View Full Version : Please fix misspelling in user "titles" for "Apprentice". It's missing a "p"!

July 30th, 2014, 07:06 AM
If it hasn't been noticed yet, I'd really like to inform whomever can fix it, that the user title (which displays under the user picture) which says "aprentice" is misspelled because it's missing a "P". Can't stand having that displayed under my picture, I'm a huge stickler for details, especially when it comes to spelling, which is something I really love. I appreciate the hard work that goes into maintaining/running this forum/site, so please don't get the wrong idea. Love ya!

July 30th, 2014, 10:20 AM
Will tag some admins on this one, thanks for heads up! :peace:

July 31st, 2014, 12:27 AM
Sorry about that, I had already noticed that myself as well and had already uploaded the image with correct spelling, I had just forgotten to alter it in the admin control panel, done now though.