View Full Version : Theme Issues

February 15th, 2014, 10:53 AM
Okay, I just bought the awesome HUD Evolution theme, and downloaded all of the extras. I've posted a couple of these questions in the original HUD Evolution thread, but this seemed like a more appropriate place to ask for help. I'm having some issues with the theme - three really minor annoyances and one that really concerns me. I followed all instructions, and everything is fine with the following exceptions:

1.) I can no longer access the volume control via the taskbar icon. I can adjust the volume, but I have to go through Control Panel>Sound>Speakers>Properties>Levels. I know that there was an issue with Creative sound cards, but my sound is AMD Integrated on the motherboard. The icon is visible in the systray, it just doesn't function.

2.) I'm pretty sure that this one is just a matter of a noob not fully understanding how to install all of the theme components. I cannot seem to get the HUD Evolution Tab Dock to work. Actually, I have no idea of what to do with that folder, since there were no instructions with it.

3.) Since installing the theme, something has gone screwy with Windows logon. When powering up the computer, the logon screen displays an error message that the username or password is incorrect. It's a simple matter to click "Okay" and then log in, it's just annoying to find that message each time the machine boots up.

4.) This is the one that really concerns me. When powering down or rebooting, the computer hangs with the standard "Logging off" message. It will not power down, which means that I'm forced to improperly shut down Windows using the computer's power button. This in turn leads to a warning at the next boot that Windows had not shut down correctly, and asking what mode I want to boot with.

Any help that some of the experts here can offer will be greatly appreciated.

In case anything might be relevant, my system specs are below:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6
Motherboard: MSI 890FXA-GD70
Video Card: (2) HIS H687F1G2M Radeon HD 6870 1GB 256-bit, Crossfired
Soundcard: AMD Mobo Integrated
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Antivirus Software: AvastFree
Firewall: Windows Defender

February 15th, 2014, 01:00 PM
Try doing a restore start again

February 15th, 2014, 05:28 PM
Try doing a restore start again

Yeah, I tried that. I'm starting each install of the theme from a "clean" state - meaning, I've reverted the DLL files back to their unpatched state. It's the most annoying thing...

February 15th, 2014, 08:42 PM
Okay, just to update this thread, I've solved the logon/logoff issues.

For the logoff problem, I needed to do a clean boot, hiding all MS services and disabling all startup applications. When I logged off after making those adjustments in msconfig, the computer logged off and restarted with no issue. From there it was simply a matter of resetting msconfig to boot normally, and choosing my startup applications.

The logon issue was solved by following these instructions:

Press WinKey+R, type control userpasswords2 in the box, and click OK . Put a check mark in the Users must enter a user name and password box and click OK.

I have absolutely no idea how that setting got changed. I know that I didn't change it, so it never even occurred to me to look into it from that angle.

I could still use some suggestions on fixing the volume control issue and using the Tab Dock.

Dark Knight
February 15th, 2014, 09:19 PM
1.) I can no longer access the volume control via the taskbar icon. I can adjust the volume, but I have to go through Control Panel>Sound>Speakers>Properties>Levels. I know that there was an issue with Creative sound cards, but my sound is AMD Integrated on the motherboard. The icon is visible in the systray, it just doesn't function. - Are you using 7tsp to install the icon pack? if you are make sure you turn off your screensaver and disable your antivirus / malware software until after the install has been completed. I have run into similar problems when installing icon packs and that seems to help.

3.) Since installing the theme, something has gone screwy with Windows logon. When powering up the computer, the logon screen displays an error message that the username or password is incorrect. It's a simple matter to click "Okay" and then log in, it's just annoying to find that message each time the machine boots up. - I do not know how you installed the logon screen but I Use Windows Logon Changer (http://www.julien-manici.com/windows_7_logon_background_changer/), it works great and I have never had a problem with it.

4.) This is the one that really concerns me. When powering down or rebooting, the computer hangs with the standard "Logging off" message. It will not power down, which means that I'm forced to improperly shut down Windows using the computer's power button. This in turn leads to a warning at the next boot that Windows had not shut down correctly, and asking what mode I want to boot with. - This could be a problem with something not being installed correctly. If your going to start again fresh do it in the order outlined below ...

a.) Install Theme Resource Changer first, if it asks for a reboot, do so.
b.) Install Universal Theme Patcher, patch all required .dll's, there should be three that require patching ...... reboot.
c.) Take the theme .theme file and the theme folder and copy them into your C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder, if you get a UAC alert, allow it.
d.) Right click on your desktop and select personalize, scroll down and select the HUD theme by clicking on it, the theme should now change to the HUD theme. Play with it a little to make sure all is working correctly, you can try to reboot to make sure nothing "hangs".
e.) As a pre requisite to installing 7tsp you must have reshacker installed on the system in order for 7tsp to work properly, you can get a copy of reshacker here: http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/
f.) After installing Reshacker now you can install install 7tsp, if you do not have it, download 7tsp here: http://www.xptsp.com/fixit/7tsp.php , make sure you download and install the installer version.
g.) tun off your screensaver, Untick the box that says "On resume display logon screen" if it is ticked. Turn off or disable your antivirus and antimalware software also.
h.) Open 7tsp, click on "extra" then "Options", make sure that "Create a new restore point when patching" is ticked. On the main 7tsp screen make sure that Logon Screen, Side Panel and Start Orb are all unchecked. Click on "Add a Custom Pack" , Locate the icon pack, this will be a .7z file, there is no need to extract it, 7tsp will take care of it, then click "Start Patching", a screen will open up to verify your choices, click OK and 7tsp will create a restore point and a backup of all your current .dll's and install the pack. Let 7tsp do it's thing, when it's done you'll be asked to reboot twice, just follow the directions and after the second reboot your done installing the icon pack.
i.) Download and install the Windows Logon Background Changer from the link I gave you above.
j.)Open the program, select the logon screen and click apply, the logon screen is now installed.
That's the order I do it in, and always goes off without a hitch.

February 16th, 2014, 12:25 AM
That is a pretty good guide Dark Night, although there is also a different way to go with installing the icons, instead of using 7tsp you might want to try my custom installers for the Machine themes, they are also more complete icon packs as well as being better quality http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/59492-HUD-Machine-Series

As for the Tab Dock you mentioned, you might have noticed when downloading that you were directed to a different section of the site, that section being Objectdock (http://www.stardock.com/products/objectdock/) so if you want to use the dock you will first need to install that program.

The volume control is a funny one, again though, you may be better of trying one of the newer icon packs as it may give you a better result.

February 16th, 2014, 12:37 PM
Dark Night, thank you for the installation guide. I thought that I had done the installation properly, but it seems that I missed a few details. I'll follow your guide and see where it takes me.

Mr. Grim, thanks for your replies both here and in PM. I'll have a look at the icon packs you mentioned.

Dark Knight
February 16th, 2014, 02:26 PM
Dark Night, thank you for the installation guide. I thought that I had done the installation properly, but it seems that I missed a few details. I'll follow your guide and see where it takes me.

Mr. Grim, thanks for your replies both here and in PM. I'll have a look at the icon packs you mentioned.

No problem at at all, glad to help. Nine times out of ten if something of Mr. Grims is not acting properly, it probably did not or was not installed properly.

I know the directions sounds like a lot to do but believe me once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Best of all, doing it like we do, it takes up ZERO system resources, When done correctly you should experience no loss of speed or hang time on your machine, which is more than I can say for programs like Windowblinds or Winstep.

Let us know if you need any further help, we will be more than glad to hel you out. :peace:

February 17th, 2014, 08:31 PM
No problem at at all, glad to help. Nine times out of ten if something of Mr. Grims is not acting properly, it probably did not or was not installed properly.

I know the directions sounds like a lot to do but believe me once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Best of all, doing it like we do, it takes up ZERO system resources, When done correctly you should experience no loss of speed or hang time on your machine, which is more than I can say for programs like Windowblinds or Winstep.

Let us know if you need any further help, we will be more than glad to hel you out. :peace:

After a bit of playing around, I now have everything functioning perfectly. There are no issues with the theme, logging on or off, and all components were installed the way that they needed to be.

I've never even heard of Winstep, but I never even tried Windowblinds. Like Windows Vista, I had just read far too many negative reports and reviews about it, so I avoided even trying it the same way I avoided Vista. And I'm happy to report that I've noticed that, as you say, I've seen no decrease in my computer's performance, so yeah - I really like this place. The cordial attitude from the community here is welcome, as well. Sites where people conduct themselves the way that I've seen here are kind of rare these days.

I have to say, I know that I'm going to love this site (already am!). Of course I like the availability of free themes, but I think a couple of times a month I'll be buying from the Premium Shop. I figure it's the least I can do in return for all the freebies here.

Dark Knight
February 17th, 2014, 09:12 PM
Glad to hear you got it all wrked out! :Smile: