View Full Version : Deleting All Programs Filled BG

March 17th, 2014, 03:18 PM
I've been trying for about 12 hours to figure out how to do this, so finally posting here for some help on this. I need to know how to get rid of the 'All Programs' fill background so that it is just NSCHost behind the All Programs list, if anyone can help me figure this out or give me a quick how to it'd be MUCH appreciated.

March 17th, 2014, 04:10 PM
It can't be done I am afraid, I wish it was possible but I have never been able to do it or seen anyone else manage it.

March 18th, 2014, 10:39 AM
i was afraid i would get that response. i myself have been an avid themer for quite some time and have never seen anyone else do it either. i did however figure out that i could make the filled bg transparent all the way to the desktop, and figured there must be a way to make it so that it is only transparent to the NSCHost image. But then again... here i am 2 days later with no progress >_>

March 24th, 2014, 04:23 PM
if you can't delete the fill is it at least possible to move it?