View Full Version : New to theme modding

April 11th, 2014, 02:27 AM
I am new to theme modding and don't know where to start. I have the Darkmatter Subspace theme that I want to edit because the moron who designed it somehow thought leaving the white explorer background was a good idea even though it clashes with absolutely everything. I've been trying to use Windows Style Builder, but whenever I try to save my edits and apply the theme, nothing happens and the theme is broken. I just want to edit a few things. Anyone know where I should start looking and why Windows Style Builder will not create a theme that can actually be applied?

P.S. Yes I've already modified my system to accept other non-microsoft visual styles.

April 11th, 2014, 09:32 AM
I am new to theme modding and don't know where to start. I have the Darkmatter Subspace theme that I want to edit because the moron who designed it somehow thought leaving the white explorer background was a good idea even though it clashes with absolutely everything. I've been trying to use Windows Style Builder, but whenever I try to save my edits and apply the theme, nothing happens and the theme is broken. I just want to edit a few things. Anyone know where I should start looking and why Windows Style Builder will not create a theme that can actually be applied?

P.S. Yes I've already modified my system to accept other non-microsoft visual styles.

Im not 100% sure but I thought that theme was a stardock product. Not a visualstyle theme file. I do not believe you can edit that program in WSB. as its From stardock and they use there own 3rd party software that you have to buy. I could be wrong.

April 11th, 2014, 07:12 PM
It's made by The Skins Factory and has a .msstyles file. Not a stardock product.

April 12th, 2014, 06:15 AM
Aaaaand my PM privileges are disabled. No idea why.

April 13th, 2014, 06:16 AM
Aaaaand my PM privileges are disabled. No idea why.

How do I fix this, anyone?

April 13th, 2014, 09:44 PM
i have the complete pack by skins factory.. they can not be altered in wsb...