View Full Version : How to install and setup your customization applications on Windows 8.1.1

June 12th, 2014, 11:05 AM
:Grim: Dear Virtual Customs community :Grim:

since few people ask me about it, in this thread i'm gonna explain order of installing customization applications on your fresh installed Windows 8.1/8.1.1 OS,
also what default custom settings you should use, so all themes works the way they are displayed on my imported theme threads!

Before we start, make sure that you:

- install all drivers you need for your PC or laptop (specially display drivers),
- update your Windows via Windows update and get all latest updates (just in case),
- run default Windows Aero Theme,
-turn off or disable User Account Control (like on picture below) and later restart your PC/laptop.


After all this follow instructions below, let's start clean!

1.1 UltraUXThemePatcher 3.1.2 or up!

- After you download it from link above, simply right click on downloaded file and run it as Administrator.
- During the installation window of this application there is no custom settings to check,
so simply click next, agree and install application (if application request restart your PC).
UPDATE: If you using this application, keep in mind if you want to update your PC via Windows Update,
first you need to do is select default windows theme, apply default system metrics file (68708),
then uninstall this application, restart your PC, update your pc with new windows updates and when you install them all,
then again install this software so you can again use custom themes on your PC!

1.2 UXStyle or up!

- After you download it from link above, simply right click on downloaded file and run it as Administrator.
- During the installation window of this application you need to check that you agree installing it on your PC,
so simply check that and click next and install application (if application request, restart your PC).
IMPORTANT: If you update your PC with Windows Updates regularly, then this is customization application for you, why?
Cause every time you install any new update from Windows update you don't need to uninstall this application,
it wont damage your PC (black start up screen, cutted display monitor picture etc.)!

2. OldNewExplorer or up!

- After you download this application, extract it from archive to new folder on your desktop, rename it to ''OldNewExplorer''.
- Now i recommend that you move that renamed OldNewExplorer folder to C:\Program Files\OldNewExplorer (the way it looks on the picture below).
- After you move it to following path, right click on OldNewExplorerCfg.exe and run it as Administrator and use custom settings displayed on picture below and then click Install, then close application!
- If changes don't apply right away, then sign out or restart your OS to take effect!


3. AeroGlass 1.4.5 or up!
(http://www.glass8.eu (http://www.glass8.eu/))

- After you download this application, right click on it and run it as Administrator.
- During the installation window of this application only thing that is VERY IMPORTANT,
that on following step of installation window (preview picture) you UNCHECK those 2 areas.
- After you uncheck that 2 settings, simply click next, agree and install application (if application request restart your PC),
later you don't need to setup anything for this application!


UPDATE: If some of you experience DWM startup popup error on your Windows 8.1.1 OS,
extract this (68651) into your Aero Glass instalation directory after installation and restart OS to take effects!


4. StartIsBack+ 1.7.5 or up!

- After you download this application, right click on it and run it as Administrator.
- During the installation window of this application only thing that i recommend is to install it for all users on your PC or laptop.
- After you check that setting, simply click next, agree and install application (if application request restart your PC).
- How to set it up? I try to explain it in details from preview picture below!


- On left side you have 5 Tabs.
- Start Menu, Switching and Advanced tabs i leave up to you to customized the way you like!
- After you customized those 3 tabs, go to Appearance tab.
- When you load your custom theme on your OS, usually always the first left start menu (red circle on picture),
is your custom theme menu, click ones on that menu and click apply then OK, and your custom menu will load with your custom theme!
- Usually on first start StartIsBack+ offers his default start menu (yellow circle on picture) so if you don't want to use custom start menu,
you can switch to default ones any time, by clicking on then and apply them!
- To use custom Start Orbs first you need to do is go to ''Add'' button (Green circle on picture) and navigate to:
C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\THEMENAME (you currently use)\Start Orb or Explorer.exe directory,
(usually here are located custom start orbs from themes you apply), choose one you like and click Add.
- After you add it to StartIsBack+ your custom start orb should appear in application (blue circle on picture),
click ones on that custom start orb and click Apply then OK!

5. Black Glass Enhanced 0.5 or up!


- If you prefer to have transparent Windows (like on preview picture) i recommend this small application by curious9.
- After you download this application, extract it from archive to new folder on your desktop, rename it to ''Black Glass Enhanced 0.5''.
- Now i recommend that you move that renamed folder to C:\Program Files\Black Glass Enhanced 0.5 (the way it looks on the picture).
- After you move it to following path, right click on BlackGlassEnhanced.exe and run it as Administrator, if small application don't appear like on picture above,
go to your system nortification area and right click on it and click Options (like on picture below)!


- If you want that this application start up with your windows simply click on Enable Button in application window!
- You can add transparent into other areas also, simply type application name and it will make it transparent ex. notepad.exe!


- Some themes use custom fonts (not default ones you get with your OS),
if you don't install it manually, your theme wont look the same as on previews in theme threads.
- To install fonts, first you need to find them either in downloaded theme extras folder or within Theme folder in Fonts folder.
- When you navigate to Fonts folder you can install them in 2 ways:
- Either right-click on every font file and click Install,
- Or you can open Fonts Window under Control Panel and using drag and drop method drop all font's files into open Fonts Window.
- After installing fonts on your OS, if theme don't load with custom fonts,
either sign out or restart your OS to take effects!

:Grim: If i miss anything or if you still have any questions feel free to ask, also check if your question is already answered in comments section! :Grim:

June 12th, 2014, 07:46 PM
Amazing tutorial, it's gonna be very helpful. Thanks for thread.

June 12th, 2014, 08:01 PM
thanks for the tutorial

June 12th, 2014, 08:22 PM
A must have tutorial and very detailed, thanks mate

June 13th, 2014, 12:31 AM
Lamia (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/231164-Lamia) after i do my install tomorrow and am happy with everything i'll copy this and creat a word doc and docx, and a pdf for folks to download.

June 13th, 2014, 02:56 AM
Awesome tut Lamia............. Much appreciated :Peace:

June 28th, 2014, 02:01 PM
that friend intelligent that I have:f:, thanks, this will help me a lot:flirt:

June 28th, 2014, 02:22 PM
that friend intelligent that I have:f:, thanks, this will help me a lot:flirt:

LetÃ*cia® (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/212281-LetÃ*cia®) fyi, in order

1. install win 8.1.1
2. update it
3. install drivers
4. install security software
5. then and only then customize your system
6. now you can do the rest of your 3rd party software

July 10th, 2014, 02:03 AM
Thanks a million for this post. I'm a newb and have had two bootloops installing themes. I'm hoping by following this step by step, I'll be good. ;)

July 10th, 2014, 08:29 AM
Thanks a million for this post. I'm a newb and have had two bootloops installing themes. I'm hoping by following this step by step, I'll be good. ;)
You'll be good, i explain it in details, if you still have some problems following this steps, comment in this thread! :peace:

July 13th, 2014, 01:04 AM
GOOD tutorial, lots of good info, THANK YOU!

July 28th, 2014, 04:25 AM
Brilliant tutorial, really helpful!! Thanks for this :givahand::givahand::givahand::givahand:

August 12th, 2014, 11:54 PM
hello! i've made everything u wrote in 1st post, but i still missing close/minimize/maximize buttons in title bar. when i choose standart win8.1 themes, everything works perfect. how can i fix it?

September 2nd, 2014, 01:41 AM
Yup, that's what I've been doing. Only thing I do different is that I use UxStyles instead of UltraUXThemePatcher. UxStyles simply enables 3rd party themes in windows so that you don't have to manually patch your system. Last time I tried UltraUXThemePatcher I messed up somewhere and had to restore my computer to factory defaults, lol. After that I never used that one again, lol. All-in-all, definitely a good tutorial. Will be very helpful to lots of people. :Peace:

September 15th, 2014, 04:30 PM
I found your tutorial really helpful for me and thanks =) but I suddenly keep getting an DWM error for aero glass =\ kinda sucks. Do you know anything about this at all? I tried to research before asking but not much could be told on what to do with this. its the ONLY program not working

September 15th, 2014, 06:51 PM
I found your tutorial really helpful for me and thanks =) but I suddenly keep getting an DWM error for aero glass =\ kinda sucks. Do you know anything about this at all? I tried to research before asking but not much could be told on what to do with this. its the ONLY program not working

Skaaz (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/282505-Skaaz) chances are you have a older version that gave some including myself problems. uninstall the version you have and follow the instructions in the below files for installing the version in that archive,


September 15th, 2014, 07:29 PM
Still recieveing the window with that error saying Your DWM is not compatiable with AeroGlass.

Even though it is NOT a big issue just my curious nature would still like to figure it out in case anyone else has issues like I do.

Thanks for the reply NudeDude

September 15th, 2014, 07:32 PM
Still recieveing the window with that error saying Your DWM is not compatiable with AeroGlass.
Even though it is NOT a big issue just my curious nature would still like to figure it out in case anyone else has issues like I do.
Thanks for the reply NudeDude
Do you have Windows 8 or Windows 8.1/8.1.1? Cause those symbols wont work on 8 version, also when you copy that folder symbols into Aero Glass install folder, restart computer to take effects! :peace:

September 16th, 2014, 04:45 AM
Do you have Windows 8 or Windows 8.1/8.1.1? Cause those symbols wont work on 8 version, also when you copy that folder symbols into Aero Glass install folder, restart computer to take effects! :peace:

I do have Windows 8.1.1 installed =\ and it still isn't working haha. I saw that KB2919355 was installed on my computer correctly.

I did copy those files from the folder to the directory and it STILL popped up that error on the login screen

September 16th, 2014, 08:06 AM
I do have Windows 8.1.1 installed =\ and it still isn't working haha. I saw that KB2919355 was installed on my computer correctly.

I did copy those files from the folder to the directory and it STILL popped up that error on the login screen
Can you show me how your Aero Glass instalation directory looks like (screenshot), so i can see how you place it! :Peace:

September 16th, 2014, 04:38 PM
Can you show me how your Aero Glass instalation directory looks like (screenshot), so i can see how you place it! :Peace:

Hi! I have the same problem :c
AeroGlass is in C:\AeroGlass
Windows 8.1.1

September 16th, 2014, 04:46 PM
This is how it is installed on my comp =)


September 16th, 2014, 05:22 PM

September 16th, 2014, 07:18 PM
This is how it is installed on my comp =)

I already see that you first time copy that directory wrong into Aero Glass instalation directory, my suggestion is for you, uninstall it, remove remaining folder from old instalation path, restart your pc and install it again, this time properly, also download my symbols.7z i update in this thread tutorial,
here is how things need to look like after you done everything:


And symbols directory:


When you install it and click finish on instalation, right away put symbols directory into Aero Glass folder like i put it on mine picture above and restart your pc, good luck! :Peace:

September 16th, 2014, 09:46 PM
Thanks Lamia for that help and sorry about the 'user error' on my part. I did put the symbols folder in the Aeroglass folder at one time and the error was still popping up and I saw what I did wrong with your input on what I had noticed when I just did it lol

Thanks so much my friend!

September 17th, 2014, 12:03 PM
I've also solved the problem, thanks :D

September 20th, 2014, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the tutorial mate. Easy setup.

September 20th, 2014, 02:31 PM
Absolutely useful :applouse: :loving:!!

September 21st, 2014, 08:47 AM
ok i need help i followed this step by step and this is what i got

i can barley read the text and if its over another box it whites it all out if it helps i read through the other comments and i dont have the areo glass configurator but i installed it to the correct location
so im not sure but i want the white to be black and see the picture through it im trying to use the annialator theme found here
please help

September 21st, 2014, 08:55 AM
ok i need help i followed this step by step and this is what i got
i can barley read the text and if its over another box it whites it all out if it helps i read through the other comments and i dont have the areo glass configurator but i installed it to the correct location
so im not sure but i want the white to be black and see the picture through it im trying to use the annialator theme found here
please help
From what i see, if you use Black Glass application in white theme it will look the way it looks on your picture so temporerly close it and reopen your windows explorer and you will see everything correctly, second did you install ultrauxtheme patcher or UXstyle to enable custom themes on your PC ? Cause on your picture i see you miss some software! :peace:

September 21st, 2014, 09:00 AM
i installed ultrauxthemepatcher and when i reopen it after restart it is still the same

September 21st, 2014, 09:25 AM
i installed ultrauxthemepatcher and when i reopen it after restart it is still the same
Important thing, did you also uncheck those 2 options in Aero Glass instalation? Cause something preventing you from applying custom themes to your PC!

September 23rd, 2014, 01:10 PM

Can some please answer my question of how to get a theme working. Its the 3rd time trying, I asked in another thread for help, specifically how to install/activate a theme once everything is installed. Instead I got a repeat of the software install instructions ....
I am not talking about installing the different software available provided in this post with links, I am talking about once everything is installed, HOW to get the theme you want to work?

1. Where do you put the theme files, ie. You download a theme from VC (example ZERO-G) and its on your desktop. Now what do you do with it? You download the .zip - .7z file and open it. Inside are two folders called Extras & Theme. Where do these folders go? Once they are in the right directory, what then? Do they show up in Personalization so you can click them to activate the theme?

2. Extras. What is this folder for? Where does it go? How to you activate the extras? Do you need too?

Its all VERY confusing. By the look of this tutorial and the images displayed in it, it appears there is already a theme installed - its certainly not the vanilla Windows 8, which makes it all the more difficult to even know if what your installing is working. At the end of the tutorial my desktop doesn't look anything like the example images.

Looking at my desktop screenshot, what do I need to do now? I made a folder called ZERO-G and placed both folders Theme & Extras in that folder, and copied that folder to ->ThisPC -> OS:C -> Windows -> Resources -> Themes and placed the ZERO-G folder in there. Is this correct? Now what do I do to enable/ativate the theme, if indeed it is in the right directory?

The window is still white inside, the ZERO-G theme does not look like this from screenshots - what have I done wrong or need to do now? My programs have addopted the colour scheme fine. If I empty the recycle bin that seemed themed too. The clock is not themed nor any windows, also I have a pink square box in every window corner to close programs or windows which doesn't look right.

Thanks ahead for taking the time to read this rather lengthly post. I just want to make sure I am explaining myself correctly so I dont need to ask again :cheeky:

September 23rd, 2014, 01:40 PM

Can some please answer my question of how to get a theme working. Its the 3rd time trying, I asked in another thread for help, specifically how to install/activate a theme once everything is installed. Instead I got a repeat of the software install instructions ....
I am not talking about installing the different software available provided in this post with links, I am talking about once everything is installed, HOW to get the theme you want to work?

1. Where do you put the theme files, ie. You download a theme from VC (example ZERO-G) and its on your desktop. Now what do you do with it? You download the .zip - .7z file and open it. Inside are two folders called Extras & Theme. Where do these folders go? Once they are in the right directory, what then? Do they show up in Personalization so you can click them to activate the theme?

2. Extras. What is this folder for? Where does it go? How to you activate the extras? Do you need too?

Its all VERY confusing. By the look of this tutorial and the images displayed in it, it appears there is already a theme installed - its certainly not the vanilla Windows 8, which makes it all the more difficult to even know if what your installing is working. At the end of the tutorial my desktop doesn't look anything like the example images.

Looking at my desktop screenshot, what do I need to do now? I made a folder called ZERO-G and placed both folders Theme & Extras in that folder, and copied that folder to ->ThisPC -> OS:C -> Windows -> Resources -> Themes and placed the ZERO-G folder in there. Is this correct? Now what do I do to enable/ativate the theme, if indeed it is in the right directory?

The window is still white inside, the ZERO-G theme does not look like this from screenshots - what have I done wrong or need to do now? My programs have addopted the colour scheme fine. If I empty the recycle bin that seemed themed too. The clock is not themed nor any windows, also I have a pink square box in every window corner to close programs or windows which doesn't look right.

Thanks ahead for taking the time to read this rather lengthly post. I just want to make sure I am explaining myself correctly so I dont need to ask again :cheeky:

Instead of creating a new folder for it, copy and paste the original theme folder and .theme files into c:\windows\resources\themes

Don't create a new folder for them or it won't work. Also, if you don't have your system patched with UltraUxThemePatcher you won't be able to use third party themes. An alternative to UltraUxThemePatcher is UxStyles. That one comes in useful if you don't know how to properly patch your system. If you look at your screenshot, the Aero folder and the .theme files for it are in there correctly, but you placed the Zero-G ones into their own folder. That's why your Zero-G theme won't load. You have to put them in properly. Putting the Zero-G folder and .theme files for it into their own folder won't work. Your Aero theme should be a good enough example of how you must put the themes into the folder for them to work. The theme files you need to put into the c:\windows\resources\themes folder are in the themes folder provided with your download. The Extras folder holds all of the extra things needed for the theme to work, that one doesn't need to be moved anywhere specific, just download whichever extras in it that aren't downloaded and it should work fine.

September 23rd, 2014, 01:45 PM
Can some please answer my question of how to get a theme working. Its the 3rd time trying, I asked in another thread for help, specifically how to install/activate a theme once everything is installed. Instead I got a repeat of the software install instructions ....
I am not talking about installing the different software available provided in this post with links, I am talking about once everything is installed, HOW to get the theme you want to work?
1. Where do you put the theme files, ie. You download a theme from VC (example ZERO-G) and its on your desktop. Now what do you do with it? You download the .zip - .7z file and open it. Inside are two folders called Extras & Theme. Where do these folders go? Once they are in the right directory, what then? Do they show up in Personalization so you can click them to activate the theme?
2. Extras. What is this folder for? Where does it go? How to you activate the extras? Do you need too?
Its all VERY confusing. By the look of this tutorial and the images displayed in it, it appears there is already a theme installed - its certainly not the vanilla Windows 8, which makes it all the more difficult to even know if what your installing is working. At the end of the tutorial my desktop doesn't look anything like the example images.
Looking at my desktop screenshot, what do I need to do now? I made a folder called ZERO-G and placed both folders Theme & Extras in that folder, and copied that folder to ->ThisPC -> OS:C -> Windows -> Resources -> Themes and placed the ZERO-G folder in there. Is this correct? Now what do I do to enable/ativate the theme, if indeed it is in the right directory?

The window is still white inside, the ZERO-G theme does not look like this from screenshots - what have I done wrong or need to do now? My programs have addopted the colour scheme fine. If I empty the recycle bin that seemed themed too. The clock is not themed nor any windows, also I have a pink square box in every window corner to close programs or windows which doesn't look right.

Thanks ahead for taking the time to read this rather lengthly post. I just want to make sure I am explaining myself correctly so I dont need to ask again :cheeky:
Ok mate here is what you need to do now:
1. go to your resources directory and delete all zero-g theme files.
2. When you download any theme file from this site, files inside Theme directory (in your case Zero-G), you will see folder named Zero-G and Zero-G.theme file both those files you need to extract or copy/paste it inside Resources folder, then when you put them there, on right click personalization window your theme will be showed, and then you apply it.
3. EXTRAS - is folder to use by YOUR chooice, inside of them everything is explained what you need to do and why to use it, so this part of your question is useless, now you got all information you need to use themes from this site mate, enjoy! :peace:

September 23rd, 2014, 02:01 PM
Darkwater409 daman


At last! I am ZERO-G'd :-D

I have placed an absolutely huge amount of $$$ into your Karma Bank accounts for future use :money:

Thank you both SO much for taking the time to help me.

September 24th, 2014, 03:05 AM
complete and Very detailed instructions **

but no matter what i do.. i cant enable transparency


October 21st, 2014, 08:28 PM
thanks for this tutorial lamia :Smile::superman::peace:

October 24th, 2014, 01:46 PM
Thx for this, easy reading, nice work :-)

October 27th, 2014, 02:38 PM
help. i only have the start orb that wont change and the aero watermark on the right wont go away. it is my first time to actually setup win8. i tried to follow the tutorial very carefullt a 2nd time but i failed still, i undid everything again and then a friend of mine tried to install it, she got the same result. any help would be appreciated thanks :)

** my windows was not yet activated when i was installing these customizing tools a few days ago. its because iwas only thinking of trying out windows 8 , i was not really set on switching .anyway i did not know i had limits to personalization and other features while windows is un-activated. i thought maybe activation would help my installs so i did it. but it did not, i still have the start orb and the watermark. could installing these before i activated be the reson though for it not working?

October 27th, 2014, 04:37 PM
help. i only have the start orb that wont change and the aero watermark on the right wont go away. it is my first time to actually setup win8. i tried to follow the tutorial very carefullt a 2nd time but i failed still, i undid everything again and then a friend of mine tried to install it, she got the same result. any help would be appreciated thanks :)
** my windows was not yet activated when i was installing these customizing tools a few days ago. its because iwas only thinking of trying out windows 8 , i was not really set on switching .anyway i did not know i had limits to personalization and other features while windows is un-activated. i thought maybe activation would help my installs so i did it. but it did not, i still have the start orb and the watermark. could installing these before i activated be the reson though for it not working?

Dear friend,

My two cents:
The watermark is for the free copy of Aero glass for Win8.1, for it to go, you would need to purchase it. You can try 'full glass' instead. It's not as versatile as aero glass in terms of the various elements that you can customize (for e.g: glass reflection intensity, blur radius, caption glow etc.), but the windows transparency effect is pretty much the same.

For the start button modification through SiB, have you tried to add the start orb using the add option from windows\themes\{wherever the orb is located}. It should work.

Dear mods,

Please correct me if I'm wrong here.


October 27th, 2014, 04:48 PM
Cranium (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/276117-Craniumshatter) is spot on MOST_WASTED (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/216192-MOST_WASTED)

October 28th, 2014, 02:32 AM
with this tutorial , windows 8 is not windows 98 !!

November 1st, 2014, 01:02 PM
Thank you for share!! awesome tutorial!!

November 7th, 2014, 06:26 PM
Dear friend,

My two cents:
The watermark is for the free copy of Aero glass for Win8.1, for it to go, you would need to purchase it. You can try 'full glass' instead. It's not as versatile as aero glass in terms of the various elements that you can customize (for e.g: glass reflection intensity, blur radius, caption glow etc.), but the windows transparency effect is pretty much the same.

For the start button modification through SiB, have you tried to add the start orb using the add option from windows\themes\{wherever the orb is located}. It should work.

Dear mods,

Please correct me if I'm wrong here.


apologies for the way late response. i ended up removing windows 8.1, it was messing with my windows 7 when i switch back and forth. dual booting the 2 was not as simple as i thought it would be. sticking with 7 :) but still gd lookin out my friend i appreciate the two cents :)

December 3rd, 2014, 07:17 PM
Lamia.....did you get my post about the problem I'm having with hud theme start menu?

December 3rd, 2014, 07:24 PM
Lamia.....did you get my post about the problem I'm having with hud theme start menu?
I read it, but again i don't know exactly what's goin on, on your end without screenshot, so i can shoot in the dark and told you try reinstall startisback application and clean your registry with some freeware application for that meter! :peace:

January 28th, 2015, 01:11 PM

i am sorry. i dont know if this question was asked before... But

- run default Windows Aero Theme,

As far as i know Windows Aero is not integrated into Windows 8.1?!

So what should i do here?

January 28th, 2015, 02:32 PM

i am sorry. i dont know if this question was asked before... But

- run default Windows Aero Theme,

As far as i know Windows Aero is not integrated into Windows 8.1?!

So what should i do here?
That means when you go to right-click personalization window - under ''Windows Default Themes (3) section '',
you should see themes called - Windows - Lines and colors - Flowers.
Those 3 themes are default ones!:Smile:

January 28th, 2015, 02:41 PM


Just one other question..

Do i have to install all of the Tools?

1.1 UltraUXThemePatcher 2.5.1 or up!

1.2 UXStyle or up!
2. OldNewExplorer 1.1.0 or up!

Or only one of theme?

So my final Goal ist to use the theme

Poison Theme for 8.1 from Mr Grim

Thanks for your help :)

January 28th, 2015, 04:57 PM


Just one other question..

Do i have to install all of the Tools?

1.1 UltraUXThemePatcher 2.5.1 or up!

1.2 UXStyle or up!
2. OldNewExplorer 1.1.0 or up!

Or only one of theme?

So my final Goal ist to use the theme

Poison Theme for 8.1 from Mr Grim

Thanks for your help :)
Read what theme thread says what tools aka applications you need to have installed so that theme works perfect without bug (if they are mentioned then you have to install them all), only thing that you need to know is install only 1 of this softwares (UltraUXThemePatcher or UXStyle cause they have same purpose, so you need only 1 of them), but again everything is explained in details here so just read slowly and you wont have any problems! :Peace:

February 12th, 2015, 12:19 PM

Lamia please help me with this i followed all your instructions carefully but i still got this my toolbar won't change with my theme.

February 21st, 2015, 11:13 PM
thank you for this great work :cool:

February 21st, 2015, 11:20 PM
thank you for this great work

February 22nd, 2015, 11:16 PM
Everything works except the folder icons haven't changed to black....why is that? I followed the steps exactly. Is there a way to manually change the folder icons?

February 23rd, 2015, 07:28 AM
Lamia please help me with this i followed all your instructions carefully but i still got this my toolbar won't change with my theme.
Usually to fix toolbar aka get rid of it, you need to config OldNewExplorer settings, so go there and check your settings, also if there is no change after applying new settings, try load default windows theme then again your desired theme and restart your OS! :peace:

February 23rd, 2015, 07:34 AM
Everything works except the folder icons haven't changed to black....why is that? I followed the steps exactly. Is there a way to manually change the folder icons?
Well mate, icon's can't be changed when you apply your custom theme on your 8.1.1 OS or any other OS, you need to install them seperately by your desire, in this case check this section (http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/1178-Windows-8-Iconpacks) and choose your icon's and install them, if you don't know how to use 7tsp application, you got on this site tutorials about it or check it on google/youtube! :peace:

February 23rd, 2015, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and purchased the theme pack!

March 1st, 2015, 05:33 PM
Idk if this is a DWM problem cause i dont know what that means, but i got a text from AeroGlass tool on my desktop and idk how to get rid of it (can't post links for some reason), i'd appreciate if someone could help me out ^^

On desktop it says in bottom left corner "Aero Glass for Win8.1" and link to website right below it, but i can't click it or anything to like close it

March 1st, 2015, 05:38 PM
Can anyone help me out with a text probler i got on my desktop from AeroGlass (see picture below), i can't get rid of it and idk if it's the DWM problem some ppl are talking about or not (i have no idea what DWM is).


March 1st, 2015, 08:31 PM
Idk if this is a DWM problem cause i dont know what that means, but i got a text from AeroGlass tool on my desktop and idk how to get rid of it (can't post links for some reason), i'd appreciate if someone could help me out ^^

On desktop it says in bottom left corner "Aero Glass for Win8.1" and link to website right below it, but i can't click it or anything to like close it

Can anyone help me out with a text probler i got on my desktop from AeroGlass (see picture below), i can't get rid of it and idk if it's the DWM problem some ppl are talking about or not (i have no idea what DWM is).

To get rid of this Aero Glass text aka watermark you need to donate or buy key for Aero Glass application mates on their official web site, then this watermark will be removed from your OS, you need to know that Aero Glass is not freeware application.
Also if you get popup DWM message on your system startup that means you need to put ''symbols'' folder inside Aero Glass installation folder.
Symbols for Aero Glass you have in this tutorial thread, just read carefully section about Aero Glass, enjoy mates! :peace:

March 1st, 2015, 10:03 PM
To get rid of this Aero Glass text aka watermark you need to donate or buy key for Aero Glass application mates on their official web site, then this watermark will be removed from your OS, you need to know that Aero Glass is not freeware application.
Also if you get popup DWM message on your system startup that means you need to put ''symbols'' folder inside Aero Glass installation folder.
Symbols for Aero Glass you have in this tutorial thread, just read carefully section about Aero Glass, enjoy mates! :peace:
yeah after some time spent on google i found out it's a watermark, i though it was a free app but guess it's not compeltely :P but i can live with that little watermark in the corner, Ty ^^

March 6th, 2015, 05:41 AM
After following directions my explorer background, ribbon, and font have still not changed. The translucence is there, but not looking right because the colors never changed.

Dark Knight
March 6th, 2015, 01:07 PM
After following directions my explorer background, ribbon, and font have still not changed. The translucence is there, but not looking right because the colors never changed.

Have you applied a custom theme yet?

Also your fonts will not change until you apply the custom theme and this is only if you have the fonts installed, if not you have to install them, they are usually packaged with the theme.

It would be nice if next time you include a screen shot so we could see what you have going on. :Smile:

March 6th, 2015, 01:40 PM
I have gone to personalization and applied the gray 8.1 glass theme.69536

Dark Knight
March 6th, 2015, 03:28 PM
First - Try to reboot then re select the theme to apply it.
A lot of times in Windows 8.1.1 , especially for me for whatever reason when switching between themes on the fly, especially if my system has been running for more than a few days the theme I switch to will not apply fully unless I reboot then select the theme. Probably because the theme patcher runs in memory and does not fully pick up the new theme right away and honestly I do not think the guys that have produced the theme patchers for 8.1.1 have all the bugs 100% completely worked out. I never had this problem in Windows 7.

If that does not work ....

Which theme patcher are you using?

If you are using Uxstyle try UltraUXThemePatcher and visa versa, personally I am using Uxstyle at the moment without problems, you could also try UxThemeMultipatcher which you can get from here: http://www.windowsxlive.net/uxtheme-multi-patcher/ , remember if you are going to switch theme patchers, first switch to the default Windows theme, uninstall the theme patcher, reboot, then install the new one, then select your theme. Also make sure you have the most current version(s) of the theme patchers also by visiting their prospective download sites.

March 6th, 2015, 06:53 PM
First - Try to reboot then re select the theme to apply it.
A lot of times in Windows 8.1.1 , especially for me for whatever reason when switching between themes on the fly, especially if my system has been running for more than a few days the theme I switch to will not apply fully unless I reboot then select the theme. Probably because the theme patcher runs in memory and does not fully pick up the new theme right away and honestly I do not think the guys that have produced the theme patchers for 8.1.1 have all the bugs 100% completely worked out. I never had this problem in Windows 7.
If that does not work ....
Which theme patcher are you using?
If you are using Uxstyle try UltraUXThemePatcher and visa versa, personally I am using Uxstyle at the moment without problems, you could also try UxThemeMultipatcher which you can get from here: http://www.windowsxlive.net/uxtheme-multi-patcher/ , remember if you are going to switch theme patchers, first switch to the default Windows theme, uninstall the theme patcher, reboot, then install the new one, then select your theme. Also make sure you have the most current version(s) of the theme patchers also by visiting their prospective download sites.

I have gone to personalization and applied the gray 8.1 glass theme.69536

Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) thank you for taking care of this problem here, but the main problem here are 2 things, davidmoffitt1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/292441-davidmoffitt1) don't know how to extract properly theme files on his end, here is how you do it mate:
1. Apply default windows theme, delete that ''Gray8.1 folder'' you put into Resources/theme folder - let's start clean here:
1.1. now open this Gray8.1. theme rar archive, then double click to ''gray8.1 glass'' folder inside archive, then double click ''theme'' folder, inside that folder you got g8.1 glass folder and g8.1 glass.theme file, select those 2 files (1 folder + 1 file), and extract it to Windows/Resources/Themes folder, apply the theme from right click personalizations menu!
2. To get full transparency (like on theme preview thread), also you need to use Black Glass Enhanced customization application - everything explained in main thread, enjoy!

March 6th, 2015, 10:29 PM
Dark Knight you nailed it. I put the whole rar file in the themes folder instead of just the one folder and file. Thanks to all!

April 30th, 2015, 06:52 PM

June 13th, 2015, 12:10 AM
Awesome, took me some tinkering, but got it installed and it looks fantastic. Thank you for posting and keep up the great work!

June 14th, 2015, 08:12 PM
I followed this thread to a "T" and every theme I install the windows close buttons and all windows are messed up. Can anyone point me in the direction of which program I installed would mess with explorer windows to cause the graphical problem. The only themes that work are default windows ones and then the file explorer windows look fine. I have attached a photo of my desktop so you can see.70325

June 15th, 2015, 03:35 AM
I followed this thread to a "T" and every theme I install the windows close buttons and all windows are messed up. Can anyone point me in the direction of which program I installed would mess with explorer windows to cause the graphical problem. The only themes that work are default windows ones and then the file explorer windows look fine. I have attached a photo of my desktop so you can see.70325

This is caused by the Aero Glass installer, you must have selected to install the shiny aero glass theme atlas, go to the aero glass website and download his GUI tool here http://www.glass8.eu/download.html

Or use this direct download link http://www.glass8.eu/files/AeroGlassGUI.7z

In the Theme & Preference Tab uncheck the theme atlas image checkbox and then save.

June 15th, 2015, 03:46 AM
This is caused by the Aero Glass installer, you must have selected to install the shiny aero glass theme atlas, go to the aero glass website and download his GUI tool here http://www.glass8.eu/download.html

Or use this direct download link http://www.glass8.eu/files/AeroGlassGUI.7z

In the Theme & Preference Tab uncheck the theme atlas image checkbox and then save.

TYVM I could hug you :)

July 22nd, 2015, 03:46 PM
I am having a problem somewhere with this. I installed everything just the way you instructed as well as set the settings. The problem I am having is that when I restart the computer I will login and right after the screen begins to flash. Then it shoots me back out into the login screen and I cant get back into my computer. I am running windows 8.1. I tried to go into safe mode but it does the same thing in safe mode as well. The only thing I could do to fix it was to restore it to factory defaults. Im not sure what info you need to help me with this problem, or if you might know what is causing it. Whatever you need to know I will gladly give though. Please help. :(

July 22nd, 2015, 05:09 PM
I posted once before but it isnt here for some reason... Not sure what happened. Anyway, I will post again.

I followed your instructions on installing everything as well as the settings but am running into a pretty big problem. I restart the system and it takes me to the login screen. Once I login it starts to go to the desktop but then the screen begins to flash. It flashes a few times and then it kicks me back out to the login screen. Once there it just keeps flashing and I cant log back in and get into the desktop. I tried to get in by going in to safe mode but it did the same thing in safe mode as well. I was only able to fix it by restoring computer to factory defaults. Im not sure what info is needed to help with this problem but whatever it is I will gladly post it. I would really like to get this all working so I can customize this laptop. :( Thanks

July 23rd, 2015, 02:56 PM
Ok, I figured out what is causing my screen to flash and whatnot. It is aero glass. I do not check either of the boxes when I install it. Once I restart the computer then that is when the problems start to occur, and there is never a water mark. I have had it install and not make the computer do that but when it seems to work ok there is never the water mark. It does sometimes show up in the list of programs though.... Please help. Thanks!

July 23rd, 2015, 04:23 PM
Ok, I figured out what is causing my screen to flash and whatnot. It is aero glass. I do not check either of the boxes when I install it. Once I restart the computer then that is when the problems start to occur, and there is never a water mark. I have had it install and not make the computer do that but when it seems to work ok there is never the water mark. It does sometimes show up in the list of programs though.... Please help. Thanks!

glad you figured it out, cause before your last post i was trying to remember what had caused the same issue for me and couldn't.

July 23rd, 2015, 06:42 PM
Do I not need to have aero glass installed though? As far as I can tell aero glass is not ever working correctly. Am I doing something wrong? Like I said, I dont check either of the boxes when I install it. Sometimes it makes it flash like I mentioned. In which case I have to go in and remove it cuz I cant do anything. If that doesnt happen then it just doesnt seem to be working...
I am also having one other issue that I would love to fix as well. I have HUD Red installed and the start menu is all huge and doesnt look right. Doesnt look how it is supposed to anyway. I love the look of everything but this start menu is driving me nuts. I have tried messing around with the settings in StartIsBack but whatever is causing this I cant seem to figure out. It isnt only HUD Red either. I have installed a couple other themes as well and they have all had the same problem with the start menu.

July 23rd, 2015, 06:50 PM
TheComedown, are there any messages that pop up when the screen flashes when you've installed aero glass? Make sure you install the symbols.7z correctly included in the OP. I had the flashing too, you may be able to quickly uninstall aero glass if it starts again via control panel, before you get thrown to the login screen, took me a lot of tries but I got it eventually, lol. I've never had that problem with the start menu but I'd recommend that you install the fonts included with the theme and see if that does anything. One last thing, not sure if it makes much of a difference but install the programs as administrator and install aero glass to where your drive directory is, not Program Files, etc.

July 23rd, 2015, 07:08 PM
TheComedown, are there any messages that pop up when the screen flashes when you've installed aero glass? Make sure you install the symbols.7z correctly included in the OP. I had the flashing too, you may be able to quickly uninstall aero glass if it starts again via control panel, before you get thrown to the login screen, took me a lot of tries but I got it eventually, lol. I've never had that problem with the start menu but I'd recommend that you install the fonts included with the theme and see if that does anything. One last thing, not sure if it makes much of a difference but install the programs as administrator and install aero glass to where your drive directory is, not Program Files, etc.

No, never got the error message. I know what you are talking about. I have done some reading :) I do have the symbols file downloaded though. The problem that I have with it is that as soon as aero glass installs I am forced to restart the computer and then I cant get into my desktop. Oh! There is one thing I forgot to mention. When I click on install, in the aero glass installer, I will see the green bar that shows it is installing for just a second and then my screen goes black. I can still see my cursor but the rest is all black. At that point I am forced to restart the computer. Then when it comes back on I try to log in and that is where all the crap starts.
I installed the fonts but it didnt do anything as far as the start menu was concerned.
As far as installing these programs as an administrator. Every last one of them has been installed as an administrator... I really dont know what else to try at this point. I do know of a couple other programs that will give transparency other than aero glass, but I dont know if it is not having aero glass that is causing the problem with the start menu??? Thanks for the replies though guys. Hopefully I can get it fixed soon! :)

July 23rd, 2015, 07:34 PM
Perhaps you could try creating a folder in your drive location, name it Aero Glass, place the contents from symbols.7z inside, point the installer to that folder and confirm to install to that location. It may also be a driver issue, so you may want to visit the website of your card's manufacturer. The only alternative to aero glass I'd recommend is WinaeroGlass and that is definitely not harmful to your system. But no, I don't believe aero glass is causing your start menu to malfunction. If you have the installation medium for your computer, a clean install may fix the issues you are experiencing. Hope this helps, and good luck.

July 23rd, 2015, 08:40 PM
I think Im just gonna not worry about aero glass. I know about WinaeroGlass too but there is another one that I like better. It allows you to control how much transparency there is and which windows/programs show the transparency. Im surprised it isnt more well known. I only know about it from this other theme that I had used. It came in the download folder. Not sure what it is called because in the folder it is just labeled as Transparency.exe.... It works well though. So if not having aero glass isnt what is causing this problem with the start menu then Im not gonna worry about aero glass. I would love to get the thing figured out with start though. It looks terrible. The search window is down all low in just a black area so there is a cursor just flashing in the middle of nothing while the rest of the start menu is spread all out. Just looks bad....

July 23rd, 2015, 09:25 PM
Your aero glass problem sounds like the symbols aren't being recognized, but I'm not entirely sure because there is no pop up window that's telling you that. For your start menu, check this thread (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69583-Problem-with-Start-is-Back/) because it seems to be the same issue as yours.

July 23rd, 2015, 10:11 PM
It is the same exact problem! So at least I am not the only one. Unfortunately there is no solution for the problem in that thread. I looked in widows features and it is the same as that guy. I have no option to enable search. Should I start a new thread on this or start posting in that thread??

July 23rd, 2015, 10:29 PM
It is the same exact problem! So at least I am not the only one. Unfortunately there is no solution for the problem in that thread. I looked in widows features and it is the same as that guy. I have no option to enable search. Should I start a new thread on this or start posting in that thread?? You can bump the thread to see if there's advice, it's not an old post. Mr Grim worked on StartIsBack so he might have an idea of what you can try. I understand it's frustrating, keep persisting and I'm sure you'll sort everything out. :Peace:

Dark Knight
July 23rd, 2015, 11:10 PM
You can bump the thread to see if there's advice, it's not an old post. Mr Grim worked on StartIsBack so he might have an idea of what you can try. I understand it's frustrating, keep persisting and I'm sure you'll sort everything out. :Peace:

Just gonna throw my two cents in here, I don't think the problem is StartIsBack.

In order for the start menu to display correctly in custom themes you need to have the following three things installed .....
1.) AeroGlass
2.) OldNewExplorer
3.) Ribbon Disabler

If one of the three are not present or not installed the theme will not display correctly. Make sure you have all three installed then see if the start menu displays correctly.

July 23rd, 2015, 11:25 PM
when you get the black screen you can try what i did for a icon i wanted. i used 7tsp to install the token icon pack and on reboot black screen and cursor. instead of rolling the system back i decided to to see if explorer was running. i used control alt delete to open task manager. sure enough no explorer. i created new task explorer.exe and no problems since. for some reason after the required restart windows did not get signal to restart explorer. it's worth a shot, certainly can't hurt. good luck

July 24th, 2015, 02:21 AM
When I get the black screen after installing aero glass I cant use ctrl+alt+del. Absolutely nothing seems to work....

What is ribbon disabler? Do you mean the option to disable the ribbon that is in oldnewexplorer? Or is this something else entirely?

July 27th, 2015, 09:08 PM
Thanks for this, really helpful. I've been having problems for some time within my Surface Pro 3 Win 8.1.1, and I can see now it's because I simply installed a patcher and themes like I had been doing for Win 7 64 bit. I even did a refresh which took ages, but now realise it was the theme patcher etc.

I'll try again tomorrow, following these instructions and hopefully the problems will be solved.

Thanks again :Smile:

September 18th, 2015, 07:08 PM
Read what theme thread says what tools aka applications you need to have installed so that theme works perfect without bug (if they are mentioned then you have to install them all), only thing that you need to know is install only 1 of this softwares (UltraUXThemePatcher or UXStyle cause they have same purpose, so you need only 1 of them), but again everything is explained in details here so just read slowly and you wont have any problems! :Peace:

I have same question and specially because this theme from Mr. Grim has no description about what tools and applications there are needed?

And i have another question, i have Start8 from Stardock and really like it instead of StartIsBack, so can i use Start8 with Custom themes instead?

September 26th, 2015, 11:01 PM
Thanks! help very much.

October 9th, 2015, 03:11 PM
Thanks looks great !

March 11th, 2016, 08:10 AM
Hi.. I followed all the instructions.. but my screen, browser, applications are not coming as expected.. its showing window default theme, moreover font color is changed or i sud say, it has faded... pls help !

March 11th, 2016, 12:07 PM
Hi.. I followed all the instructions.. but my screen, browser, applications are not coming as expected.. its showing window default theme, moreover font color is changed or i sud say, it has faded... pls help !

Please post a screenshot of your problem.

May 11th, 2016, 02:46 PM
Nice theme.

March 17th, 2021, 05:37 PM
Stupid question from newb: is there a Windows 10 version of this thread? Because I looked around but can't seem to find anything similar... maybe it's right in front of my nose and I'm missing it?

March 17th, 2021, 10:51 PM
Stupid question from newb: is there a Windows 10 version of this thread? Because I looked around but can't seem to find anything similar... maybe it's right in front of my nose and I'm missing it?

June 3rd, 2021, 08:22 AM
thanks for the tutorial