View Full Version : Alt Tab Tuner VIII - a tweaker for the Alt+Tab dialog in Win8

November 21st, 2013, 07:33 PM

I notice that hidden settings of the Alt+Tab dialog in Windows 8 are different from Windows 7. E.g. Microsoft has removed Columns/Rows and Fade effect settings, but added Focus Width.

With Alt Tab Tuner VIII you will able to change the following settings of Alt+Tab dialog:

size of the thumbnails
horizontal spacing between the thumbnails
vertical spacing between the thumbnails
top, left, right and bottom margins of thumbnail
icon size and position relative to the thumbnail
window title text offset
width of the focus border

Alt Tab Tuner VIII is compatible with Windows 8 x86 and Windows x64. This is portable software and does not require to be installed.

:icon_arrow: Download Alt Tab Tuner VIII (http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.205)

October 12th, 2014, 04:10 PM
برنامج جميل جدا يستحق التجربه اشكرك كثيرأ


Program is very beautiful experience worth Thank you so much