View Full Version : Help porting a Win 7 theme Win 8.1

January 14th, 2014, 02:45 AM
I would really appreciate it if someone with the skill can port one of my favorite themes to Windows 8.1...I miss it a lot ever since I upgraded.
It's called Vicintango, I have attached it to this topic.

I'm willing to make a Paypal donation to whoever decides to help me out.

January 16th, 2014, 06:50 AM
I tried out your theme and until you can get it done you might try 2 on the site I think you would like,requiem and by design,just a thought,

February 2nd, 2014, 04:51 AM
I looked and cant find one and I was wondering if theres a tutorial on porting themes from 7 to 8.1. Damn it I spent most the night online with the whole freaking world asking every way I could think of and I guess there just arent any tuts or help of any kind whatsoever on how to port windows 7 themes into 8.1and with all these beautiful 7 themes going to waste its a crying shame cause I got about 100 myself,and eventually people are going to have to start accepting 8.1 as here,I really had no choice myself cause my other pc burned up,and I think I already have an idea about It and the 7 ,msstyles having to be disembowled and put into a shell for 8.1 ect.. if I could get some good directions on this I could put a pretty good bite into it myself and start posting them,but Im just gonna have to have some help at the starting line. Seems to me changing an already built theme around some has to be a lot less involved than building the whole thing from scratch.So when somebody with the knowhow wants to get off the pot and write a little essay on the subject please send it my way so I can get started thanks from your friendly nay-bor-hood musclehead.:)

July 13th, 2014, 05:32 AM
maybe it's later, but here you go