View Full Version : BSOD

October 31st, 2013, 01:42 AM
Hi there, greenie customizer here

I'm restoring my laptop from an intractable BSOD, which occurred the day after patching/installing VS (iIRC, used uLTRA theme patcher for the VS and 7tsp for icons.) Did system backups prior to installing, but had to do a complete wipe and clean install of 8/8.1, and am still installing backed-up files.

Understandably I'm pretty apprehensive about trying again to customize, so can you recommend the safest way of doing this without invading the registry? I've read that UxStyle may be a better and less risky means of installing a VS - is this so?


The Archiver
November 1st, 2013, 05:09 PM
dont know 8/8.1 i cant help you,

up ^^