View Full Version : These forums are HAUNTED I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

December 23rd, 2013, 07:06 AM
I have 1 single post count, and it seems the forums never will let me pass this count.


I accidentally replied at a thread, and tried to post something with an image inside. Then the forums tell me I must have 5 posts before I can post anything with links.
That is fine with me, but now the bug comes. I edit my reply I wanted to make, WITHOUT links still this error pops up.
I then closed the forums, and re opened them. I go to thread I want to reply in, make a reply and again this error comes up.

Now I waited 3 days, still I cannot reply at this thread, now I tried to make a new thread at the welcome section, I put a video link in, I forgot about the 5 posts rule, and I get this message. I try to edit my message, again same error.

So it seems these forums, do have some kind of bug going on here.

December 23rd, 2013, 08:30 AM
I have 1 single post count, and it seems the forums never will let me pass this count.


I accidentally replied at a thread, and tried to post something with an image inside. Then the forums tell me I must have 5 posts before I can post anything with links.
That is fine with me, but now the bug comes. I edit my reply I wanted to make, WITHOUT links still this error pops up.
I then closed the forums, and re opened them. I go to thread I want to reply in, make a reply and again this error comes up.

Now I waited 3 days, still I cannot reply at this thread, now I tried to make a new thread at the welcome section, I put a video link in, I forgot about the 5 posts rule, and I get this message. I try to edit my message, again same error.

So it seems these forums, do have some kind of bug going on here.

Hi Tripmo, there is no bug, the first 5 posts are moderated so they will not show until a moderator has approved them, this is to stop any unwanted spam from getting on the site, sometimes there are no staff online so there may be a longer then normal delay for your post to show.

December 23rd, 2013, 10:14 AM
I know about the first 5 posts are moderated.

My problem is: I tried to reply somewhere with a link in the post. It said I need to have 5 posts to post with links.
Then I edit my post without links, it still give me this error about I cannot use links...
I just removed the links.
Then even if I wait several days to reply on that thread, I still cannot post there, it will keep coming up with this error about links, and I even don't put links in the reply post.

So what is wrong in short:
It seems that the forums keep remembering my first input of the post, with the links in it. Yet I cannot edit or try to recreate a new post in the thread, because it still keeps looking at the 1st post with links included.

December 23rd, 2013, 11:00 AM
Well you are now free to post links and will no longer be moderated but I will edit the user group anyway and make it so new members can post links as it's not really necessary to prevent it.

December 23rd, 2013, 01:17 PM
Oh thanks a lot Mr. Grim :)

Btw I am using the Red Icon Pack theme v0.2 from you ;)