View Full Version : annoying skype

October 22nd, 2013, 10:17 PM
hi boys and girls. sorry i havnt posted in a while. i somehow managed to throw my back and shoulder out and it hurts to sit at the computer for more than a minute or two lately. quick question, is there any way of skinning or modding skype yet to be able to change the background colour from white to something else? its been driving me mad for years!!!

October 27th, 2013, 01:06 AM
hi boys and girls. sorry i havnt posted in a while. i somehow managed to throw my back and shoulder out and it hurts to sit at the computer for more than a minute or two lately. quick question, is there any way of skinning or modding skype yet to be able to change the background colour from white to something else? its been driving me mad for years!!!

Know this is not what u want to hear but no there is no way to do this unless ms adds the options back.

I just went back to wlm with messenger reviver a few weeks ago I had tried every which way possible to edit skype and I found the places in the exe to do it problem is that ms has digitally signed the exe now so even just editing the icons in the skype exe will break it and it won't run you just end up reinstalling.

Unless ms adds the options back there is no way with that digital signature on the exe now.

October 27th, 2013, 04:25 AM
ya i havent found any way of skinning skype past the login lol. but you can skin that part as seen in my screen shot.


October 28th, 2013, 12:34 PM
i had exactly the same problem. opened it with reshack, everything went fine, recompiled and then it all went to buggery. i was just hoping that since last time i tried, something might have changed but alas no. you would think they would make it a little more customizable for people that dont want white backgrounds. im hoping that they may add a new skinning option soon. i have sent off a few requests in the skype forums for them to do this in the past few months so now im keeping my fingers crossed