View Full Version : MegaMinimal Purple And MegaMinimal Blue for 8.1

September 5th, 2014, 01:29 PM
Here you guys! Two more recolored versions of MegaMinimal 8.1..
MegaMinimal Purple and MegaMinimal Blue are both based from gsw953's MegaMinimal Green version..
Thanks to Greg for letting me recolor his theme..

MegaMinimal Purple


MegaMinimal Blue


"So as usual you will need to use"
UltraUxTheme Patcher 2.3 or up
OldNewExplorer 1.2.1 or up
Areoglass 1.2.5 or up
Black Glass Enhance
Taskbar Blur Toggle
Moo transparent Menu

"Theme Extras Included"
Token Light Extended 7tsp Iconpack For 8.1
Rainmeter Skin
WMP Skin
Custom Fonts

"Thanks to gsw953 for sharing his MegaMinimal theme with us and for his hard work put into them"

September 5th, 2014, 01:35 PM
Great job on recoloring mate, thanks to Greg also for his amazing minimalistic theme design and allowing this project here, blue version is on my mind, thank you for sharing! :Peace:

Harvey Sewdin
September 6th, 2014, 04:25 AM
Nice work dude, thanks for doing this :smile:

September 6th, 2014, 01:20 PM
Both colors look great! Thanks for doing them