View Full Version : 230mm Case Fan Filters, Any?

May 6th, 2014, 07:35 AM
Apologies if this isn't the right place for this, wasn't sure where else this could go.. Basically, I have two 230mm case fans as intake and need to find some place that has 230mm filters to go over them to keep out the dust.. Built my computer 5 months ago and there's already a bit of dust buildup.. I can't spend $60 for any expensive ones, but I'm having issues just finding any.. I guess they aren't that common.. Anyone know where I might could find two of these filters?

May 6th, 2014, 08:37 AM
Apologies if this isn't the right place for this, wasn't sure where else this could go.. Basically, I have two 230mm case fans as intake and need to find some place that has 230mm filters to go over them to keep out the dust.. Built my computer 5 months ago and there's already a bit of dust buildup.. I can't spend $60 for any expensive ones, but I'm having issues just finding any.. I guess they aren't that common.. Anyone know where I might could find two of these filters?

Not sure what these work out as in $


May 6th, 2014, 01:05 PM
Jarminx (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/272611-Jarminx) in future builds i'd suggest you use a case that has no bigger that 120mm fan placements. i have 4 for intake, and 3 for exhaust all 120mm. as for dust buildup you're still going to get it. i suggest at least every other month remove the filters and clean them, and at the same time blowout the case and fans. now my suggestion is get a sheet or two of the material they use to make the filters and cut your own. the site linked below has it, the also carry the 230x200 grills you'll want to go over the filter.


May 11th, 2014, 01:27 AM
Jarminx (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/272611-Jarminx) in future builds i'd suggest you use a case that has no bigger that 120mm fan placements. i have 4 for intake, and 3 for exhaust all 120mm. as for dust buildup you're still going to get it. i suggest at least every other month remove the filters and clean them, and at the same time blowout the case and fans. now my suggestion is get a sheet or two of the material they use to make the filters and cut your own. the site linked below has it, the also carry the 230x200 grills you'll want to go over the filter.


Was my first build so I was bound to make a few mistakes here and there lol.. I was thinking of getting the material, but the ones you have in the link is what I got already I believe.. The holes are way too open.. I just got some super fine mesh filters for my 120mm fans that work awesomely.. I'm thinking I need to do a search for that kind of filter material as it works great and it's thin enough to not muffle airflow that much.. :)

May 11th, 2014, 01:30 AM
Not sure what these work out as in $


Bah.. It's UK.. Not available for the US.. However, that same company may be designing some custom filters for me if I can convince them that I don't need them on the outside of my case.. Would look very tacky on the outside.. I've run some ideas by them and am hoping for an agreement and a price quote within the next couple of days.. :) If not, I'll be back to the drawing board, but at least I've got an idea now what I'm looking for as I pulled apart the door with the fans to see what I could work with..

I Hunt Demons
May 31st, 2014, 10:22 PM
If you want a budget friendly, but DIY fan filter than can fit any size, try a Scotch Brite pad wrapped in cheesecloth. Cut the new filter to size, cut screw holes in the corners, and attach a washer over the hole to prevent the screw from driving too far and ruining your filter.

You can always mix it up by using only Scotch Brite or only cheesecloth, but using both will ensure that dust particles big or small will stay out of your system.

Let me know if you decide to try this because I have been wanting to try this idea out, but never got around to it! :)

June 2nd, 2014, 08:32 AM
If you want a budget friendly, but DIY fan filter than can fit any size, try a Scotch Brite pad wrapped in cheesecloth. Cut the new filter to size, cut screw holes in the corners, and attach a washer over the hole to prevent the screw from driving too far and ruining your filter.

You can always mix it up by using only Scotch Brite or only cheesecloth, but using both will ensure that dust particles big or small will stay out of your system.

Let me know if you decide to try this because I have been wanting to try this idea out, but never got around to it! :)

Surgical Gauze... I used Surgical Gauze, two layers of it over the fans intake grills.. Works like a charm.. Figured this out before the mentioning of cheesecloth :p I'm sure it'll work just the same :)