View Full Version : windows 8.1 ribbon

January 15th, 2014, 01:42 PM
I would like to know whats envolved in changing the ribbon color instead of disabeling it and if there is a way to use that part in another theme that already has it changed. also if there are any tutorials or help on how to retheme windows 7 themes to work on 8.1. I have plenty of time and would like to learn how to make these changes. Thank you.I like the ribbons functions and the themes that color it,wish someone would make a program to put in theme folders to change it instead of expending so much energy on disabeling it.Now that would be nice,:)

January 16th, 2014, 12:37 PM
i have to say i agree. i'd like to see the ribbon themed instead of disabled.

January 16th, 2014, 12:49 PM
What themes color it?Other than black that is.

January 16th, 2014, 08:29 PM
gsw953 your right,I only have black I guess,still better than white,but the ribbon is extremely handy and it seems to me that as much as a theme changes the whole system,being able to make one little area like the ribbon to change colors with the rest would be very doable,maybe Im wrong. But even making a little say folder to add to existing themes should be possible.Maybe not.one reason I am studying to learn myself.I see the theme program wont work on 8.1 yet,so till it does I will just add 7 and dual boot.I am very good at building and repairing all parts of O.S. Hardware and software.never need help.I just haven't learned this stuff yet.need to get my hands on theme rebuilding program,and I will learn it myself

January 17th, 2014, 11:23 AM
gsw953 your right,I only have black I guess,still better than white,but the ribbon is extremely handy and it seems to me that as much as a theme changes the whole system,being able to make one little area like the ribbon to change colors with the rest would be very doable,maybe Im wrong. But even making a little say folder to add to existing themes should be possible.Maybe not.one reason I am studying to learn myself.I see the theme program wont work on 8.1 yet,so till it does I will just add 7 and dual boot.I am very good at building and repairing all parts of O.S. Hardware and software.never need help.I just haven't learned this stuff yet.need to get my hands on theme rebuilding program,and I will learn it myself

Currently the only way I know of is to have a black ribbon with white text.
Changing these colors affects other areas of the theme so there may be white on white text (or black on black)in some place,like some chrome context menus
Here is a .reg that will make any theme have a black ribbon with white text.(and light borders)
You will have to log off and back on before it takes effect.
To undo it just change themes

January 17th, 2014, 11:57 AM
thanks for the reg gsw,that's a start.I would think when a theme Is being built that the ribbon could be made to go right along colorwise with he rest of the theme. I do not really see what makes people want rid of the ribbon so bad,I think it is one of the better additions to windows.I really like all the things that it made so handy and accessable.so also I wonder how much is involved in porting a 7 theme to 8.1.

January 17th, 2014, 12:27 PM
gsw953 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/178470-gsw953) thanks a lot, that is very much appreciated.

Pro Designer 50210
January 17th, 2014, 01:41 PM
how to retheme windows 7 themes to work on 8.1. Using the latest version of WSB , You will have an option "import a win7 style" Use it to port your themes

January 25th, 2014, 05:32 AM
i assume you already knew, but just in case everybody doesn't if you want to be able to keep it black through theme changes, and reboots and not bother with it again all you have to do is change something in the theme so it's showing as unsaved at the top and save name and use it all the time. probably already knew but at least i don't feel like a total dolt :cheeky:Just an idiot :) . by the way works fine so far thank you. patched it into all my white themes. say i was just wondering when 8.1 themes was gonna get a spot up next to that other number up on the header???

January 25th, 2014, 11:54 AM
musclehead52 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/192778-musclehead52) no offense meant, but to the average vc member myself included that makes no sense. if there are any kind of instructions you need to post them. thanks