View Full Version : HUD Evolution vs Internet Explorer

August 20th, 2014, 11:05 AM
Hi all, I have a HUD Evolution installation issue :

iexpore.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point
shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID could not belocated in the dynamic link library api-ms-win-downlevel-shell32-i1-1-0-.dll.

I probably had the internet connected during installation and it caused the .dll not to take? Has anyone else had this problem?

If not, would I be right in reinstalling the purchased part of the Theme (only), I assume that’s where the .dll is located, and secondly can I install that Theme over the top of the existing without doing a clean install?

August 20th, 2014, 12:15 PM
Hello again mate, I thought I had updated the premium packs to fix this problem with IE but maybe not by the looks of it, you will be best to just install the theme with the installer in that case and use the separate icon packs you can get from this link http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/55110-HUD-Machine-Premium-Theme

To restore the files open a command prompt as administrator and type sfc /scannow, wait for it to complete and restart your computer, after that depending on if you are using uxstyle uxtheme patcher you will have to repatch to be able to use custom themes again, if your using uxstyle you can skip that step and just go straight to installing the icon packs again.

August 21st, 2014, 01:19 AM
Thanks Mr GRIM, easy as, resolved.

So the issue is in the 7tsp icon pack under HUD Evolution?

When it comes to installing HUD Launch Premium, will the issue exist in the 7tsp icon pack?

I ask because HUD Machine dosen't have a gold icon pack.

August 21st, 2014, 04:53 AM
Thanks Mr GRIM, easy as, resolved.

So the issue is in the 7tsp icon pack under HUD Evolution?

When it comes to installing HUD Launch Premium, will the issue exist in the 7tsp icon pack?

I ask because HUD Machine dosen't have a gold icon pack.

Not sure if that bug was present in the Launch pack but the cause of the bug was with the shell32.dll, if you do a sfc /scanfile you can restore just the shell32.dll and it should work, the best solution to this problem may just be to use another browser, Firefox and Chrome are far better then IE in my opinion.