View Full Version : First Web Site

Species A.I.
December 10th, 2013, 01:04 AM
This is my first web site, and I would really like, some professional input please. https://sites.google.com/site/setfreeneedlesca/

Species A.I.
December 10th, 2013, 10:17 PM
OK I will give the first reply, I am not asking if you like the content, I am looking for critical input concerning the lay out of the site in general, Please don't spare my feelings, I don't have any, LOL no really please, go to the link take a look and tell me what does and does not appeal to you, from a designers stand point. THX

Harvey Sewdin
December 10th, 2013, 11:44 PM
Ok i had a quick look, good first webite mate but some issues,

The first thing i noticed, is that your webite gets a horizontal scrollbar on 1366x768 resolution screen. It's annoying to scroll horizontaly. You can fix it by setting the page width to something more standard like 800, 920 or 1024px or just make it 100% width.

Another small thingy, its a church website. Mostly the color scheme for such websites is light. Use white background whenever possible.

You have a good layout, you can see where the headers, navigation and footer is.
Talking about the navigation, on website you should immediately see what plain text is and what a link is. Put some style on your menu items and other links as well, it will make a difference.

For the rest there are no huge issues, it's a good start. Your first website is much better than my first one was hehe. Overall good base mate.

Dark Knight
December 10th, 2013, 11:44 PM
First thing I noticed that the page is too wide, I have a 1600x900 screen resolution and when the page opens my bottom scroll bar opens. Try designing the page for more popular resolutions 1024x768 is a good target to hit.

Second, personally white text on a black background puts too much strain on the eyes .

Third, try making the font size in the body of the site a little smaller.

Fourth, center aligned paragraphs look sloppy, try aligning your text in the body to the left.

Last, you may want to create navigation buttons or a navigation menu on the left, something distinguishable that shows people how to get around on the site.

December 10th, 2013, 11:46 PM
well im not a web designer lol tho i have tried. but i went and looked around and from my point a view i think you have a stand up web page.everything is there info pics style and the fact that if this is you you are doing great things for people and family's both either way much respect to you and the mission the site stands for brother.

Species A.I.
December 11th, 2013, 05:03 AM
Thanks for the input, and thats exactly what I was looking for, I to hate horizontal scroll bars as well, and I do want to do buttons for the navigation of the site. Well its a good thing I saved everything in a PSD LOL. I will be making some changes, and will check back in about week to get a little more input. Thanks again Harvey,Dark Knight, and Deviantdon.

December 11th, 2013, 11:42 AM
Ok.I have went to check out your site.It's a good start.There are only ah couple of minor things that i can see.
1.The horizontal scrolling.Try using ah different resolution like the more basic 1024x.etc
2.The color scheme is ah bit dark for this type of site.As Harvey said,maybe ah lighter theme.I personally would go with any eggshell colors.examp (light blue,pale or light yellow,white..etc) Lighter colors make for ah more relaxing,calming place to be :)
That's it for now Everything else seems to be looking good for just starting your first site.Build and make changes as yah go.Getting input,feedback,suggestions from others is always ah good idea.As people enter the site,welcome them,ask them for suggestions or what they feel would make the site more enjoyable to be in.Soon it wont be just you building the site,but ah whole community of friends and family together :)
Good luck! can't wait to see it when it is finished.

P.S...Maybe it would be ah good idea to put a "Suggestions" box or something to that effect on the left hand side under the "Home"..etc.That way you get input from the people as they enter the site.This is ah good way of building it as ah community together :)

Species A.I.
December 11th, 2013, 03:50 PM
Thx XxHackThisxX. I think because of who we are at this church, the dark theme is cool, however I am thinking about a grey like what we have here at VC, it is nice and easy on the eyes. I am using google sites, to build the site, it has its limits. I will P.M. those of you that gave input, for more insight. A BIG THANKS TO ALL THAT TOOK THE TIME TOO CHECK THE SITE OUT, AND GAVE FEED BACK.