View Full Version : Noob needs a hand with themes.

Aragon Speed
November 30th, 2013, 05:35 PM
I'm having a bit of trouble getting themes to work correctly. I think I am missing a step somewhere that others think is so obvious that it isn't worth mentioning. :)

I have tried to install the Annihilator 7tsp theme by Grim, but instead of my system looking like it does in his pictures I do not seem to be getting any of the skinning effects.

What I have done:

1. Patched Windows 7 to use custom themes using UXTheme Multi-Patcher 8.0.

2. Installed the Annihilator 7tsp pack using the 7tsp GUI program and restarted my machine.

But instead of my system looking like it does in the pictures, it looks like this:


It basically looks like it is using a windows basic style rather than an aero style.... maybe, I am guessing after all. :D

Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong? (I'm not a PC noob, so you can get technical if needed, I'm just new to customising windows beyond what MS normally allows.)

December 1st, 2013, 12:09 AM
I'm having a bit of trouble getting themes to work correctly. I think I am missing a step somewhere that others think is so obvious that it isn't worth mentioning. :)

I have tried to install the Annihilator 7tsp theme by Grim, but instead of my system looking like it does in his pictures I do not seem to be getting any of the skinning effects.

What I have done:

1. Patched Windows 7 to use custom themes using UXTheme Multi-Patcher 8.0.

2. Installed the Annihilator 7tsp pack using the 7tsp GUI program and restarted my machine.

But instead of my system looking like it does in the pictures, it looks like this:


It basically looks like it is using a windows basic style rather than an aero style.... maybe, I am guessing after all. :D

Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong? (I'm not a PC noob, so you can get technical if needed, I'm just new to customising windows beyond what MS normally allows.)

Sent you a pm.

Aragon Speed
December 1st, 2013, 01:18 AM
I have tried to add you on skype, but there are two profiles using your skype ID showing up. I am assuming they are both yours. Which one would you like me to use, the one beginning with A or the one beginning with T.

Sorry about replying here, but being new to the site it seems I can't reply to PM's yet. :)

December 1st, 2013, 01:21 AM
I have tried to add you on skype, but there are two profiles using your skype ID showing up. I am assuming they are both yours. Which one would you like me to use, the one beginning with A or the one beginning with T.

Sorry about replying here, but being new to the site it seems I can't reply to PM's yet. :)

The one with A