View Full Version : ransomeware

October 26th, 2013, 09:22 AM
there is a new virus going around it lock your computer till you pay up 300Here's how to use a free Symantec service that the company says often removes the virus:

1. If the computer is Internet connected, shut it off by holding down the power button for about 10 seconds.
2. Turn it back on while repeatedly tapping the F8 key.
3. When it brings up the "advanced boot options," use the down arrow to select "safe mode with networking" and hit "enter." You should see a screen that says "safe mode."
4. Open a browser -- such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer -- and go to www.norton.com/npe (http://www.norton.com/npe)
5. Click the button to download the Norton Power Eraser, save it to your desktop and double-click the icon to run the file.
6. After reading the user license and clicking "agree," click "scan for risks."
7. As Power Eraser restarts the computer, repeatedly hit the F8 button and again select safe mode with networking.
8. Click "run" so Power Eraser can scan for the virus.
9. Once it finishes, you'll see "scan complete" in a window with the results. Then click the "fix" button.
10. Click "restart" to reboot the computer again. You should see a confirmation that threat has been removed.

Source: Symantec
bucks or so symatech/Norton has a free fix.here it is. just in case.

October 27th, 2013, 05:27 AM
heard about this virus on another site. pretty scary. this virus is acquired through an email right? the things ppl would do for money nowadays ei . thanks for this beagle its useful info. hopefully i would never need it

October 27th, 2013, 08:01 AM
gld I found it from what was reported its attached to jpg and png files it sneakes in and that's it.

October 27th, 2013, 09:23 PM
oh man from what i heard it disguises itself as UPS or FEDEX email. well anyway it doesnt hurt to know these infos of how they are acquired. being crazy paranoid doesnt hurt lol :nervis:

October 29th, 2013, 04:09 AM
Thanks for info my friend! I deffinitely don't want that :(