View Full Version : Intro

March 20th, 2014, 04:54 PM
Greetings all,
I stumbled across this site, while looking for a Star Wars theme for my Win7 system. Very glad I did, cause you guys (and girls) rock!! This site is like geeks wet dream!! Truly!

I do some graphic stuff, but never found the patience to do all the stuff needed to alter a taskbar, scrollbar, start orb, etc.... so kudos to all of you who put forth the time and effort to make all these. My hat off to all of you.

April 4th, 2014, 08:41 PM
:welcome:and Thanks for the great intro my friend! This really is an awesome site.....the talent here is unbelievable and the people....well let me tell ya....they are awesome too! If you have any questions just ask...someone will answer! Well have a look around and enjoy the site :girl: