View Full Version : wallpaper/photo repair thread.

March 19th, 2014, 06:34 PM
Have you ever seen a picture or wallpaper that you would love to have but it was just too pixelated,too small,or something else was wrong? I would like to suggest creating a thread where you can upload these types of pictures/walls and anyone from the vc community has the option to try and repair and re-upload.But it would be something that everyone could get in on.If there are multiple people working on the same picture,then yah could always have ah community vote after all the repairs and uploads of that one particular picture to keep the best one.Or maybe you could have the person who uploaded it in the first place choose which one too keep.I would imagine that there would have to be some kind of time limit per-picture as there may be many uploads.All credits would go to those who worked on the picture and re-uploaded.I personally think this would be ah great way to get alot of people here at vc to get involved in something new.Kindah thah same as making themes.I am not very good at explaining myself and making suggestions.I hope yah's understand what i mean.Any input would be greatly appreciated as this involves everyone.I hope to hear from yah's soon.Thankyou.


March 19th, 2014, 06:56 PM
There have been many times when i will just look at the picture and think to myself,there is no way i can fix that or i do not have the patience or the time.But i know that there are people here at vc with more experience then me and some with more time.Anyway,just ah suggestion :)

Chris Massagee
March 19th, 2014, 07:46 PM
i think this would be a great idea , i also have stared at images for hours ,thinking this image can look alot better ,then i try to repair it in photoshop and i end up making it look worse lol.

March 19th, 2014, 07:59 PM
I agree XxHackThisxX (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/245518-XxHackThisxX) I have seen some pics that could do with improving, so I'm all for it, although I am no good at it I would be willing to help out.

March 19th, 2014, 08:51 PM
There have been quite ah few images out there that i would have loved to make into walls but they were just too small or pixelated.Then there have been those images that are the right size only to be blurry or pixelated.Or there is something in the picture that i do not want there but dont know how to remove it without making a mess.I have been doing alot of repairing though and have been able to fix some seriously messed up pictures.It just takes time and patience.Something i have alot of and could contribute that time here at vc.

March 20th, 2014, 01:08 PM
love this idea. like you there have been way too many times i would have loved to use something as wallpaper, but either too small or too pixelated.