View Full Version : Extract icons from 7tsp

January 26th, 2014, 11:12 PM
Hi, I use Restorator2009 to extract icons from a few older 7tsp packs but other newer packs i've downloaded i've been unable to do so, has something been changed in the newer packs that stops extractions? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

January 29th, 2014, 04:53 PM
Hi, I use Restorator2009 to extract icons from a few older 7tsp packs but other newer packs i've downloaded i've been unable to do so, has something been changed in the newer packs that stops extractions? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
hello Originalganjaman (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/257919-Originalganjaman)
why you are using Restorator 2009 for extracting? this is fake and activated,precracked application:unhappy:
or better question for you is,why you extract our 7tsp icon packs?:cheeky:
fix = change your fake Restorator 2009 appl. to original Restorator 2007 appl.with update 2:Smile:
http://www.bome.com/products/restorator/downloads (http://www.bome.com/products/restorator/downloads)

January 29th, 2014, 05:25 PM
Hi Monica, I extract some packs as i like to change my icons manually, i don't trust third party apps like 7tsp or themes with installers to change them as have had bad experiences including bsod(blue screen of death) with them in the past.

Btw. thanks for the advice on Restorator:shocked: