View Full Version : need help with "Camtasia Studio"

June 1st, 2014, 01:40 PM
need help with "Camtasia Studio"

Anyone know how to fix it

tried a few methods I found on the internet to solve the problem of "APPCRASH" but to no avail

perhaps because I found it for other programs and not the "Camtasia Studio"

nor in the official site "Camtasia Studio" found nothing

Please .... I can not record anything with it ....

this error happens when I save the video .. will explain

I press to record, he record. So far everything is fine ... but when I finish recording .. and I will save, appears this error

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: CamRecorder.exe
Application Version:
Stamp Date / Time of Application: 537a7a63
Fault Module Name: CSRenderLib.dll
Fault Module Version:
Stamp Date / Time Fault Module: 537a6fb6
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000825ad
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1046
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

June 1st, 2014, 05:33 PM
personally i'd get bb flashback i have never been a fan of camtasia studio.


June 2nd, 2014, 01:33 AM
need help with "Camtasia Studio"

I've had to uninstall and reinstall several times, especially after an update.

June 3rd, 2014, 05:21 PM
I've had to uninstall and reinstall several times, especially after an update.

I did it about 10 times .. so far nothing

but thanks for the reply:Smile:

June 3rd, 2014, 05:24 PM
personally i'd get bb flashback i have never been a fan of camtasia studio.


The Nude Dude .. thanks, I'll experience

thank you very much same:Smile:

June 4th, 2014, 12:38 PM
I did it about 10 times .. so far nothing

Can you just revert back to the previous version, of if you still have a previous version saved just re-install that.
I am in the habit of keeping my previous download for this app just for this reason. I have had freezes with an update before..
If you want to try a previous version I may have a copy I can send ya?

June 4th, 2014, 01:20 PM
Can you just revert back to the previous version, of if you still have a previous version saved just re-install that.
I am in the habit of keeping my previous download for this app just for this reason. I have had freezes with an update before..
If you want to try a previous version I may have a copy I can send ya?

you have got to be kidding. if you know this program has a history of crashing then you should be pushing the op to try another version of it. much easier to duump it and replace it with something that has never crashed on me, namely bb flashback.

June 4th, 2014, 03:43 PM
Can you just revert back to the previous version, of if you still have a previous version saved just re-install that.
I am in the habit of keeping my previous download for this app just for this reason. I have had freezes with an update before..
If you want to try a previous version I may have a copy I can send ya?

I tried the previous version but the error continues, until formatted my computer

because the windows have the habit of storing errors in your system

because the previous version did not have this error, but after I installed the new version
this error also appears in the earlier version

then it's just a matter of taste, taste of the "Camtasia Studio"

but I prefer not to have this kind of problem .. therefore 'll try the "bb flashback"

but still hope a solution to the "Camtasia Studio"

I like him a lot more practical to me

I appreciate all the help, and I await a solution

if it has a:Smile:

June 4th, 2014, 04:03 PM
I tried the previous version but the error continues, until formatted my computer

because the windows have the habit of storing errors in your system

because the previous version did not have this error, but after I installed the new version
this error also appears in the earlier version

then it's just a matter of taste, taste of the "Camtasia Studio"

but I prefer not to have this kind of problem .. therefore 'll try the "bb flashback"

but still hope a solution to the "Camtasia Studio"

I like him a lot more practical to me

I appreciate all the help, and I await a solution

if it has a:Smile:

Try this and see if it helps>>> select "do not record microphone" and uncheck "record system audio" .Let me know if it works.

June 4th, 2014, 04:26 PM
It may or may not solve your issue.Have you tried removing all remnants of camtasia from your computer,including the registry?.sometimes leftovers can cause problems.just trying to help yah out.Not really sure whats yah got going on there,but if i remember correctly,i had a similar error with camtasia and that was what worked for me.May not be the same in your case.good luck.

June 7th, 2014, 03:07 PM
It may or may not solve your issue.Have you tried removing all remnants of camtasia from your computer,including the registry?.sometimes leftovers can cause problems.just trying to help yah out.Not really sure whats yah got going on there,but if i remember correctly,i had a similar error with camtasia and that was what worked for me.May not be the same in your case.good luck.

has not worked ...

of the registry not removed

can you show me how to remove of the registry also? :Smile:

June 7th, 2014, 03:14 PM
you have got to be kidding. if you know this program has a history of crashing then you should be pushing the op to try another version of it. much easier to duump it and replace it with something that has never crashed on me, namely bb flashback.

Nope, it's an awesome program so it's just a matter of waiting a few for the next update.
In my experience reverting to the last version has worked while I wait for the next fix. These peeps are smart people and have always been on top of their products. . I have way too many saved files to change now, lol..

June 7th, 2014, 06:03 PM
has not worked ...

of the registry not removed

can you show me how to remove of the registry also? :Smile:

The registry is not for the faint of heart.Infact i would stay away from it if you are not an experienced user.One wrong mistake can cause damage to files or your system and therefore having to do a complete restore.I would not suggest to anyone to play around in the registry whatsoever.However,if you are experienced and you feel brazing,then it can actually be quite simple.


1. be sure to uninstall camtasia first, be sure to remove all remnants afterwards. the best way to remove all remnants is to install this tiny app "everything search". you can get it here http://www.voidtools.com/. this little app is awesome!! it is better the the search that is built into windows. once you have installed this app open it. it will take about 30 seconds or less on the first use as it scans your files and folders. once it has finished it will show "everything" in your computer.

2. start typing for the word "camtasia" up at the top. as you are typing every file that is associated with camtasia will pop up. everything that is associated with the program will be for camtasia, and nothing else. be sure to type the whole word. once you are finished you can select all the files at once and delete them. if you have any problems figuring out how to delete let me know. i will show you. you can also read the fact or use the help menu.

3. Now that you have removed all files and folders from your computer,it is time to remove the remnants from your registry. go to "startmenu/run, or type run in the startmenu search. once run is open type "regedit" without the quotes and a box will appear. at the top go to "edit" then "find". in the box that says "find what" type in "camtasia" without the quotes. the registry will be scanned. it will stop everytime it finds something. you must delete the keys on the left, and on the right "string values, binary values, dwords, etc...." that correspond with camtasia.After you have deleted these hit f3 so the registry will continue to scan. you must do this repeatedly everytime it finds something and after you delete everything till it can no longer find any remnants. and that is it. when you are done close out your registry and reboot.

again i urge you to NOT attempt entering the registry if you have never been there or are not an experienced user. enter at your own risk!! i will not be responsible for any damage you do to your computer if you go by what i have written here and fail to succeed. seeking the help of a professional is always a better option. thank you and good luck.

June 8th, 2014, 01:21 PM
A.J (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/214269-A-J) i'm with Aries (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/271997-Aries) on NOT editing the registry unless you have done so before, and you are comfortable with doing so. i would correct one thing though. once the registry search has found an item in the left pane and the hi-lited item says camtasia just delete it(the items in the right pane associated with it will also be removed), if the item in the left pane does not say camtasia then look at the items in the right pane and only delete the ones that say camtasia leaving the rest. if the registry search lands on something in the left pane that doesn't say camtasia and nothing in the right pane doesn't say camtasia do no delete that item, just search for the next item. the windows registry will a lot of the time show you an item that has nothing to do with what your looking for, and deleting the unrelated item can have unforeseen consequences. good luck.