View Full Version : Gray 8.1

November 24th, 2013, 02:24 PM
Hey Everyone,I was dying to check out Mr.Grim's new Custom Class Maps (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/63105-Custom-Class-Maps-for-WSB-1-5-5-6?p=284096#post284096)
So I dropped everything yesterday and did an update to Gray8 for 8.1!


This updated is made to be used with OldNewExplorer by Tihiy (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-make-your-81-explorer-work-like-win78-one/)
When using this app,you will be able to disable the Ribbon add the old Details Pane and have the custom images for the
Control Panel and System Properties load.Plus a few more things



I have also included the clock for Gray8-updated to work on 8.1
a new dark WMP12 skin
and a Token small 7tsp icon pack that will work on 8.1

I am no longer using StartIsBack so this theme was designed NOT to be used with it.
It should still work fine if you have it installedd but the Taskbar icon right click menu may not look 100%

A huge thanks to Mr.Grim and Tihiy for making this possible!
I did play around with the shellstylle.dll a bit and added a hover text color to the Command bar
and the Explorer Listview items!

Your system must be patched to run 3rd party themes
Instructions,previews and credits are included


November 24th, 2013, 02:26 PM
very good job my friend ... thank you :loving::loving:

November 24th, 2013, 04:28 PM
Fantastic Greg I want to try it now thanks for sharing friend:givahand:

November 24th, 2013, 04:31 PM
Nice update Greg, I take it you are liking the new shellstyle mods, let me know if you find some interesting things to put in there :smile:

November 24th, 2013, 04:50 PM
Found a few little bugs, the hover in the CP is the same color as the text, also it looks like you missed the places bar, it's still white, one other thing is the caption test is a dark grey color and almost unreadable, I see in your screen that it's white though.

November 24th, 2013, 05:04 PM
Found a few little bugs, the hover in the CP is the same color as the text, also it looks like you missed the places bar, it's still white, one other thing is the caption test is a dark grey color and almost unreadable, I see in your screen that it's white though.
I almost always miss the places bar,lol
Ya the caption text is fine here,but the first time I loaded the theme it looked like yours does.
I will investigate this some more.I am basically using my w8 msstyle(your's from Equinox) and the new shellstyle,so I might have missed

November 24th, 2013, 05:07 PM
I almost always miss the places bar,lol
Ya the caption text is fine here,but the first time I loaded the theme it looked like yours does.
I will investigate this some more.I am basically using my w8 msstyle(your's from Equinox) and the new shellstyle,so I might have missed
No worries a couple of places you may want to check.

Windows & Caption Buttons > Aero > Window > Frames > Window > Top
Windows & Caption Buttons > Basic > Frames > Window > Top

November 24th, 2013, 06:00 PM
I do not have windows 8, but work just awesome! nice work gsw953 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/178470-gsw953) !!! :Smile:

November 24th, 2013, 06:46 PM
Ok i see windows 8.1 themes starts to go here... soon i switch to 8.1 when i see more themes for it... amazing job as usuall Greg, respect for sharing! :Peace:

November 25th, 2013, 12:19 AM
No worries a couple of places you may want to check.

Windows & Caption Buttons > Aero > Window > Frames > Window > Top
Windows & Caption Buttons > Basic > Frames > Window > Top
It was the first one,it was like that for a year,must not have showed up on 8
I just updated it,I think everything is good now,I also fixed the small taskbar.
Then I accidently hit the use visual style button when I saved it to a different drive!
So you know what happened lol and of course none of my restore points would
work but 3 hours later I now have a nice fresh install of Windows 8 and get to
re-install everything

November 25th, 2013, 12:39 PM
It was the first one,it was like that for a year,must not have showed up on 8
I just updated it,I think everything is good now,I also fixed the small taskbar.
Then I accidently hit the use visual style button when I saved it to a different drive!
So you know what happened lol and of course none of my restore points would
work but 3 hours later I now have a nice fresh install of Windows 8 and get to
re-install everything

i can't stress this enough i really do suggest that if you can afford it get rollback rx and simply turnoff system restore. restore points can be corrupted in so many ways. i have yet to see a rollback rx snapshot get corrupted.

November 25th, 2013, 02:06 PM
gsw953,cool theme man,thank you :Smile:

November 26th, 2013, 05:14 AM
Nice update Greg, I take it you are liking the new shellstyle mods, let me know if you find some interesting things to put in there :smile:
I love the new shellystyle!!
I was thinking of .dll's that I used to edit for w7 and I remembered the Performance center,do you think you
could add some of those properties?It is looking pretty ugly right now!

November 26th, 2013, 09:29 AM
I love the new shellystyle!!
I was thinking of .dll's that I used to edit for w7 and I remembered the Performance center,do you think you
could add some of those properties?It is looking pretty ugly right now!

I do have a UI file that should help, that feature is removed in Windows 8.1 though, no more WEI, try adding this one and name the folder PerfCenterCPL_UIFILE

Just tried it on my Windows 8 and this is how it looks with HUD Evo.


November 26th, 2013, 11:17 AM
very nice, god job

November 26th, 2013, 12:39 PM
Thanks Mark,I will add it in tonight after work,I am back on 8 for a few days until I can get to
a place with faster internet

November 26th, 2013, 01:43 PM
cool theme man, thank you

November 27th, 2013, 02:56 AM
I do have a UI file that should help, that feature is removed in Windows 8.1 though, no more WEI, try adding this one and name the folder PerfCenterCPL_UIFILE

Just tried it on my Windows 8 and this is how it looks with HUD Evo.

Thank you it worked great!
Now we just need time\date and ribbon ones,well maybe a few more too!


November 27th, 2013, 04:36 AM
Thank you it worked great!
Now we just need time\date and ribbon ones,well maybe a few more too!

Welcome mate, would love to do the time/date as well but I don't have high hopes for it, been trying to do something with that for long while.

December 1st, 2013, 12:13 AM
Amazing work Greg. I swear. as soon as I get my new Comp. I am going to be running these 8.1 themes. Love what your doing with win 8.1. Thanks man. Keep them coming.

December 1st, 2013, 12:37 AM
Greg, First I would love to congradulate you on this whole 8.1 series you did! :givahand:You did a hell of a job on them. I don't have Windows 8 , but you sure make me wanna get it :flirt2:The detail, the time and for all your effort that you put into your work is amazing and I thank you for sharing that with us all! Great job my friend......Thank you :)

December 1st, 2013, 01:08 AM
Greg, First I would love to congradulate you on this whole 8.1 series you did! :givahand:You did a hell of a job on them. I don't have Windows 8 , but you sure make me wanna get it :flirt2:The detail, the time and for all your effort that you put into your work is amazing and I thank you for sharing that with us all! Great job my friend......Thank you :)
Thanks Vicki,I know we have a project to do,as soon as I get 8.1 running the way I would like it,we can get started!

Amazing work Greg. I swear. as soon as I get my new Comp. I am going to be running these 8.1 themes. Love what your doing with win 8.1. Thanks man. Keep them coming.
Check this out http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/40506-Post-Your-Desktop-III?p=284711&viewfull=1#post284711

December 1st, 2013, 01:31 AM
Sounds good to me Greg! I'll be waiting :)