to manually install and uninstall my themes, I don't need a installer to do it for me, there are some themes that even though they came with a installer I will disassemble and install manually anyway, reason being is that home made installers have a tendency to #uck things up 90% of the time.

January 27th, 2014, 04:21 AM
yeah I can see that I do that myself pretty often cause installers make me nervous anyway and if Im doing it I feel I know a lot better whats going on.And although there have been 8 or so of their themes failed and wont run right,like the alienware red ultimate,too bad too got a lot of potential.But a few are really great eyecandy.scorpion would be awesome if it was a better color scheme.Say I Wonder you know what the more common problems I could expect running 8 themes on 8.1? wish I had my seven back pretty often although 8.1 is allright.partly its because there just isnt much for 8.1 yet I guess and I can not get glass to work right to save my ass.love themein out.:) been followin ctx for a long time and here a while. Grimm and Bull, blade a few others ,Ive known about them for years and nobody does it like they do,for sure.Why Im runnun so much 8 stuff cause there isnt much for 8.1 .I dont really notice much issues from them but could be in the background I guess.Im workin with a dell xps 8500 now, 600 watts,I-7 core 8 gigs ram,64 bit. 300 gig veloci.raptor minidrive,terr.backup. dual burners,not too bad theres better.tried to put 7 on other drive,so I could run WSB learn to port 7 to 8.1 done dual boot a few times,not with 8.1 tho,this time it trashed everything bad, had to reinstall 8,8.1.well later I guess,have a good day.